5 research outputs found

    Synthesis Of 3,4-Methylendioxy Isoamyl Cinnamic As The Sunscreen Compound From Cullilawang Oil

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    Synthesis of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic as the sunscreen compound from safrole isolation of cullilawang oil had been concluded. The reactions begin from isolation safrol with reduction pressure destilation fractination yield 74.71% safrol. The isomerization of safrole to isosafrole using KOH without solvent at temperature 130­ 0C for 5 hours yield 86.50% isosafrole. The oxidation of isosafrole using KMnO4 with polysorbate (Tween 80) catalyst, yield 72.33% pyperonal crystal. The crystal of pyperonal was synthesis to become sunscreen compound of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic through Claissen condensation reaction using isoamylacetate and sodium metal, yield 56.87% with 88.16% purity. The purity was tested by GC and the elucidation of those structure was analyzed by FTIR, 1H-NMR abd MS. The sunscreen efectivity of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic was exam using UV-Vis spectrofotometer according to Petro method showed that the compound have a protection against UV-A light with the SPF value = 5.3

    Synthesis Of 3,4-Methylendioxy Isoamyl Cinnamic As The Sunscreen Compound From Cullilawang Oil

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    Synthesis of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic as the sunscreen compound from safrole isolation of cullilawang oil had been concluded. The reactions begin from isolation safrol with reduction pressure destilation fractination yield 74.71% safrol. The isomerization of safrole to isosafrole using KOH without solvent at temperature 130­ 0C for 5 hours yield 86.50% isosafrole. The oxidation of isosafrole using KMnO4 with polysorbate (Tween 80) catalyst, yield 72.33% pyperonal crystal. The crystal of pyperonal was synthesis to become sunscreen compound of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic through Claissen condensation reaction using isoamylacetate and sodium metal, yield 56.87% with 88.16% purity. The purity was tested by GC and the elucidation of those structure was analyzed by FTIR, 1H-NMR abd MS. The sunscreen efectivity of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic was exam using UV-Vis spectrofotometer according to Petro method showed that the compound have a protection against UV-A light with the SPF value = 5.3

    Synthesis Of 3,4-Methylendioxy Isoamyl Cinnamic As The Sunscreen Compound From Cullilawang Oil

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    Synthesis of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic as the sunscreen compound from safrole isolation of cullilawang oil had been concluded. The reactions begin from isolation safrol with reduction pressure destilation fractination yield 74.71% safrol. The isomerization of safrole to isosafrole using KOH without solvent at temperature 130­ 0C for 5 hours yield 86.50% isosafrole. The oxidation of isosafrole using KMnO4 with polysorbate (Tween 80) catalyst, yield 72.33% pyperonal crystal. The crystal of pyperonal was synthesis to become sunscreen compound of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic through Claissen condensation reaction using isoamylacetate and sodium metal, yield 56.87% with 88.16% purity. The purity was tested by GC and the elucidation of those structure was analyzed by FTIR, 1H-NMR abd MS. The sunscreen efectivity of 3,4-methylendioxy isoamyl cinnamic was exam using UV-Vis spectrofotometer according to Petro method showed that the compound have a protection against UV-A light with the SPF value = 5.3

    Pemanfaatan Software Kimia Komputasi Untuk Siswa SMA Negeri 2 Seram Bagian Barat

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    Pandemi global Covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia turut berdampak signifikan di bidang pendidikan. Salah satunya proses pembelajaran di tingkat SMA yang berubah dari kelas tatap muka menjadi kelas online, menyebabkan ada siswa yang kesulitan memahami pelajaran. Kurangnya pemahaman materi sebelumnya menyebabkan siswa kesulitan beradaptasi pada materi lanjutan pada saat kelas luring berlangsung, misalnya untuk pelajaran kimia. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa-siswi SMA tentang kimia, dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan kimia komputasi. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan minat siswa-siswi SMA, sehingga lebih mengenal dan dapat mengoperasionalkan software kimia komputasi sebagai pembelajaran kimia yang menarik. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan praktek langsung bagi siswa-siswi. Ketua tim menyampaikan materi tentang pengantar kimia komputasi, aplikasi dan manfaat kimia komputasi dalam bidang sains, serta bagaimana pemodelan struktur molekul menggunakan program HyperChem dan Gaussian. Pada tahap praktek langsung, siswa dilatih mengoperasionalkan komputer dan memanfaatkaan software untuk mempelajari struktur molekul organik sederhana. Molekul etanol digambar oleh siswa menggunakan ChemSketch dan optimasi geometri menggunakan Hyperchem, sedangkan visualisasi molekul air menggunakan Gaussian. Setelah kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung, siswa-siswi SMA Negeri 2 Seram Bagian Barat lebih memahami konsep tentang struktur molekul dan lebih antusias ingin mempelajari kimia setelah penggunaan software kimia komputasi tersebut

    Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomis Kelapa melalui Pembuatan Cuka dari Air Kelapa di Desa Morella

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    Vinegar is a seasoning that gives food a sour taste. Vinegar is obtained from the fermentation of ethanol by bacteria anaerobically. Ingredients that can be used to make alcoholic fermentation include dates, rice, and coconut water. Young coconut water is directly consumed, while coconut water from ripe fruit is disposed of as waste. Morella village is located on the coast of the island of Ambon, where coconut plants are in abundance. The abundance of this coconut plant is directly proportional to the old coconut water that is dumped into the environment. To decrease the coconut water waste, it is necessary to conduct training on making vinegar from coconut water for the people of Morella village. This community service was carried out based on counseling and training on making vinegar for the Morella Village people. Counseling was done to convey the benefits of Vinegar and how to make it. The training was carried out by demonstrating the procedure for making vinegar and providing tools and materials to partners and videos to produce vinegar independently. The results of vinegar products from Morella Village are reported to the service team and used as evidence of the success of the vinegar-making training. The results provide information that vinegar are products that the people of Morella village can cultivate as an opportunity to increase their economy.Cuka merupakan salah satu produk olahan dari air kelapa yang merupakan hasil fermentasi. Cuka hasil fermentasi air kelapa memberikan tambahan nilai ekonomis. Penambahan nilai ekonomis ini dipicu oleh manfaat yang dimiliki oleh cuka tersebut. Masyarakat Desa Morella berada pada pesisir pantai pulau Ambon, yang ditumbuhi tanaman kelapa secara melimpah. Melimpahnya tanaman kelapa ini belum secara maksimal dimanfaatan oleh masyarakat desa Morella. Dengan adanya masalah ini, maka mendorong pelaksanaan pelatihan pembuatan Cuka kepada masyarakat desa Morella, Pulau Ambon. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan berbasis penyuluhan dan pelatihan pembuatan cuka kepada masyarakat Desa Morella. Penyuluhan dilakukan untuk menyampaikan mengenai manfaat Cuka dan cara pembuatannya. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan cara memperagakan prosedur pembuatan cuka serta memberikan alat dan bahan kepada mitra serta video untuk dapat memproduksi cuka secara mandiri. Hasil produk cuka dari masyarakat Desa Morella dilaporkan kepada tim pengabdian dan dijadikan sebagai bukti keberhasilan pelatihan pembuatan cuka. Hasil yang didapatkan memberikan informasi bahwa produk cuka adalah produk yang dapat diusahakan oleh masyarakat desa Morella sebagai peluang peningkatan perekonomian mereka