248 research outputs found

    The Situation of Latinos in the United States During D. Trump’s Presidency: Overview of Political Transformations’ Issues in the Publications of American Authors for 2018–2020

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    Introduction. The overview’s subject is the problem of Latin Americans’ situation (citizens and noncitizens of the USA) during the D. Trump’s presidency, reflected in new works by American authors. The historiography overview consist of researchers’ monographs from American universities and analytical articles from academic journals and periodicals. The overview’s logical systematization is based on two principles: the established chronological framework and the grouping of author’s views on a particular problem. Relevance. The overview topic’s relevance is caused by significant reduction in the rights and increased prosecution of Latinos in the contemporary of the United States which is emphasized by the American authors themselves. The authors emphasized the theoretical basis for the new migration political process was making D. Trump’s conservative nationalist policy which is called “America First”. The implementation of such policy leads to new challenges in ensuring national security, exacerbating social conflicts and splitting the American society. Purpose. The work’s purpose is to highlight new trends in the US immigration policy that significantly restricted the rights and freedoms of Latin American citizens and Latin American refugees living in the country during this period. Methods. The author of the article used the following methodological tools: the scientific principle of objectivity, which allowed us to assess the degree of subjective information contained in the publications; the ontological (substantive) approach, which was used to clarify the actors of conflict interaction in the process of the White House’s transformational policy presented in new American studies; the institutional method based on the research works, which allowed us to determine changes in the functions and activities of the US government’s departments when dealing with immigration issues and the situation of Latin American citizens and non-citizens in the United States during the D. Trump’s presidency. Results. The results consist in the recognition of the nativist and conservative nationalist policy of the US government towards Latin Americans by the American academic and expert community, which contradicts the values declared by the American society and contributes to its separation and division creating greater inequality within it. Although the historiography overview did not aim to examine Latinos’ situation in the United States in historical retrospect. All of these could be noted in the above works that no American author noted an improvement in the situation of Latinos during D. Trump’s presidency, compared to the previous administrations of B. Clinton, G.W. Bush and B. Obama. Many authors noted that new problems have been added to the old problems of Latinos and incoming immigrants. The results area. The results obtained can be used by Russian Americanist researchers to conduct their further researches in the fields of area studies, international relations, international processes, and the history of foreign countries. Conclusion. The Latinos’ situation analysis in the United States during the D. Trump’s presidency was based on American authors’ publications for 2018–2020, which suggests not only the devastating impact of the White House’s transformative policies toward Latinos, but also the changing structure of American society itself, which is inherently immigrant

    The Foreign Experts on the Internal Political Transformation’s Processes in Latin America in the Third Decade of the 21st Century

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    The article’s introduction includes the main prerequisites for internal political transformation’s process in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The study’s purpose is to identify new trends in the largest countries’ domestic policies in the region in the third decade of the 21st century. The study’s materials are used mainly by Spanish-speaking authors and Spanish-speaking news agencies who most closely and fully know the situations in LAC countries, the objective data from reports of the various UN structures, and independent Englishspeaking researchers invited to Latin American universities. The article’s methodological basis was the scientific principle of objectivity, which it made possible from the available array of information to identify the main directions of transformation taking place in LAC countries in the study period. The systematic approach’s application made it possible to identify the main events in LAC countries that characterize the multi-vector transformation trends. The article’s author identified further perspectives for LAC countries development with the help of special historicalcomparative and historical-genetic methods. The study’s results were the author’s conclusions that the domestic policy of big Latin American countries in the third decade of the 21st century is characterized by a tendency of “catching up” development. There is a noted instability of the domestic political course in the political system of these Latin American countries (from a liberal to a conservative course and vice versa), and the economic models’ frequent change does not give the desired result. The social problems are caused by the main population’s poverty, especially the indigenous one, and these problems cannot be resolved due to transnational migration of the population and transnational crime (from drug trafficking to human trafficking and weapons). All this explains the diversity of the internal political transformation in Latin American countries

    The US Climate Agenda as an Opportunity for American Society’s Socio-Political Transformation

