89 research outputs found

    Microsomal membranes from antigen presenting cells present antigenic peptides to T cells: a novel approach in vaccine development.

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    PhDThe study of the immune system has provided insight in the mechanism of protection induced by vaccination; primarily that most clinically protective vaccines are potent in generating neutralizing antibody responses. Nonetheless, vaccination fails to protect against a wide range of acquired chronic infections caused by viruses, such as HIV and HCV, other intracellular pathogens, and cancer. Attempts to combat these diseases are thought to require the induction of the cellular arm of the immune response, in which dendritic cells (DCs) play a key role. Thus, DCs are now considered a promising target/tool when designing new-generation vaccines. Although mature DCs have the capacity to induce effective primary and secondary immune responses in vivo, their use in vaccination strategies is associated with several difficulties; for example, there are limitations involved in the loading of antigen, and in the appropriate maturation of DC in vitro. In this study, we have explored the hypothesis that the use of ERenriched microsomes isolated from professional antigen presenting cells, such as DCs, can represent an alternative vaccination strategy to those using live DCs. Endoplasmic reticulum-enriched microsomal membranes (microsomes) isolated from DCs contained high levels of peptide-receptive major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and co-stimulatory molecules. After loading with defined antigenic peptides, injected microsomes mediated MHC class I- and MHC class II-restricted T cell responses. The microsomal vaccine described and discussed in this thesis protects from a viral infection and was shown to regress an established murine tumor. Therefore, it could represent an exciting new alternative to currently available vaccine strategies

    SARS-CoV-2-the Unforeseen Peril of David Winning Against Goliath: the Immune Giant Collapsing Under Its Own Rampaging Cytokine Storm

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    We examined SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) available treatments and prophylactic methods that included interventions associated with inhibiting the “type II transmembrane serine protease” (TMPRSS2) to limit the fusion between the Covid-19 Spike proteins and ACE2 receptors, or newly developed therapeutics like Remdesivir that interferes with the viral RNA replication. We explored the dilemma of ACE2 receptors that have a protective function against high blood pressure associated disorders, yet,they serve as the viral points of entry, elevating the probability of infection. Human tissues’ analysis reveals a higher ACE2 expression in adipose tissue, placing obesity-related conditions in the eye of the pandemic storm. It primarily exposes males due to the surge of ACE2 receptors in the testes along with other tissues. Males manifest a relatively higher positive ACE2 orrelations with certain immune cells in the lungs,thyroid, adrenals, liver and colon, while females evidence higher ACE2 correlations with immune cells in the heart. The remaining tissues’ ACE2/immunity expressions are equivalent in both sexes, indicating that despite its preference for males, the threat of Covid-19 can easily target females.Recent reports indicate that Covid-19 is empowered by hindering the critical process of viral recognition during the adaptive immune response leading to the “cytokine storm”, the aggravated immune response that indiscriminately perseveres, rampaging the host’s vital organs. Sedentary lifestyle, age-related hormonal imbalance, and adiposity induced inflammation predispose the body to the immune collapse following Covid-19 invasion, spotlighting the detrimental aftermath of metabolic dysfunction,and excess food consumption provoked by elevated cortisol and dysregulated appetite hormones. ACE 2 expression is suppressed in the skeletal muscle, rendering fitness and weight management an effective Covid-19 preventive intervention, along with social distancing, hygiene, and facial coverings. Physical activity, or exercise alternative methods have recently demonstrated statistically significant reductions of the inflammatory marker C-Reactive Protein (CRP), triglycerides, visceral fat, cortisol and the orexigenic hormone ghrelin, juxtaposed by optimal increases of IGF-1, skeletal muscle mass, Free T3, HDL, and the anorexic hormone leptin

    The Danger within: Covid-19 Affinity for ACE2 Receptors in Adipose Tissue and Testes. The Protective Effects of Estradiol, Fitness, and Weight Management

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    The imminent danger of the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated research in pharmaceuticals that either target the viral Spike proteins fusion with ACE2 receptors, or the infectious RNA replication that often overwhelms immune defences. The scope of this review was to elucidate the main human vulnerabilities to Covid-19, including the accumulation of ACE2 receptors in testes, adipose tissue, thyroid, heart and kidneys that escalate viral affinity in males, the aged, and certain medical conditions, including diabetes, CVD, and pulmonary diseases. Pre-existing inflammation inherent in obesity may exacerbate the “cytokine storm,” a rampaging immune reaction during the course of Covid-19 that is deleterious to the host. We examined the molecular dynamics illustrating the action of new therapeutics necessary for Covid-19 patients; the estradiol advantage hypothesis;alternative therapies including hormone replacement procedures and mesenchymal stem cells; plus preventive and protective interventions.The current perspective also explored the primary components of dysregulated health predisposing individuals to Covid-19, including hormonal imbalance, increased lipids and lipoproteins, thyroid dysfunction, degraded fitness, and age-related testosterone decline accompanied by cortisol increase that provokes stress eating behaviours and weight accumulation.Obesity increases the probability of Covid-19 infection due to its abundance of ACE2 receptors; while physical activity may decrease Covid-19 vulnerability, by reducing fat and increasing muscle mass that manifests a relatively inhibited ACE2 expression. Several weight management solutions feature lasers and radiofrequency which diminish subcutaneous adiposity but do not enhance fitness. A data metanalysis of seven recently published clinical studies on 95 obese individuals, 73 males and 22 females with an average BMI of 30.9, demonstrated visceral fat reduction combined with increased skeletal muscle mass. It also revealed a statistically significant decrease in BMI, lipids, lipoproteins, inflammation and toxicity as measured by CRP, Creatinine and Bilirubin respectively, juxtaposed by optimally healthier levels of Cortisol, Testosterone, Free T3,IGF-1, Insulin, and the appetite controlling hormones Leptin and Ghrelin

