16 research outputs found


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    In a historical sense, current organic farming is an old-new alternative under changed world conditions. Organic dairying (O) is an alternative of friendly use of the environment in time of presupposed global climate changes. Potential impact of organic farming on raw cow-milk quality, composition and properties, as conpared to conventional milk production (C), were evaluatedin this paper on the basis of selectedm ilk indicators (MIs). Total solids, whey volume, pH of milk fermentation ability (FAM-pH), FAM streptococci, FAM noble lactic acid bacteria, I and Cu were higher in C milk (P0.05) were observed in pH, rennet coagulation time, curd quality, FAM lactobacilli and streptococci/lactobacilli, Na, Mn and Zn. In general, the differences were a little more advantageous for O milk from both technological and nutritional point of view, particularly because of AS (0.461 .81m m), FAM-T (27.3 4.6 ) , Ca (1172 < l257 mg.kg-1)P, ( 950 < l004 mg. kg-1) and Mg 107.4<ll2.0mg.kg{) results. Organic milk can also produce better environment for yoghurt fermentation. Nevertheless, the results obtained should not be overestimated as both sources produced milk of good quality. Additional results are needed to prove organic milk benefits

    Attic Conversion: Hygrothermal Assessment of the Historical Roof Truss

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    Záměrem stavebníka na Malé Straně v Praze bylo realizovat půdní vestavbu v památkově chráněné budově s původním renesančním krovem. Bylo třeba navrhnout takové řešení, které by nezhoršilo vlhkostní podmínky a neohrozilo dřevěné prvky krovu. Požadavky památkové péče a architekta předurčovaly použití nadkrokevní izolace s využitím velmi účinných tepelných izolantů. Článek předkládá více variant řešení skladby střešního pláště a kritického detailu ve svislém řezu u okapu s využitím pasivních i aktivních prvků ochrany a jejich tepelně-vlhkostní posouzení. Primárními kritérii pro vyhodnocení byly nejnižší vnitřní povrchová teplota při zimních návrhových podmínkách a relativní vlhkost v místě dřevěných prvků při průměrných lednových podmínkách. Prezentované posouzení ilustruje tepelně-vlhkostní souvislosti jednotlivých variant při použití různých opatření a pomohlo ověřit možnosti a vytipova t přijatelná řešení pro další fáze ná vrhu.In the City of Prague centre, an investor had an intention to convert the unused attic space of a historical palace with original Renaissance roof truss into a habitable floor. It was necessary to design such a solution that would not worsen the humidity conditions and would not jeopardize the original timber elements. The requirements of the National Heritage Institute and the architect predetermined the use of very efficient thermal insulation above the rafters. The paper introduces and discusses several design solutions for new roofing layers and the critical detail near the eaves, considering both passive measures and active heating elements, and presents their hygrothermal assessment. Two criteria were used for evaluation: The interior surface temperature under winter design boundary conditions and the relative humidity in the area of the timber elements under average January boundary conditions. The presented assessment illustrated hygrothermal implications of different design measures and helped to identify acceptable solutions for further design phases

    Fish farmer's guide to combating parasite infections in carp aquaculture

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    Our relationship with common carp has a long history and tradition. Carp was considered luxury food in the middle and late Roman period. Later, fish ponds were constructed and maintained by Christian monasteries. Controlled semi-natural pond breeding and fry rearing of carp in Europe started in the 19th century. Today, common carp amounts to 4% of European aquaculture, and it is the favourite Christmas dish in Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, as well as in some regions of Austria, Germany and HungaryThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 634429 (ParaFishControl)

    Enercities: educational game about energy

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