22 research outputs found

    Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin: una biografia intellettuale e critica

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    Questo lavoro si propone di approfondire la vicenda umana ed intellettuale del sociologo Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin (1889-1968). Il lavoro intende ripercorrere la particolare biografia di Sorokin, che lo condusse dalla patria Russa agli Stati Uniti d’America, e la sua opera, ponendo particolare attenzione all’evoluzione del suo pensiero. L’obiettivo principale ù quello di dimostrare come Sorokin, nonostante il parziale oblio in cui ù stata relegata la sua opera, costituisca una figura di grande importanza per la teoria sociologica novecentesca. Per raggiungere questa finalità sono stati analizzati contributi fondamentali come La mobilità sociale, La dinamica sociale e culturale, Il potere dell’amore e Mode e utopie nella sociologia moderna e scienze collegate, senza tralasciare i principali articoli accademici ed alcune delle sue opere minori. L’analisi dei testi approfondisce i concetti chiave, le argomentazioni principali, gli elementi di attualità in essi presenti ed i limiti rilevati dalla critica. L’esame della produzione intellettuale di Sorokin procede in ordine cronologico perseguendo l’obiettivo di chiarire il mutamento della metodologia e della prospettiva di studio dell’autore, ovvero il passaggio da un approccio di tipo positivista ad uno di tipo integralista

    La professione medica nella sanitĂ  riformata: alcune categorie concettuali per leggere il mutamento

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    Healthcare has changed a lot during the last decades of the Twentieth century within Western societies: reforms have been implemented to face the increasing challenges of health systems in a context of crisis of the welfare state’s bedrocks. The most important issue of these reforms is the introduction of New Public Management techniques and quasi-market’s principles in public work organizations. This paper is aimed to give some sociological issues conceptualized to read the change involving medical profession within reformed healthcare systems. It focuses on the social context where a need to reform healthcare emerges and it proposes some concepts to interpret the change: managerialism, consumerism and professionalism as logics of work organization, professionalism as occupational and organizational value, reformed healthcare as intersection of two different institutional logics: medical professionalism and business-like healthcare. Afterwards, it is proposed a literature review dealing with professionals/organization relation and researches about doctors’ strategic reactions to marketization process. These studies demonstrate that a reframe of medical profession within health organizations is ongoing, instead of a conflict resulting in a zero sum game between professions and organizations

    Medici in transizione

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    The evolution of the Italian health system, which went from the establishment of the National Health Service in 1978 to the corporate management introduced with the reforms of the 1990s, requires a thorough knowledge of the effects of organizational change on the medical profession. Starting from this consideration, this volume focuses on the results of the corporatising process in terms of professional identity. The research, conducted among medical specialists operating in the territorial structures of two Tuscan Health Authorities, shows a transitioning figure, which hints at a new form of medical professionalism

    Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin. Ascesa, declino e ritorno di un maestro del pensiero sociologico

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    Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin is one of the most important sociologists of the XX Century. In spite of this, he has been almost forgot until the Nineties, when an academic debate about his thought started. Taking into consideration the growing interest in his works, this paper aims at offering a brief intellectual profile of Sorokin through linking his ‘long journey’ with his thought. The paper analyses the interconnection between Sorokin’s uncommon biography and his intellectual development, supporting the idea of continuity between his positivist phase and the “integralist” perspective of his late years. Besides, it focuses on the interconnection between philosophical integralism and Sorokin’s criticism of the academic social sciences. Secondly, the main contextual motivations of the revival involving Sorokin’s reflections are analysed. With this regard, the paper addresses the multifaceted ways of receiving his cultural heritage, particularly in Russia and in the United States. In conclusion, the article offers two possible issues of interest for contemporary social sciences learnt from Sorokin’s reflection

    Medicine and managerialism in Italy: Evidence from a study on health management training

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    Management training for doctors has become crucial with the introduction of market-inspired logics in the Italian national healthcare system. In this frame, the paper presents the main findings of a study with a twofold aim: providing an overview of health management training system by analyzing the Italian training provision; investigating perceptions and opinions of medical doctors involved in management courses. Results suggest, on the one hand, the heterogeneity of the Italian management training system and, on the other, a gradual reframing of medical professionalism

    Medici in transizione

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    Morire di disorganizzazione: la gestione sanitaria del Covid-19 in Italia

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    none1La pandemia sta rendendo evidente come il rapporto tra ospedale e territorio non sia pensabile in termini dicotomici, come enucleatosi storicamente nel sistema sanitario italiano. Le riforme sanitarie, dal 1978, hanno infatti consolidato la preesistente differenziazione tra sanità ospedaliera e territoriale. All’interno di questa cornice, l’articolo affronta la questione della riorganizzazione delle cure territoriali. In particolare, si sostiene come l’emergenza Covid-19 renda necessario un ripensamento dell’assistenza territoriale nel quadro delle cure primarie, discutendone alcuni punti chiave: l’implementazione delle tecnologie digitali; il ruolo delle comunità locali; la questione professionale; il paradigma di salute e malattia sottostante.noneSofritti, FedericoSofritti, Federic

    La razionalitĂ  occidentale. Linee essenziali di un universalismo malcelato

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    Il contributo affronta il tema della problematicitĂ  della razionalitĂ  occidentale prendendo le mosse dal concetto di razionalizzazione in Max Weber. In particolare, facendo leva su di un approccio antropologico-sociale, viene tematizzato il carattere socialmente e storicamente situato del razionalismo occidentale con l'obiettivo di proporre elementi analitici per un ripensamento in chiave critica e "relazionale" dell'idea di razionalitĂ 