7 research outputs found

    Propuesta metodológica para la evaluación colaborativa de la usabilidad de aplicaciones de televisión digital interactiva

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    La usabilidad es considerada como uno de los atributos básicos de cualquier sistema interactivo. Corresponde a un concepto que engloba una serie de métricas y métodos con el objetivo de obtener sistemas fáciles de usar y de aprender. Los métodos de evaluación de usabilidad, que permiten medir la aplicación de este atributo, son bastante diversos. Su realización depende de variables tales como los costos, la disponibilidad de tiempo, recursos humanos, etc. Un gran número de métodos de evaluación de usabilidad se puede utilizar para evaluar aplicaciones de Televisión Digital Interactiva - TDi, pero la incógnita está en el nivel de la información que brinda cada uno de ellos y/o la combinación de unos con otros. Esta investigación se enfoca en el estudio de los métodos de evaluación de usabilidad en aplicaciones de TDi, planteando una propuesta metodológica de evaluación, con el fin de obtener la mayor cantidad de información relevante respecto a la usabilidad de este tipo de aplicaciones. Adicionalmente, los métodos de evaluación que conforman la propuesta metodológica son diseñados de forma colaborativa, esto con el fin de generar resultados más adecuados respecto a las ventajas del trabajo colaborativo.Usability is considered one of the basic attributes of any interactive system. It is a concept that includes a set of metrics and methods with the objective to obtain systems easy to use and easy to learn. The usability evaluation methods, that allow the measurement of the usability attributes, are diverse. Its realization depends of variables like costs, time availability, human resources, etc. A large number of usability evaluation methods can be used to evaluate Interactive Digital Television – iDT applications, but the unknown is the level of information that gives each of them and/or combination with each other. This investigation is focused on the analysis of the usability evaluation methods in iDT applications, providing a usability evaluation methodological proposal, in order to obtain the major amount of relevant information when evaluating this type of applications. Additionally, the evaluation methods that make the methodological proposal are designed in a collaborative way, in order to generate adequate results regarding the benefits of collaborative work

    Evaluación colaborativa de la usabilidad en el desarrollo de sistemas software interactivos

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    Esta obra se enmarca en el contexto de la disciplina conocida como Interacción Humano-Computador (o HCI, Human-Computer Interaction, por sus siglas en inglés), la cual está relacionada con el diseño, la evaluación y la implementación de sistemas interactivos para que sean utilizados por personas; y con el estudio de los fenómenos más importantes relacionados con este tipo de interacción. Esta obra pone a disposición del lector una metodología de evaluación de usabilidad constituida por varias combinaciones de métodos de evaluación de usabilidad. Dichas combinaciones han sido establecidas a partir de los resultados del estudio de la pertinencia de un conjunto de métodos aplicados a diferentes sistemas software interactivos. Este libro complementa la propuesta metodológica por medio de la presentación de un método de desarrollo basado en el proceso unificado y en buenas prácticas para la construcción de entornos virtuales, los cuales son tomados como ejemplo de sistemas interactivos 3D. El modelo que aquí se propone sirve para el desarrollo de entornos virtuales desde una perspectiva de la Ingeniería del Software. Durante la descripción de este se hacen consideraciones especiales del modelado y los procesos de evaluació

    CollabABILITY cards: Supporting researchers and educators to co-design computer-supported collaborative learning activities for deaf children

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    Implementing Collaborative Learning (CL) activities to support the education of children is something that must be carefully designed to achieve the desired goals since just having a group of children working on the same activity does not guarantee proper collaboration. It is something that goes from defining the profile of the students to structuring the collaboration according to the learning objectives, the number of children per group, roles defined, and shared resources among others. Designing Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) activities may be even harder to achieve when collaboration is trying to be accomplished by children with some kind of disability due to differences in the way they communicate or understand the world around them, which is why in this study we decided to focus on designing CSCL activities for deaf children. Since there is not a clear path in the literature to achieve effective collaboration among deaf learners, we propose four stages to be followed through a set of 27 cards that were designed to guide designers/developers and educators through the process of co-designing such activities. The cards were implemented in such a way that they were easy to follow along with, with templates that allowed designers of the CL activity to register all the information related to it. Digital and printed versions of the cards were evaluated by researchers and educators with satisfactory results and a prototype for mobile devices was developed and tested by children through individual and collaborative learning activitie

