5 research outputs found

    Accessibilitat i videojocs

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    En els últims anys la societat cada cop s’està envellint més gràcies als progressos de la medicina. L’esperança de vida ha augmentat bastant en la nostra zona i una part important de la nostra població té més de 60 anys. Que l’esperança hagi augmentat també comporta algunes desavantatges, com per exemple problemes de salut. Molts cops és necessari l’ús de la rehabilitació, que ha millorat la seva efectivitat i cobertura als pacients gràcies a la integració de les noves tecnologies. Actualment la crisis econòmica ha provocat retallades importants en la sanitat pública. S’han fet ajustaments de plantilla, i s’ha millorat l’eficiència per tal de reduir costos. Una de les maneres de millorar l’eficiència és amb la tecnologia dels videojocs, poden millorar la cobertura als pacients i aportar la capacitat de fer més exercicis. Cada cop més s’està utilitzant per a la rehabilitació de pacients. L’objectiu d’aquest treball es disposar d’una eina per la creació o pràctica d’exercicis de rehabilitació. Aquesta eina ha d’aprofitar les avantatges de les consoles de videojocs i reconèixer els moviments realitzats pel pacient per a poder fer un seguiment del progrés a distància. Aquest treball també permetrà monitoritzar a un familiar o pacient que està a la seva casa, de manera que podrem reconèixer diferents patrons de comportament. Per exemple, si ha caigut, o ha obert el calaix de les medicines, etc.. El resultat d’aquests exercicis es publicaran en una xarxa social personalitzada, així els familiars o el personal sanitari podran fer un seguiment del pacient. També tindran la possibilitat de monitoritzar l’habitació del pacient de manera remota. La aplicació resultant serà interactiva i de fàcil seguiment, que millorarà l’eficiència de la sanitat

    Distributed Traffic Matrix Measurement in Software-Defined Networks

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    The creation and development of new protocols in computer networks is not an easy task. Accessibility to the source code of the devices and permission of the network administrators are necessary in order to carry out tests of new protocols. Besides, network administrators do not allow experimenting on their networks because they are afraid of possible tests that can deteriorate their service. Software-Defined Networks (SDN) appear to be the solution to these problems. SDN separates the control and forwarding planes of a network switch or router, allows a centralized management of the devices, and thus easies complex tasks that involve all the nodes of a network, such as load balancing or traffic engineering. One of the classical problems in networking is how to obtain the traffic matrix (TM) of the network. The TM represents the demand from the network users, and is a key parameter for any activity related to network planning, dimensioning, and operation. In legacy IP networks TMs are not easy to obtain. The estimation of the TM involves gathering simultaneously traffic measurements and routing information, and correlating them in a meaningful way. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a distributed architecture that takes advantage of the SDN architecture for obtaining the TM in a distributed manner. In our approach every switch is responsible of calculating a fraction of the traffic matrix: the flows that ingress the network through this specific node. In this manner, the overhead due to packet flooding and CPU usage at the SDN controller is avoided. We extended OpenFlow protocol with new messages, and modified the firmware of the devices and the code of the controller in order to handle them. We implemented and evaluated the approach in a testbed with low-end devices (low-cost Linux-powered routers with OpenFlow capabilities), obtaining good results. The traffic matrix can be measured without delays even with a large amount of traffic. We analysed the new OpenFlow messages and noticed that some improvement can be done for avoiding even more unnecessary CPU usage at the controller

