15 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Abdominal obesity, gender and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis – a nested case–control study

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    The number of individuals in each BMI category in total and as presented in the stratified analyses. Table S2. The number of individuals with or without abdominal obesity in total and as presented in the stratified analyses. Table S3. The number of female individuals with or without abdominal obesity defined as waist circumference >102 cm/ ≤102 cm. Table S4. Comparison of characteristics between the individuals in the subset with waist circumference measurement compared with the individuals without this measurement. (DOCX 25 kb

    Lipid profiling predictive loading values (p(corr)) in the OPLS-DA model between pre-symptomatic individuals and controls; lipid species are coloured according to their chemical classes; p(corr) values indicate if the metabolite is in higher or lower levels in pre-symptomatic individuals in comparison with controls.

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    <p>Lipid profiling predictive loading values (p(corr)) in the OPLS-DA model between pre-symptomatic individuals and controls; lipid species are coloured according to their chemical classes; p(corr) values indicate if the metabolite is in higher or lower levels in pre-symptomatic individuals in comparison with controls.</p

    Descriptive data for pre-symptomatic individuals with plasma samples pre-dating the onset of RA by a median of 4.7 years and for control subjects.

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    <p>Descriptive data for pre-symptomatic individuals with plasma samples pre-dating the onset of RA by a median of 4.7 years and for control subjects.</p

    Metabolite predictive loading values (p(corr)) in the OPLS-DA model between pre-symptomatic individuals and controls; metabolites are coloured according to their chemical classes; p(corr) values indicate if the metabolite is in higher or lower levels in pre-symptomatic individuals in comparison with controls.

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    <p>Metabolite predictive loading values (p(corr)) in the OPLS-DA model between pre-symptomatic individuals and controls; metabolites are coloured according to their chemical classes; p(corr) values indicate if the metabolite is in higher or lower levels in pre-symptomatic individuals in comparison with controls.</p

    Descriptive data of 25 patients with RA at baseline and at follow-up.

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    <p>Data are presented as median with inter-quartile range (Q1-Q3), mean with standard deviation (SD) or number (%) when appropriate. In comparisons over time, the p-value refers to Wilcoxon signed ranks test or t-test.</p

    Multiple linear regression model.

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    <p>Variables in early disease associated with aerobic capacity (ml/kg/min) at follow-up.</p