    Interactive system implementation to encourage reading in vulnerable community children

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    This paper describes the process for the development of an interactive educational system for the children of the Siloé neighborhood of the Cali city, Colombia. Starting from the purpose of mitigating negative influences within the context of the neighborhood, this project seeks to encourage curiosity in children by reading as a core competency for their future, through a technological solution that sparks the interest of this community. In order to define the characteristics of the system, an inquiry process was carried out to identify the needs and charac‐ teristics of the target audience, as well as their preferences about technological devices and applications used by them. Once the main features were defined, the process of prototyping began based on sketches that evolved into prototypes of low and high fidelity. Then, those prototypes were evaluated with potential users, applying usability evaluation methods in order to collect information about the system and make the necessary adjustments to get an usable final product

    Desenho de videojogos suportados em Smartphones através de padrões de interação

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    Desde su aparición en los años 90, los patrones de software han sido fuente de información para tratar de solucionar problemas recurrentes relacionados con la creación e interacción de programas informáticos. Actualmente existe una gran variedad de estos patrones incluyendo los patrones de interacción, los cuales están enfocados en solucionar problemas relacionados con la comunicación directa entre un usuario y diferentes tipos de sistemas software, como por ejemplo, los videojuegos. Aunque los patrones de interacción también han sido utilizados en el contexto software de entretenimiento intentando mejorar la comunicación entre los diseñadores y jugadores, no resulta sencillo identificar cuáles de los patrones existentes podrían ser considerados para adaptarse al contexto de los videojuegos soportados en smartphones. En ese sentido, en el presente artículo se proponen y evalúan un conjunto de patrones de interacción enfocados en la facilidad de uso, adaptados al diseño de videojuegos soportados en smartphonesSince the moment they appeared in the 90s, software patterns have been a source of information when trying to solve recurring problems related to the creation and interaction of software. Nowadays, there is a variety of these patterns including interaction patterns, which are focused on solving problems related to direct communication between a user and different kind of software systems, such as videogames. Although interaction patterns have also been used in the context of entertainment software trying to improve communication between designers and players, it is not easy to identify which existing patterns could be considered to be adapted to the context of videogames supported in smartphones. In that sense, this article proposes and evaluates a set of interaction patterns focused on ease of use, adapted to the design of videogames supported in smartphone

    CollabABILITY cards: Supporting researchers and educators to co-design computer-supported collaborative learning activities for deaf children

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    Implementing Collaborative Learning (CL) activities to support the education of children is something that must be carefully designed to achieve the desired goals since just having a group of children working on the same activity does not guarantee proper collaboration. It is something that goes from defining the profile of the students to structuring the collaboration according to the learning objectives, the number of children per group, roles defined, and shared resources among others. Designing Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) activities may be even harder to achieve when collaboration is trying to be accomplished by children with some kind of disability due to differences in the way they communicate or understand the world around them, which is why in this study we decided to focus on designing CSCL activities for deaf children. Since there is not a clear path in the literature to achieve effective collaboration among deaf learners, we propose four stages to be followed through a set of 27 cards that were designed to guide designers/developers and educators through the process of co-designing such activities. The cards were implemented in such a way that they were easy to follow along with, with templates that allowed designers of the CL activity to register all the information related to it. Digital and printed versions of the cards were evaluated by researchers and educators with satisfactory results and a prototype for mobile devices was developed and tested by children through individual and collaborative learning activitie

    Espirales de reflexividad crítica y propositiva para escribir la educación media de Bogotá

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    399 p. Libro digita