53 research outputs found

    Cored Rutherford cables for the GSI fast ramping synchrotron

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    The new heavy ion synchrotron facility proposed by GSI will have two superconducting magnet rings in the same tunnel, with rigidities of 200 T/spl middot/m and 100 T/spl middot/m. Fast ramp times are needed, which can cause significant problems for the magnets, particularly in the areas of ac loss and field distortion. This paper discusses the 200 T/spl middot/m ring, which will use Cos/spl theta/ magnets based on the RHIC dipole design. We discuss the reasons for choosing Rutherford cable with a resistive core and report loss measurements carried out on cable samples. These measurements are compared with theoretical calculations using measured values of inter-strand resistance. Reasonably good agreement is found, but there are indications of nonuniformity in the adjacent resistance R/sub a/. Using these measured parameters, losses and temperature rise are calculated for a RHIC dipole in the operating cycle of the accelerator. A novel insulation scheme designed to promote efficient cooling is described

    Status of a European Standard for the protection of helium cryostats against excessive pressure

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    The overpressure protection of various types of cryogenic vessels is covered by a number of International Standards. Helium cryostats, however, include additional components such as superconducting magnets and cavities, electrical heaters and control valves with associated piping, which significantly influence the potential risk. At the European Committee for Standardization CEN, a new working group was hence founded as CEN/TC 268/WG6, dealing with ‘Specific helium technology applications’. Its aim is to develop a European Standard for the protection of helium cryostats against excessive pressure that is harmonized with the European Pressure Equipment Directive. It will cover the typical conditions in accidental scenarios in order to harmonize the risk assessment as well as design practices for the pressure relieving systems. We report about the general concept of this new Standard, its structure and content, and the actual status of the project

    Assessing Malaria Risks in Greater Mekong Subregion based on Environmental Parameters

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    The Greater Mekong Subregion, which consists of Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and a small part of China, is the world's epicenter of falciparum malaria. Depending on the country, approximately 50 to 90% of all malaria cases are due to this species. We have been developing techniques to enhance public health's decision capability for malaria risk assessments and controls using remote sensing data and technology. The data which we have used in this study include AVHRR Pathfinder, MODIS, TRMM, Ikonos, and SIESIP. The objectives are: 1) identification of potential larval habitats; 2) identification of the key factors that promote malaria transmission; 3) estimation of malaria transmission intensity based on environmental parameters. Preliminary results associated with these objectives are discussed

    Coloured-noise-induced transitions in nonlinear structures

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    In a stochastic framework, macroscopic approaches are sought to describe microscopic interaction between different species. Coloured-noise-induced transitions in stochastic N-species Lotka-Volterra systems are considered analytically as an appropriate model extendable to many natural and nano-technological processes. All the results discussed are computed by means of a dynamical mean-field approximation. It is demonstrated that interplay of coloured noise and interaction intensities of species can generate a variety of cooperation effects, such as discontinuous transitions of the mean population density, noise-induced Hopf bifurcations and relaxation oscillation. The necessary conditions for the cooperation effects are also discussed. Particularly, it is established that, in the case of the Beddington functional response, in certain parameter regions of the model an increase in noise correlation time can cause multiple transitions (more than two) between relaxation oscillatory regimes and equilibrium states
