6 research outputs found
Rozlany chłoniak złośliwy typu B przebiegający z naciekiem skrzyżowania wzrokowego, zaburzeniami widzenia, niedoczynnością przysadki, hiperprolaktynemią i moczówką prostą. Opis przypadku i przegląd literatury
The case is reported of a 55-year-old man with diffuse malignant
lymphoma type B associated with transient optic
chiasm infiltration and visual disturbances but with persistent
hypopituitarism, hyperprolactinaemia and diabetes
insipidus. The patient was administered chemotherapy and
radiotherapy. Repeated MR and CT scans showed optic
chiasm infiltration, which disappeared in the course of the
chemotherapy but then recurred, changed its appearance
and finally disappeared again. In the meantime visual disturbances
occurred and disappeared during the therapy.
Hypopituitarism, diabetes insipidus and hyperprolactinaemia
were diagnosed and replacement therapy was administered.
Later on abdominal pain occurred, and a CT scan
revealed bilateral kidney masses and enlarged retroperitoneal
lymph nodes. These were diffuse malignant lymphoma
with regional lymphonodulitis in histology. Finally,
hydrothorax and hydroretroperitoneum were diagnosed.
The patient died as a result of systemic complications of the disease. The length of survival time documented following
the hypothalamochiasmatic infiltration and diagnosis of
lymphoma makes the case an unusual one for patients with
CNS lymphoma. Hormonal disturbances accompanying the
suprasellar region infiltration are very important from the
practical point of view.Przedstawiono opis przypadku 55-letniego mężczyzny chorującego
na rozlanego chłoniaka złośliwego typu B z towarzyszącym
przemijającym naciekiem skrzyżowania wzrokowego
i zaburzeniami widzenia oraz przetrwałą niedoczynnością
przysadki, hiperprolaktynemią i moczówką
prostą. Chorego leczono chemio- i radioterapią. Powtarzane
badania za pomocą jądrowego rezonansu magnetycznego
(NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance) i tomografii komputerowej
(TK) wykazywały naciek skrzyżowania nerwów
wzrokowych, który ustępował w wyniku chemioterapii
i znowu nawracał, zmieniał swój charakter i w końcu wycofał
się. Równocześnie pojawiły się zaburzenia widzenia,
które również ustąpiły w czasie leczenia. Stwierdzono wymagające
substytucji niedoczynność przysadki i moczówkę
prostą, a także hiperprolaktynemię. W późniejszym czasie
dołączyły się objawy brzuszne i w badaniu TK stwierdzono
obustronne zmiany w nerkach i powiększenie pozaotrzewnowych
węzłów chłonnych. W badaniu histolopatologicznym
potwierdzono rozpoznanie rozlanego chłoniaka złośliwego
i miejscowe zapalenie węzłów chłonnych. Następnie wykazano obecność płynu w jamie opłucnej i przestrzeni pozaotrzewnowej,
a pacjent zmarł z powodu powikłań choroby
zasadniczej. W opisywanym przypadku udokumentowano
długie przeżycie od czasu rozpoznania nacieku
okolicy podwzgórza i skrzyżowania wzrokowego w przebiegu
chłoniaka, co jest rzadkością w chłoniakach ośrodkowego
układu nerwowego. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia
ważne są zaburzenia hormonalne towarzyszące nacieczeniu
okolicy nadsiodłowej
Guzy przysadki - trzy warianty kliniczne; różne konsekwencje terapeutyczne
Autorzy omówili 3 przypadki guzów przysadki. Przedstawiono
chorych z guzem hormonalnie czynnym, hormonalnie nieczynnym
oraz guzem bezobjawowym, określanym jako incydentaloma.
W każdym z tych przypadków kliniczne objawy guza oraz
schemat postępowania leczniczego były różne. Podkreślono znaczenie
badań obrazowych przysadki (rezonans magnetyczny) oraz
badań hormonalnych - zarówno w postępowaniu diagnostycznym,
jak i w ustalaniu indywidualnych algorytmów leczenia. Zwrócono
również uwagę na brak typowego obrazu klinicznego większości
guzów przysadki
Przypadek rozrodczaka podwzgórza i szyszynki
A case of 19-year-old male with idiopathic diabetes insipidus diagnosed 9 years ago. 1.5 years from the onset of the disease
vision disturbances, neurologic deficiencies and symptoms of hypopituitarism showed up. MRI examination revealed an
advanced hypophyseal and pineal gland tumor - germinoma. Total regression was achieved with radio- and chemotherapy.
For 7 years from the end of treatment patient has not declared any complains except for vision disturbances and
hypopituitarism has been substituted succesfully. The case puts on the necessity of a strict endocrinologic and radiologic
follow-up in patients with idiopathic diabetes insipidus due to the possibility of existing potencially curable disease ie.
intracranial tumor.
(Pol J Endocrinol 2007; 58 (5): 448-452)W pracy przedstawiono 19-letniego chorego, u którego przed 9 laty rozpoznano idiopatyczną moczówkę prostą. Po półtora
roku wystąpiły zaburzenia widzenia, neurologiczne i objawy niewydolności przedniego płata przysadki, a w badaniu
rezonansem magnetycznym (MRI, magnetic resonance imaging) ujawniono zaawansowanego guza okolicy podwzgórza
i szyszynki o typie germinoma. Po radio- i chemioterapii stwierdzono całkowitą regresję zmian. Po 7 latach od zakończenia
leczenia, poza znacznym ograniczeniem pola widzenia, chory nie zgłasza dolegliwości, a niewydolność przysadki jest
wyrównana substytucyjnie. Przedstawiony przypadek i dane z piśmiennictwa wskazują na konieczność częstej kontroli
endokrynologicznej i obrazowej w przypadkach samoistnej moczówki prostej, gdyż po miesiącach lub latach może ujawnić
się guz, w tym także o typie rozrodczaka, a podjęcie odpowiedniego postępowania lekarskiego rokuje nawet wyleczenie.