    Covid-19 Mutations and the Effect of Different Vaccines on Immune Memory

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    We traced the coronavirus classification and evolution, analyzed the Covid-19 composition and its distinguishing characteristics when compared to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Despite their close kinship, SARS-CoV and Covid-19 display significant structural differences,including 380 amino acid substitutions, and variable homology between certain open reading frames that are bound to diversify the pathogenesis and virulence of the two viral compounds. A single amino acid substitution such as replacing Aspartate (D) with Glycine (G) composes the D614G mutation that is around 20% more infectious than its predecessor 614D. The B117 variant, that exhibits a 70% transmissibility rate, harbours 23 mutants,each reflecting one amino acid exchange. We examined several globally spreading mutations, 501.V2, B1351, P1, and others, with respect to the specific amino acid conversions involved. Unlike previous versions of coronavirus, where random mutations eventually precipitate extinction, the multiplicity of over 300,000 mutations appears to have rendered Covid-19 more contagious, facilitating its ability to evade detection, thus challenging the effectiveness of a large variety of emerging vaccines. Vaccination enhances immune memory and intelligence to combat or obstruct viral entry by generating antibodies that will prohibit the cellular binding and fusion with the Spike protein, restricting the virus from releasing its contents into the cell. Developing antibodies during the innate response,appears to be the most compelling solution in light of the hypothesis that Covid-19 inhibits the production of Interferon type I, compromising adaptive efficiency to recognize the virus, possibly provoking a cytokine storm that injures vital organs. With respect to that perspective, the potential safety and effectiveness of different vaccines are evaluated and compared,including the Spike protein mRNA version, the Adenovirus DNA, Spike protein subunits, the deactivated virus genres, or, finally, the live attenuated coronavirus that appears to demonstrate the greatest effectiveness, yet,encompass a relatively higher risk

    A Preliminary Analysis of SASB Reporting: Disclosure Topics, Financial Relevance, and the Financial Intensity of ESG Materiality

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    At the end of 2018, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) released its corporate reporting standards for material environment, social, and governance (ESG) issues. These SASB standards are analogous to FASB's but deal with ESG activities that help the companies create value over the long term and have been endorsed by large asset management firms such as BlackRock. The authors analyze the quality of ESG reporting by the 91 companies that adopted SASB's framework. While the number of such companies is still small, their results are encouraging, an indication of better things to come. Using three measures of effectiveness, Disclosure Topic Compliance Index (DTCI), Financial Relevance Compliance Index (FRCI), and Financial Intensity Compliance Index (FICI), the authors found that most companies are doing a good to very good job of reporting and companies tend to focus on measures with the highest financial relevance. Scores on these three measures were similar across industry sectors except for a few cases where the DTCI score is low. They presented cases of three SASB standard companies: 1) Sunrun, a residential solar panel company that uses some hazardous materials, 2) Suncor, an integrated oil and gas company, and 3) Target, a retail company in a highly competitive industry needing to keep costs low while also managing an extensive supply chain responsibly. These 91 companies have demonstrated that reporting according to SASB standards can be done well. This success should encourage other companies to follow and the authors offer a seven‐step process to adopt SASB standards

    Readers' perception level towards UMPH magazine among students of public institutions of higher learning (IPTA) in Klang Valley / Laila Sofra Abdullah Tahir

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    The main objective of this research was to explore whether there is still having the readers read UMPH and focus to the magazine components of UMPH magazine. The respondent of this study was students of Public Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) in Klang Valley. Hundred questionnaires had been distributed among students in Klang Valley. The researcher had used convenience sampling as the sampling technique. The questionnaire was designed to the selected respondents which they were asked varieties of questions regarding their reading behaviour, perception, acceptance on new column and opinion towards UMPH magazine. The process of analyzing and interpreting data has been presented with tables using methods such as frequency distribution and cross tabulation. The research shows that their perception Jevelis high and can accept on new column in UMPH magazine

    Assessment of the Potential of Wrist-Worn Wearable Sensors for Driver Drowsiness Detection

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    Drowsy driving imposes a high safety risk. Current systems often use driving behavior parameters for driver drowsiness detection. The continuous driving automation reduces the availability of these parameters, therefore reducing the scope of such methods. Especially, techniques that include physiological measurements seem to be a promising alternative. However, in a dynamic environment such as driving, only non- or minimal intrusive methods are accepted, and vibrations from the roadbed could lead to degraded sensor technology. This work contributes to driver drowsiness detection with a machine learning approach applied solely to physiological data collected from a non-intrusive retrofittable system in the form of a wrist-worn wearable sensor. To check accuracy and feasibility, results are compared with reference data from a medical-grade ECG device. A user study with 30 participants in a high-fidelity driving simulator was conducted. Several machine learning algorithms for binary classification were applied in user-dependent and independent tests. Results provide evidence that the non-intrusive setting achieves a similar accuracy as compared to the medical-grade device, and high accuracies (&gt 92%) could be achieved, especially in a user-dependent scenario. The proposed approach offers new possibilities for human&ndash machine interaction in a car and especially for driver state monitoring in the field of automated driving. Document type: Articl