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    The article’s introduction includes a justification of the climate policy’s dependence and socioeconomic transformation in American society. The research’s purpose is to substantiate that the climate crisis is a complex infrastructural issue that requires solutions from all institutions and spheres of American society to achieve sustainable development and leadership. The article’s materials consist of international treaties, laws, and protocols that are adopted by the US Congress, the US government’s orders and plans, US politicians’ speeches and correspondence, research articles and monographs by famous scientists from various countries, the political practice’s analysis of the presidential administration of J. Biden in the conditions of fulfilling the obligations assumed by the United States under the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as new social and economic problems related to the hydrocarbons’ use. The article analyzes the Environmental Protection Agency’s activities and the supporters’ and opponents’ actions regarding the use of fossil fuels. The methodology is based on the principles of scientific historical research; a rationalistic approach is used as a methodological approach, and two special historical methods are used as research methods: systemic and genetic. The study’s results were updated plans and actions by the American government to address the climate agenda for the 2016–2020 period. As a result, the article’s author comes to several conclusions, which are that the struggle for a fair energy transition during the 2016–2022 period made American society more polarized and divided taken the measures according to ideas and actions. The so-called BIPOC community began to play a special role in this movement as the main force in a period of change and as a hope for the creation of a more fair society in America. The Inflation Reduction Act (2022) created the conditions for American society’s consolidation. The changes should be expected in 2023 as visible trends in socio-political modernization after the adoption of this law: for example, in healthcare, greater availability of medicines and lower prices for them, especially for insulin-dependent people; greater availability for more citizens in the health insurance sphere; reduction of citizens’ costs for electricity and energy efficiency of household appliances; reduction of taxes for low- and medium-income citizens; a tangible reduction in harmful pollution from fossil fuels; and the expected reduction in cancer diseases among Americans

    Vema Channel: Antarctic bottom water temperatures continue to rise

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    “Right Moves”: the American View on the Formation of the U.S. Political Culture from the Second Half of the 20th Century and the First Half of the 21st Century (Book Review: Stahl, J. Right Moves: the Conservative Think Tank in American Political Culture since 1945 [Text] / J. Stahl. - Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2016. - 248 p.)

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    The review of the monograph by J. Stahl presents to Russian readership the author’s views on the process of development of the American political culture in the second half of the 20th century and in the first decade of the 21st century. According J. Stahl, during this period, the “right move” took place in the U.S., and its ideological support was carried out by American think tanks. The relevance of J. Stahl’s work consists in setting the new trends in the development of American political culture in the period under study, which extended American conservative traditions and values and disseminated them to all spheres of public life in the United States. In our opinion, based on the principle of historicism, the work under review represents a new contribution to studying American political culture In the western historiography. As for our critical remarks, they consist in the author’s underestimation of the analysis of value-normative factors in the post-war development of the American political culture, when the political consciousness as well as the political behavior of the American political and intellectual elite had changed

    Review of New American Studies on the Civil War (1861–1865) and Reconstruction in the USA (1865–1877) for 2019

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    Introduction. Studies of American historians on the Civil War and Reconstruction continue to be central issues in the 21st century. There is an increased public demand for these studies. The author of the analytical review of American publications tries to answer the question of what this interest is related to. Methods. The author of the review uses the methodological tools such as the scientific principle of objectivity, the special historicalcomparative method and the systematic approach to answer this question. Analysis. The author points out the main areas of studying new aspects marked by American historians of the mid-19th century. These areas include the issues and interpretations on military, political, everyday, anthropological, social and cultural, and economic history. Besides, new approaches in peer-reviewed monographs for the comprehensive coverage of the study material of this issue are highlighted. Results. The interest of academicians and the American public to studying the historical period of the Civil War and Reconstruction, on the one hand, tells about carrying the deep psycho-civilizational trauma by all subsequent generations of both white and black Americans at this time, and on the other hand, this war debunks the myth of God’s chosen destiny of the American nation to build a “City on a Hill”. Constant refinements, additions, revisions, and reinterpretations of the events and consequences of the Civil War and Reconstruction in contemporary American historiography only confirm this conclusion. The publications selected by the reviewer on this issue for 2019 not only introduce new American historical works to Russian Americanists, but also provide an opportunity to expand their own research on this issue

    Информационное моделирование экстремальных состояний пострадавших в чрезвычайных ситуациях