    Distributed Traffic Matrix Measurement in Software-Defined Networks

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    The creation and development of new protocols in computer networks is not an easy task. Accessibility to the source code of the devices and permission of the network administrators are necessary in order to carry out tests of new protocols. Besides, network administrators do not allow experimenting on their networks because they are afraid of possible tests that can deteriorate their service. Software-Defined Networks (SDN) appear to be the solution to these problems. SDN separates the control and forwarding planes of a network switch or router, allows a centralized management of the devices, and thus easies complex tasks that involve all the nodes of a network, such as load balancing or traffic engineering. One of the classical problems in networking is how to obtain the traffic matrix (TM) of the network. The TM represents the demand from the network users, and is a key parameter for any activity related to network planning, dimensioning, and operation. In legacy IP networks TMs are not easy to obtain. The estimation of the TM involves gathering simultaneously traffic measurements and routing information, and correlating them in a meaningful way. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a distributed architecture that takes advantage of the SDN architecture for obtaining the TM in a distributed manner. In our approach every switch is responsible of calculating a fraction of the traffic matrix: the flows that ingress the network through this specific node. In this manner, the overhead due to packet flooding and CPU usage at the SDN controller is avoided. We extended OpenFlow protocol with new messages, and modified the firmware of the devices and the code of the controller in order to handle them. We implemented and evaluated the approach in a testbed with low-end devices (low-cost Linux-powered routers with OpenFlow capabilities), obtaining good results. The traffic matrix can be measured without delays even with a large amount of traffic. We analysed the new OpenFlow messages and noticed that some improvement can be done for avoiding even more unnecessary CPU usage at the controller

    Distributed Traffic Matrix Measurement in Software-Defined Networks

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    The creation and development of new protocols in computer networks is not an easy task. Accessibility to the source code of the devices and permission of the network administrators are necessary in order to carry out tests of new protocols. Besides, network administrators do not allow experimenting on their networks because they are afraid of possible tests that can deteriorate their service. Software-Defined Networks (SDN) appear to be the solution to these problems. SDN separates the control and forwarding planes of a network switch or router, allows a centralized management of the devices, and thus easies complex tasks that involve all the nodes of a network, such as load balancing or traffic engineering. One of the classical problems in networking is how to obtain the traffic matrix (TM) of the network. The TM represents the demand from the network users, and is a key parameter for any activity related to network planning, dimensioning, and operation. In legacy IP networks TMs are not easy to obtain. The estimation of the TM involves gathering simultaneously traffic measurements and routing information, and correlating them in a meaningful way. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a distributed architecture that takes advantage of the SDN architecture for obtaining the TM in a distributed manner. In our approach every switch is responsible of calculating a fraction of the traffic matrix: the flows that ingress the network through this specific node. In this manner, the overhead due to packet flooding and CPU usage at the SDN controller is avoided. We extended OpenFlow protocol with new messages, and modified the firmware of the devices and the code of the controller in order to handle them. We implemented and evaluated the approach in a testbed with low-end devices (low-cost Linux-powered routers with OpenFlow capabilities), obtaining good results. The traffic matrix can be measured without delays even with a large amount of traffic. We analysed the new OpenFlow messages and noticed that some improvement can be done for avoiding even more unnecessary CPU usage at the controller

    Accessibilitat i videojocs

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    En els últims anys la societat cada cop s’està envellint més gràcies als progressos de la medicina. L’esperança de vida ha augmentat bastant en la nostra zona i una part important de la nostra població té més de 60 anys. Que l’esperança hagi augmentat també comporta algunes desavantatges, com per exemple problemes de salut. Molts cops és necessari l’ús de la rehabilitació, que ha millorat la seva efectivitat i cobertura als pacients gràcies a la integració de les noves tecnologies. Actualment la crisis econòmica ha provocat retallades importants en la sanitat pública. S’han fet ajustaments de plantilla, i s’ha millorat l’eficiència per tal de reduir costos. Una de les maneres de millorar l’eficiència és amb la tecnologia dels videojocs, poden millorar la cobertura als pacients i aportar la capacitat de fer més exercicis. Cada cop més s’està utilitzant per a la rehabilitació de pacients. L’objectiu d’aquest treball es disposar d’una eina per la creació o pràctica d’exercicis de rehabilitació. Aquesta eina ha d’aprofitar les avantatges de les consoles de videojocs i reconèixer els moviments realitzats pel pacient per a poder fer un seguiment del progrés a distància. Aquest treball també permetrà monitoritzar a un familiar o pacient que està a la seva casa, de manera que podrem reconèixer diferents patrons de comportament. Per exemple, si ha caigut, o ha obert el calaix de les medicines, etc.. El resultat d’aquests exercicis es publicaran en una xarxa social personalitzada, així els familiars o el personal sanitari podran fer un seguiment del pacient. També tindran la possibilitat de monitoritzar l’habitació del pacient de manera remota. La aplicació resultant serà interactiva i de fàcil seguiment, que millorarà l’eficiència de la sanitat