(Endokrynol Pol 2007; 58 (5): 448-452
Comparison of post-surgical MRI presentation of the pituitary gland and its hormonal function
Background: Post-surgical evaluation of the pituitary gland in MRI is difficult because of a change of anatomical conditions. It depends also on numerous other factors, including: size and expansion of a tumour before surgery, type of surgical access, quality and volume of filling material used and time of its resorption.The aim of the study was to compare MR image of the pituitary gland after surgery with clinical findings and to establish a correlation between MRI presentation of spared pituitary and its hormonal function. Material/Methods: 124 patients after resection of pituitary adenomas - 409 MRI results in total - were studied. With a 1.5-T unit, T1-weighted sagittal and coronal, enhanced and unenhanced images were obtained. Results: The pituitary gland seemed to be normal in MRI in 11 patients, 8 of them had completely regular pituitary function but in 3 of them we noticed a partial hypopituitarism. In 99 patients only a part of the pituitary gland was recognised, 53 of them had hypopituitarism but 46 of them were endocrinologically healthy. 14 patients seemed to have no persistent pituitary gland in MRI, in comparison to hormonal studies: there was panhypopituitarism in 6 and hypopituitarism in 8 cases. Conclusions: MRI presentation of post - surgical pituitary gland doesn't necessarily correlate with its hormonal function - there was a significant statistical difference. Some patients with partial pituitary seems normal hormonal function. In some cases the pituitary seem normal in MRI but these patients have hormonal disorders and need substitution therapy
MRI image characteristics of materials implanted at sellar region after transsphenoidal resection of pituitary tumours
Background: Post-surgical evaluation of the pituitary gland in MRI is difficult because of a change in anatomical conditions. It depends also on numerous other factors, including: size and expansion of the tumour before surgery, type of surgical access, quality and volume of implanted materials and time of its resorption. The purpose was to demonstrate the characteristics of the implanted materials on MRI performed after transsphenoidal resection of pituitary tumours and to identify imaging criteria helpful in differential diagnosis of masses within the sellar region. Material/Methods: One hundred and fifty-four patients after transsphenoidal resection of pituitary tumours were included in the study. In general, 469 MRI examinations were performed with a 1.5T scanner. We obtained T1-weighted sagittal and coronal, enhanced and unenhanced images. In 102 cases, additional T2-weighted coronal, unenhanced images with 1.5 T unit were obtained as well. Results: The implanted materials appeared in 95 patient: fat in 86 and muscle with fascia in 3 patients. We could recognise implanted muscle and fascia in T2-weighted images, because of high signal intensity of the degenerating muscle and the line of low signal representing fascia. The implanted titanium mesh was found in 4 patients. Haemostatic materials were visible only in 2 patients in examinations performed at an early postoperative stage (1 month after the procedure). Conclusions: The knowledge of MRI characteristics of the materials implanted at the sellar region is very important in postoperative diagnosis of pituitary tumours and may help discriminate between tumorous and non-tumorous involvement of the sellar region. Some implanted materials, like fat, could be seen on MRI for as long as 10 years after the operation, others, like haemostatic materials, for only 1 month after surgery. T2-weighted imaging is a useful assessment method of the implanted muscle and fascia for a long time after surgery
Analysis of metabolic changes of brain in HIV-1 seropositive patients with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Background: Asymptomatic central nervous system involvement may occur in the early stages of the HIV infection. The aim of the study was to evaluate early brain metabolic changes by means of proton MR spectroscopy (H1MRS) in the HIV-1 seropositive patients without neurological deficits or significant abnormalities in the plain MR study. Material/Methods: The H1MRS examinations were performed with the use of a MR GE Signa 1,5T system. There were 39 subjects examined, aged 21 to 57 years (mean age 35 years) were examined, including 25 patients infected with HIV-1 and 14 healthy volunteers who constituted a control group. The examinations were performed using the Single Voxel Spectroscopy technique with the PRESS sequence, with following parameters: TR=1500 ms, TE=35 ms, number of acquisitions =128, time of acquisition =3 min. 43 sec. Voxels of 8 cm3 (20×20×20 mm) in size were located in the following 5 regions: posterior cingulate gyrus, grey matter of the frontal area, left basal ganglia, white matter of the left parietal area and white matter of the frontal area. The NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, mI/Cr ratios in the defined regions of interest were statistically analyzed. Results: There was a statistically significant decrease (p<0.05) in the NAA/Cr ratios in the posterior cingulate area and white matter of the left parietal area in HIV-1 seropositive patients, as compared to the control group. Other metabolite ratios in all the above mentioned locations showed no statistically significant differences, as was also the case for NAA/Cr ratios in grey matter of the frontal area, left basal ganglia and white matter of the frontal area. Conclusions: The reduction of NAA/Cr values revealed in H1MRS studies suggests loss of neurons/neuronal activity in the posterior cingulate area and white matter of the left parietal area, in patients with HIV-1 at the stage before clinical manifestations of retroviral infection and structural changes in the plain MR study. This may reflect a direct neurotropic activity of HIV