894 research outputs found

    Rural Settlement Network in Territory of Contemporary Omsk Region from Last Quarter of 19th Century to Early 20th Century

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    The article examines the characteristics of the formation of the rural settlement network in the territory of modern Omsk region during the last quarter of the 19th century through the early 20th century. The relevance of this study is driven by societal and governmental interest in rural history, as well as by the expansion of the source base, which is related to the popularization of museum collections and personal archives. Throughout the research, the author analyzes a wide range of sources and identifies features of the territory’s settlement, lifestyle, and everyday life of peasants, as well as the nature of relationships between settlers and natives. The author concludes that natural and geographical conditions played a significant role in shaping the network of rural settlements, organizing economic life, and the daily routines of peasants. Particular attention is paid to the study of the economic life of peasants, as it was one of the defining factors in the formation of the rural settlement network of the territory. The investigation reveals that agriculture was the main occupation for peasants in the Omsk Irtysh region, despite the limited amount of arable land available. Livestock breeding was confined to its economic significance. Additional income for peasants depended on their settlement location and was determined by the natural resources of the territory. Natural and geographical conditions also dictated the external appearance of settlements

    Intellectual analysis of scientometric indicators of russian computer science journals

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    The article discusses issues related to forecasting scientometric indicators and clustering Russian scientific journals in the field of computer science with the aim of evaluating the current state of science and the progress of research in the country, as well as the state of the competitive market for scientific publication


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    El artículo está dedicado al análisis de la implementación potencial de las áreas de libre comercio (TLC) sobre una base doble y múltiple y los principales problemas de desarrollo de las relaciones económicas entre la Unión Económica Euroasiática (EAEU) y el República Socialista de Vietnam (la SRV). El análisis del comercio exterior entre países de la EAEU y Vietnam se realiza sobre la base del modelo de gravedad del autor que puede usarse para analizar el desarrollo de las conexiones de comercio exterior entre la EAEU y otros países. Según el modelo de gravedad del autor, se demuestra que el Tratado de Libre Comercio es un instrumento bastante efectivo para las relaciones comerciales de desarrollo entre paísesO artigo é dedicado à análise da potencial implementação de áreas de livre comércio (TLC) em dois lados e em vários lados e os principais problemas de desenvolvimento das relações econômicas entre a União Econômica da Eurásia (EAEU) e a República Socialista do Vietnã (SRV). A análise do comércio exterior entre os países da EAEU e o Vietnã é realizada com base no modelo de gravidade do autor, que pode ser usado para analisar o desenvolvimento de conexões de comércio exterior entre a EAEU e outros países. De acordo com o modelo de gravidade do autor, está provado que o Acordo de Livre Comércio é um instrumento bastante eficaz para o desenvolvimento das relações comerciais entre os países.The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential implementation of free trade areas (the FTA) on a two-sided and many-sided basis and main problems of development the economic relations between the Eurasian Economic Union (the EAEU) and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (the SRV). The analysis of the foreign trade between countries of the EAEU and Vietnam is fulfilled on the base of author’s gravity model which can be used fo