152 research outputs found

    Keeping in touch with type-III secretion system effectors : mass spectrometry-based proteomics to study effector-host protein-protein interactions

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    Manipulation of host cellular processes by translocated bacterial effectors is key to the success of bacterial pathogens and some symbionts. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of effectors is of critical importance to understand infection biology. It has become increasingly clear that the identification of host protein targets contributes invaluable knowledge to the characterization of effector function during pathogenesis. Recent advances in mapping protein–protein interaction networks by means of mass spectrometry-based interactomics have enabled the identification of host targets at large-scale. In this review, we highlight mass spectrometry-driven proteomics strategies and recent advances to elucidate type-III secretion system effector–host protein–protein interactions. Furthermore, we highlight approaches for defining spatial and temporal effector–host interactions, and discuss possible avenues for studying natively delivered effectors in the context of infection. Overall, the knowledge gained when unravelling effector complexation with host factors will provide novel opportunities to control infectious disease outcomes

    Strigolactones as an auxiliary hormonal defence mechanism against leafy gall syndrome in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Leafy gall syndrome is the consequence of modified plant development in response to a mixture of cytokinins secreted by the biotrophic actinomycete Rhodococcus fascians. The similarity of the induced symptoms with the phenotype of plant mutants defective in strigolactone biosynthesis and signalling prompted an evaluation of the involvement of strigolactones in this pathology. All tested strigolactone-related Arabidopsis thallana mutants were hypersensitive to R. fascians. Moreover, treatment with the synthetic strigolactone mixture GR24 and with the carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase inhibitor D2 illustrated that strigolactones acted as antagonistic compounds that restricted the morphogenic activity of R. fascians. Transcript profiling of the MORE ILLARY GROWTH1 (M 1), M, M 3, M, 4, and BRANCHED1 (BRC1) genes in the wild-type Columbia-0 accession and in different mutant backgrounds revealed that upregulation of strigolactone biosynthesis genes was triggered indirectly by the bacterial cytokinins via host-derived auxin and led to the activation of BRC1 expression, inhibiting the outgrowth of the newly developing shoots, a typical hallmark of leafy gall syndrome. Taken together, these data support the emerging insight that balances are critical for optimal leafy gall development: the long-lasting biotrophic interaction is possible only because the host activates a set of countermeasures including the strigolactone response in reaction to bacterial cytokinins to constrain the activity of R. fascians

    Recent Progress in Development of Tnt1 Functional Genomics Platform for Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus in Bulgaria

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    Legumes, as protein-rich crops, are widely used for human food, animal feed and vegetable oil production. Over the past decade, two legume species, Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus, have been adopted as model legumes for genomics and physiological studies. The tobacco transposable element, Tnt1, is a powerful tool for insertional mutagenesis and gene inactivation in plants. A large collection of Tnt1-tagged lines of M. truncatula cv. Jemalong was generated during the course of the project ‘GLIP’: Grain Legumes Integrated Project, funded by the European Union (www.eugrainlegumes.org). In the project ‘IFCOSMO’: Integrated Functional and COmparative genomics Studies on the MOdel Legumes Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus, supported by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, Bulgaria, these lines are used for development of functional genomics platform of legumes in Bulgaria. This review presents recent advances in the evaluation of the M. truncatula Tnt1 mutant collection and outlines the steps that are taken in using the Tnt1-tagging for generation of a mutant collection of the second model legume L. japonicus. Both collections will provide a number of legume-specific mutants and serve as a resource for functional and comparative genomics research on legumes. Genomics technologies are expected to advance genetics and breeding of important legume crops (pea, faba bean, alfalfa and clover) in Bulgaria and worldwide

    Quantitative tandem affinity purification, an effective tool to investigate protein complex composition in plant hormone signaling : strigolactones in the spotlight

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    Phytohormones tightly regulate plant growth by integrating changing environmental and developmental cues. Although the key players have been identified in many plant hormonal pathways, the molecular mechanisms and mode of action of perception and signaling remain incompletely resolved. Characterization of protein partners of known signaling components provides insight into the formed protein complexes, but, unless quantification is involved, does not deliver much, if any, information about the dynamics of the induced or disrupted protein complexes. Therefore, in proteomics research, the discovery of what actually triggers, regulates or interrupts the composition of protein complexes is gaining importance. Here, tandem affinity purification coupled to mass spectrometry (TAP-MS) is combined with label-free quantification (LFQ) to a highly valuable tool to detect physiologically relevant, dynamic protein-protein interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana cell cultures. To demonstrate its potential, we focus on the signaling pathway of one of the most recently discovered phytohormones, strigolactones

