26 research outputs found

    Quantum measurements with, and yet without an Observer

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    It is argued that Feynman's rules for evaluating probabilities, combined with von Neumann's principle of psycho-physical parallelism, help avoid inconsistencies, often associated with quantum theory. The former allows one to assign probabilities to entire sequences of hypothetical Observers' experiences, without mentioning the problem of wave function collapse.The latter limits the Observer's (e.g., Wigner's friend's) participation in a measurement to the changes produced in material objects,thus leaving his/her consciousness outside the picture

    On Weak Values and Feynman's Blind Alley

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    Feynman famously recommended accepting the basic principles of quantum mechanics without trying to guess the machinery behind the law. One of the corollaries of the Uncertainty Principle is that the knowledge of probability amplitudes does not allow one to make meaningful statements about the past of an unobserved quantum system. A particular type of reasoning, based on weak values, appears to do just that. Has Feynman been proven wrong by the more recent developments? Most likely not.Quanta 2023; 12: 180–189

    From Quantum Probabilities to Quantum Amplitudes

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    The task of reconstructing the system’s state from the measurements results, known as the Pauli problem, usually requires repetition of two successive steps. Preparation in an initial state to be determined is followed by an accurate measurement of one of the several chosen operators in order to provide the necessary “Pauli data”. We consider a similar yet more general problem of recovering Feynman’s transition (path) amplitudes from the results of at least three consecutive measurements. The three-step histories of a pre- and post-selected quantum system are subjected to a type of interference not available to their two-step counterparts. We show that this interference can be exploited, and if the intermediate measurement is “fuzzy”, the path amplitudes can be successfully recovered. The simplest case of a two-level system is analysed in detail. The “weak measurement” limit and the usefulness of the path amplitudes are also discussed.Financial support of MCIU, through the grant PGC2018-101355-B-100(MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) (SMG, MP, DS), of Spanish MINECO, project FIS2016-80681-P (MP), and of the Basque Government Grant No IT986-16 (SMG, MP, DS) is gratefully acknowledged

    Speed-up and slow-down of a quantum particle

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    [EN] We study non-relativistic propagation of Gaussian wave packets in one-dimensional Eckart potential, a barrier, or a well. In the picture used, the transmitted wave packet results from interference between the copies of the freely propagating state with different spatial shifts (delays), x′, induced by the scattering potential. The Uncertainty Principle precludes relating the particle’s final position to the delay experienced in the potential, except in the classical limit. Beyond this limit, even defining an effective range of the delay is shown to be an impracticable task, owing to the oscillatory nature of the corresponding amplitude distribution. Our examples include the classically allowed case, semiclassical tunnelling, delays induced in the presence of a virtual state, and scattering by a low barrier. The properties of the amplitude distribution of the delays, and its pole representation are studied in detail.Financial support through the grants PGC2018-101355-B-100 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, PID2019-107609GB-I00 by MCIN, and the Basque Government Grant No IT986-16, is acknowledged by MP and DS

    Klein paradox for bosons, wave packets and negative tunnelling times

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    We analyse a little known aspect of the Klein paradox. A Klein-Gordon boson appears to be able to cross a supercritical rectangular barrier without being reflected, while spending there a negative amount of time. The transmission mechanism is demonstrably acausal, yet an attempt to construct the corresponding causal solution of the Klein-Gordon equation fails. We relate the causal solution to a divergent multiple-reflections series, and show that the problem is remedied for a smooth barrier, where pair production at the energy equal to a half of the barrier's height is enhanced yet remains finite.Financial support of MCIU, through the Grant PGC2018-101355-B-100(MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE) (XGdC, MP, DS), of Spanish MINECO, project FIS2016-80681-P (MP), and of the Basque Government Grant no. IT986-16 (MP, DS) is gratefully acknowledged

    Wigner’s Friend Scenarios and the Internal Consistency of Standard Quantum Mechanics

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    Wigner’s friend scenarios involve an Observer, or Observers, measuring a Friend, or Friends, who themselves make quantum measurements. In recent discussions, it has been suggested that quantum mechanics may not always be able to provide a consistent account of a situation involving two Observers and two Friends. We investigate this problem by invoking the basic rules of quantum mechanics as outlined by Feynman in the well-known “Feynman Lectures on Physics”. We show here that these “Feynman rules” constrain the a priori assumptions which can be made in generalised Wigner’s friend scenarios, because the existence of the probabilities of interest ultimately depends on the availability of physical evidence (material records) of the system’s past. With these constraints obeyed, a non-ambiguous and consistent account of all measurement outcomes is obtained for all agents, taking part in various Wigner’s Friend scenarios

    Quantum Measurements, Stochastic Networks, the Uncertainty Principle, and the Not So Strange “Weak Values”

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    Suppose we make a series of measurements on a chosen quantum system. The outcomes of the measurements form a sequence of random events, which occur in a particular order. The system, together with a meter or meters, can be seen as following the paths of a stochastic network connecting all possible outcomes. The paths are shaped from the virtual paths of the system, and the corresponding probabilities are determined by the measuring devices employed. If the measurements are highly accurate, the virtual paths become “real”, and the mean values of a quantity (a functional) are directly related to the frequencies with which the paths are traveled. If the measurements are highly inaccurate, the mean (weak) values are expressed in terms of the relative probabilities’ amplitudes. For pre- and post-selected systems they are bound to take arbitrary values, depending on the chosen transition. This is a direct consequence of the uncertainty principle, which forbids one from distinguishing between interfering alternatives, while leaving the interference between them intact

    Unitary Evolution and Elements of Reality in Consecutive Quantum Measurements

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    Probabilities of the outcomes of consecutive quantum measurements can be obtained by construction probability amplitudes, thus implying the unitary evolution of the measured system, broken each time a measurement is made. In practice, the experimenter needs to know all past outcomes at the end of the experiment, and that requires the presence of probes carrying the corresponding records. With this in mind, we consider two different ways to extend the description of a quantum system beyond what is actually measured and recorded. One is to look for quantities whose values can be ascertained without altering the existing probabilities. Such “elements of reality” can be found, yet they suffer from the same drawback as their EPR counterparts. The probes designed to measure non-commuting operators frustrate each other if set up to work jointly, so no simultaneous values of such quantities can be established consistently. The other possibility is to investigate the system’s response to weekly coupled probes. Such weak probes are shown either to reduce to a small fraction the number of cases where the corresponding values are still accurately measured, or lead only to the evaluation of the system’s probability amplitudes, or their combinations. It is difficult, we conclude, to see in quantum mechanics anything other than a formalism for predicting the likelihoods of the recorded outcomes of actually performed observations