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    In this thesis conceptual model of adaptation (kinesis) syndromes of traumatic stress situation was proposed including information models of acute (traumatic) and chronic (sports or professional) overloaded and acute (premorbid) and chronic (senile) hypokinesis adaptation syndromes, which allow to prognoses the stage of traumatic disease and acute hypokinesia at molecular, cellular, organic and organism levels.Предложена концептуальная модель адаптационных (кинезных) травматических стресс-ситуаций, включающая информационные модели острых (травматических) и хронических (спортивных и профессиональных) перегрузочных и острых (параморбидных) и хронических (сенильных) гипокинезных адаптационных синдромов, позволяющих прогнозировать поэтапное течение травматической болезни и острой гипокинезии на молекулярном, клеточном, органном и организменном уровнях

    The Doctrinal Foundations of the Change in U.S. Foreign Policy During Trump’s Presidency: Mexico and Canada

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    Introduction. The research’s subject is the foreign policy’s theoretical foundations of D. Trump’s presidential administration in 2016–2020, which consist in changing the principles’ use of American liberal internationalism to the conservative nationalism’s principles under the motto which is called “Make America Great Again”. The theoretical approaches’ basis of intergovernmental interaction in the field of politics, economics and migration is considered on the example of relations between the United States, Canada and Mexico. The work’s purpose is to identify the doctrinal basis of D. Trump administration’s foreign policy and the impact of the adopted foreign policy settings on changes in intergovernmental interaction in the international arena. Methods. The theoretical bases’ methodology for the doctrinal provisions development of the U.S. foreign policy during the D. Trump’s administration was to use behavioral approach and special methods of political analysis. There were no major analytical studies on this topic at the time of writing. Therefore, the author of the article used the materials for his research from Russian and American scientific and periodical journals for 2019–2020. Analysis. The publications’ analysis by domestic and American authors has shown that the change in the U.S. foreign policy during the D. Trump’s presidency is due not so much to the personal qualities of the U.S. President, as some researchers believe, but to the objective conditions of the world process, where the United States want to but they can’t bear the burden of the world leader in the conditions of significant growth of other global power centers. Results. The author’s analysis of intergovernmental interaction between the United States, Canada and Mexico has shown the chosen path of using the conservative nationalism’s principles in relations with their closest allies is not so much due to the personal qualities of D. Trump how many objective changes taking place in the world political process, which led to an increase in mutual contradictions between these states. Overall, the author argues that the choice of a conservative nationalism’s policy in American foreign policy is associated with the crisis of liberal democracy

    Эколого-гигиеническая характеристика и здоровье детского населения Центрального региона России

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    In article are given the ekologo-hygienic characteristic of subjects of the Central federal district of the Russian Federation and the disease analysis on the basic classes of illnesses of children living in territories with various degree of pollution. The consumer approach to the natural resources, unreasoned development of manufactures without ecological consequences have led to occurrence of dangerous regions of the country and separate zones with intense ecological conditions, and, hence, to deterioration of health of people and that is the most dangerous, - children.В статье даны эколого-гигиеническая характеристика субъектов Центрального федерального округа Российской Федерации и анализ заболеваемости по основным классам болезней детей, проживающих на территориях с различной степенью загрязнения. Потребительский подход к природным ресурсам, непродуманное развитие производств без учета экологических последствий привели к возникновению опасных регионов страны и отдельных зон с напряженной экологической обстановкой, и, следовательно, к ухудшению здоровья людей и, что наиболее опасно, - детей

    Причинно-следственные связи между состоянием здоровья детей и экзогенными факторами в Центральном регионе России

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    In article are considered possibilities carrying out of a comparative estimation of comparable indicators for the disease analysis, such as indicators of disease of one object during the different time periods, indicators of disease of different objects during one period of time. On the basis of results of research the databank of the mediko-ecological information intended for carrying out of modelling calculations and computer experiments on forecasting of variants of development of mediko-ecological conditions in region, and also for revealing of groups of the greatest risk of development of ecologically caused diseases can be created.В статье проводится сравнительная оценка сопоставимых показателей заболеваемости, такие как показатели заболеваемости одного объекта в разные временные периоды, показатели заболеваемости разных объектов в один период времени. На основании результатов исследования может быть создан банк данных медико-экологической информации, предназначенный для проведения модельных расчетов и компьютерных экспериментов по прогнозированию вариантов развития медико-экологической обстановки в регионе, а также для выявления групп наибольшего риска развития экологически обусловленных заболеваний