    Strigolactones spatially influence lateral root development through the cytokinin signaling network

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    Strigolactones are important rhizosphere signals that act as phytohormones and have multiple functions, including modulation of lateral root (LR) development. Here, we show that treatment with the strigolactone analog GR24 did not affect LR initiation, but negatively influenced LR priming and emergence, the latter especially near the root-shoot junction. The cytokinin module ARABIDOPSIS HISTIDINE KINASE3 (AHK3)/ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR1 (ARR1)/ARR12 was found to interact with the GR24-dependent reduction in LR development, because mutants in this pathway rendered LR development insensitive to GR24. Additionally, pharmacological analyses, mutant analyses, and gene expression analyses indicated that the affected polar auxin transport stream in mutants of the AHK3/ARR1/ARR12 module could be the underlying cause. Altogether, the data reveal that the GR24 effect on LR development depends on the hormonal landscape that results from the intimate connection with auxins and cytokinins, two main players in LR development

    Unraveling new molecular players involved in the autoregulation of nodulation in Medicago truncatula

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    The number of legume root nodules resulting from a symbiosis with rhizobia is tightly controlled by the plant. Certain members of the CLAVATA3/Embryo Surrounding Region (CLE) peptide family, specifically MtCLE12 and MtCLE13 in Medicago truncatula, act in the systemic autoregulation of nodulation (AON) pathway that negatively regulates the number of nodules. Little is known about the molecular pathways that operate downstream of the AON-related CLE peptides. Here, by means of a transcriptome analysis, we show that roots ectopically expressing MtCLE13 deregulate only a limited number of genes, including three down-regulated genes encoding lysin motif receptor-like kinases (LysM-RLKs), among which are the nodulation factor (NF) receptor NF Perception gene (NFP) and two up-regulated genes, MtTML1 and MtTML2, encoding Too Much Love (TML)-related Kelch-repeat containing F-box proteins. The observed deregulation was specific for the ectopic expression of nodulation-related MtCLE genes and depended on the Super Numeric Nodules (SUNN) AON RLK. Moreover, overexpression and silencing of these two MtTML genes demonstrated that they play a role in the negative regulation of nodule numbers. Hence, the identified MtTML genes are the functional counterpart of the Lotus japonicus TML gene shown to be central in the AON pathway. Additionally, we propose that the down-regulation of a subset of LysM-RLK-encoding genes, among which is NFP, might contribute to the restriction of further nodulation once the first nodules have been formed

    Tapping into the maize root microbiome to identify bacteria that promote growth under chilling conditions

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    Background When maize (Zea mays L.) is grown in the Northern hemisphere, its development is heavily arrested by chilling temperatures, especially at the juvenile phase. As some endophytes are beneficial for plants under stress conditions, we analyzed the impact of chilling temperatures on the root microbiome and examined whether microbiome-based analysis might help to identify bacterial strains that could promote growth under these temperatures. Results We investigated how the maize root microbiome composition changed by means of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing when maize was grown at chilling temperatures in comparison to ambient temperatures by repeatedly cultivating maize in field soil. We identified 12 abundant and enriched bacterial families that colonize maize roots, consisting of bacteria recruited from the soil, whereas seed-derived endophytes were lowly represented. Chilling temperatures modified the root microbiome composition only slightly, but significantly. An enrichment of several chilling-responsive families was detected, of which the Comamonadaceae and the Pseudomonadaceae were the most abundant in the root endosphere of maize grown under chilling conditions, whereas only three were strongly depleted, among which the Streptomycetaceae. Additionally, a collection of bacterial strains isolated from maize roots was established and a selection was screened for growth-promoting effects on juvenile maize grown under chilling temperatures. Two promising strains that promoted maize growth under chilling conditions were identified that belonged to the root endophytic bacterial families, from which the relative abundance remained unchanged by variations in the growth temperature. Conclusions Our analyses indicate that chilling temperatures affect the bacterial community composition within the maize root endosphere. We further identified two bacterial strains that boost maize growth under chilling conditions. Their identity revealed that analyzing the chilling-responsive families did not help for their identification. As both strains belong to root endosphere enriched families, visualizing and comparing the bacterial diversity in these communities might still help to identify new PGPR strains. Additionally, a strain does not necessarely need to belong to a high abundant family in the root endosphere to provoke a growth-promoting effect in chilling conditions

