88 research outputs found

    Optimal correction of independent and correlated errors

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    We identify optimal quantum error correction codes for situations that do not admit perfect correction. We provide analytic n-qubit results for standard cases with correlated errors on multiple qubits and demonstrate significant improvements to the fidelity bounds and optimal entanglement decay profiles.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Updated to include fidelity analysi

    Extended two-level quantum dissipative system from bosonization of the elliptic spin-1/2 Kondo model

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    We study the elliptic spin-1/2 Kondo model (spin-1/2 fermions in one dimension with fully anisotropic contact interactions with a magnetic impurity) in the light of mappings to bosonic systems using the fermion-boson correspondence and associated unitary transformations. We show that for fixed fermion number, the bosonic system describes a two-level quantum dissipative system with two noninteracting copies of infinitely-degenerate upper and lower levels. In addition to the standard tunnelling transitions, and the transitions driven by the dissipative coupling, there are also bath-mediated transitions between the upper and lower states which simultaneously effect shifts in the horizontal degeneracy label. We speculate that these systems could provide new examples of continuous time quantum random walks, which are exactly solvable.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Quasiclassical theory for the superconducting proximity effect in Dirac materials

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    We derive the quasiclassical non-equilibrium Eilenberger and Usadel equations to first order in quantities small compared to the Fermi energy, valid for Dirac edge and surface electrons with spin-momentum locking, as relevant for topological insulators. We discuss in detail several of the key technical points and assumptions of the derivation, and provide a Riccati-parametrization of the equations. Solving first the equilibrium equations for S/N and S/F bilayers and Josephson junctions, we study the superconducting proximity effect in Dirac materials. Similarly to related works, we find that the effect of an exchange field depends strongly on the direction of the field. Only components normal to the transport direction lead to attenuation of the Cooper pair wavefunction inside the F. Fields parallel to the transport direction lead to phase-shifts in the dependence on the superconducting phase difference for both the charge current and density of states in an S/F/S-junction. Moreover, we compute the differential conductance in S/N and S/F bilayers with an applied voltage bias, and determine the dependence on the length of the N and F regions and the exchange field.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Critical Temperature and Tunneling Spectroscopy of Superconductor-Ferromagnet Hybrids with Intrinsic Rashba-Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We investigate theoretically how the proximity effect in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid structures with intrinsic spin-orbit coupling manifests in the density of states and critical temperature. To describe a general scenario, we allow for both Rashba and Dresselhaus type spin-orbit coupling. Our results are obtained via the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity, extended to include spin-orbit coupling in the Usadel equation and Kupriyanov--Lukichev boundary conditions. Unlike previous works, we have derived a Riccati parametrization of the Usadel equation with spin-orbit coupling which allows us to address the full proximity regime. First, we consider the density of states in both SF bilayers and SFS trilayers, where the spectroscopic features in the latter case are sensitive to the phase difference between the two superconductors. We find that the presence of spin-orbit coupling leaves clear spectroscopic fingerprints in the density of states due to its role in creating spin-triplet Cooper pairs. Unlike SF and SFS structures without spin-orbit coupling, the density of states in the present case depends strongly on the direction of magnetization. We show that the spin-orbit coupling can stabilize singlet superconductivity even in the presence of a strong exchange field h≫Δh \gg \Delta. This leads to the possibility of a magnetically tunable minigap: changing the direction of the exchange field opens and closes the minigap. We also determine how the critical temperature TcT_c of an SF bilayer is affected by spin-orbit coupling and demonstrate that one can achieve a spin-valve effect with a single ferromagnet. We find that TcT_c displays highly non-monotonic behavior both as a function of the magnetization direction and the type and direction of the spin-orbit coupling, offering a new way to exert control over the superconductivity of proximity structures.Comment: 25 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    High magnetic field superconductivity in a two-band superconductor

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    When applying an external magnetic field to a superconductor, orbital and Pauli paramagnetic pairbreaking effects govern the limit of the upper critical magnetic field that can be supported before superconductivity breaks down. Experimental studies have shown that many multiband superconductors exhibit values of the upper critical magnetic field that violate the theoretically predicted limit, giving rise to many studies treating the underlying mechanisms that allow this. In this work we consider spin-splitting induced by an external magnetic field in a superconductor with two relevant bands close to the Fermi level, and show that the presence of interband superconducting pairing produces high-field reentrant superconductivity violating the Pauli-Chandrasekhar-Clogston limit for the value of the upper critical magnetic field

    Cavity-mediated superconductor\unicode{x2013}ferromagnetic insulator coupling

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    A recent proof of concept showed that cavity photons can mediate superconducting (SC) signatures to a ferromagnetic insulator (FI) over a macroscopic distance [Phys. Rev. B, 102, 180506(R) (2020)]. In contrast with conventional proximity systems, this facilitates long-distance FI\unicode{x2013}SC coupling, local subjection to different drives and temperatures, and studies of their mutual interactions without proximal disruption of their orders. Here we derive a microscopic theory for these interactions, with an emphasis on the leading effect on the FI, namely, an induced anisotropy field. In an arbitrary practical example, we find an anisotropy field of 14 \unicode{x2013} 16 μ\muT, which is expected to yield an experimentally appreciable tilt of the FI spins for low-coercivity FIs such as Bi-YIG. We discuss the implications and potential applications of such a system in the context of superconducting spintronics.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure
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