    Daring to be differential : metabarcoding analysis of soil and plant-related microbial communities using amplicon sequence variants and operational taxonomical units

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    Background: Microorganisms are not only indispensable to ecosystem functioning, they are also keystones for emerging technologies. In the last 15 years, the number of studies on environmental microbial communities has increased exponentially due to advances in sequencing technologies, but the large amount of data generated remains difficult to analyze and interpret. Recently, metabarcoding analysis has shifted from clustering reads using Operational Taxonomical Units (OTUs) to Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs). Differences between these methods can seriously affect the biological interpretation of metabarcoding data, especially in ecosystems with high microbial diversity, as the methods are benchmarked based on low diversity datasets. Results: In this work we have thoroughly examined the differences in community diversity, structure, and complexity between the OTU and ASV methods. We have examined culture-based mock and simulated datasets as well as soil- and plant-associated bacterial and fungal environmental communities. Four key findings were revealed. First, analysis of microbial datasets at family level guaranteed both consistency and adequate coverage when using either method. Second, the performance of both methods used are related to community diversity and sample sequencing depth. Third, differences in the method used affected sample diversity and number of detected differentially abundant families upon treatment; this may lead researchers to draw different biological conclusions. Fourth, the observed differences can mostly be attributed to low abundant (relative abundance < 0.1%) families, thus extra care is recommended when studying rare species using metabarcoding. The ASV method used outperformed the adopted OTU method concerning community diversity, especially for fungus-related sequences, but only when the sequencing depth was sufficient to capture the community complexity. Conclusions: Investigation of metabarcoding data should be done with care. Correct biological interpretation depends on several factors, including in-depth sequencing of the samples, choice of the most appropriate filtering strategy for the specific research goal, and use of family level for data clustering

    The Plant PTM Viewer, a central resource for exploring plant protein modifications

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    Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of proteins are central in any kind of cellular signaling. Modern mass spectrometry technologies enable comprehensive identification and quantification of various PTMs. Given the increased numbers and types of mapped protein modifications, a database is necessary that simultaneously integrates and compares site‐specific information for different PTMs, especially in plants for which the available PTM data are poorly catalogued. Here, we present the Plant PTM Viewer (http://www.psb.ugent.be/PlantPTMViewer), an integrative PTM resource that comprises approximately 370,000 PTM sites for 19 types of protein modifications in plant proteins from five different species. The Plant PTM Viewer provides the user with a protein sequence overview in which the experimentally evidenced PTMs are highlighted together with an estimate of the confidence by which the modified peptides and, if possible, the actual modification sites were identified and with functional protein domains or active site residues. The PTM sequence search tool can query PTM combinations in specific protein sequences, whereas the PTM BLAST tool searches for modified protein sequences to detect conserved PTMs in homologous sequences. Taken together, these tools help to assume the role and potential interplay of PTMs in specific proteins or within a broader systems biology context. The Plant PTM Viewer is an open repository that allows the submission of mass spectrometry‐based PTM data to remain at pace with future PTM plant studies

    MtNRLK1, a CLAVATA1-like leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase upregulated during nodulation in Medicago truncatula

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    Peptides are signaling molecules regulating various aspects of plant development, including the balance between cell division and differentiation in different meristems. Among those, CLAVATA3/Embryo Surrounding Region-related (CLE-ESR) peptide activity depends on leucine-rich-repeat receptor-like-kinases (LRR-RLK) belonging to the subclass XI. In legume plants, such as the Medicago truncatula model, specific CLE peptides were shown to regulate root symbiotic nodulation depending on the LRR-RLK SUNN (Super Numeric Nodules). Amongst the ten M. truncatula LRR-RLK most closely related to SUNN, only one showed a nodule-induced expression, and was so-called MtNRLK1 (Nodule-induced Receptor-Like Kinase 1). MtNRLK1 expression is associated to root and nodule vasculature as well as to the proximal meristem and rhizobial infection zone in the nodule apex. Except for the root vasculature, the MtNRLK1 symbiotic expression pattern is different than the one of MtSUNN. Functional analyses either based on RNA interference, insertional mutagenesis, and overexpression of MtNRLK1 however failed to identify a significant nodulation phenotype, either regarding the number, size, organization or nitrogen fixation capacity of the symbiotic organs formed
