3 research outputs found

    Characterization of the secretins, large outer membrane channels of gram-negative bacteria : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Secretins, a family of large outer membrane channels, mediate secretion and/or assembly of virulence factors and/or complex proteinaceous structures, such as rods, type IV pili and filamentous bacteriophage. Secretins form large radially-symmetric channels composed of 12 to 14 identical subunits, with internal diameters of up to 10 nm, whose lumen is interrupted by a septum/plug structure that very likely represents a gate or a valve. The identity of septum in the primary sequence of secretins has not been determined as yet, however the cryo-EM and SPA analyses point to the C-terminal domain forming these structures, whereas mutagenesis specifically identified two regions in this domain, named GATE1 and GATE2, as having an important role in gating of the filamentous phage secretion system secretin pIV. However, it is not known whether these regions are also involved in gating of the secretins from type II and type III secretion systems. In this work, twelve “leaky-gate” mutants in the secretin PulD from the type II secretion system (T2SS), selected from a random mutant library based on ability to utilise 829 Da oligosaccharide maltopentaose in the absence of maltoporin, were analysed in detail. Most of PulD leaky-gate mutants clustered in the GATE1 and GATE2 regions. All point mutants were positive for secretion of the cognate PulD substrate, enzyme Pullulanase (PulA), whereas a 5-residue in-frame deletion (?477-481) was negative. Two severely leaky GATE1 region mutants, G458S and ?477-481,sensitised E. coli to all tested antibiotics whose molecular weight is too high to pass through porins: rifamycin SV (720 Da), bacitracin (1423 Da) vancomycin (1449 Da) and daptomycin (1621 Da). The GATE1 of this secretin is therefore a potential drug target, for design of molecules that can sensitise secretin-containing pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria to > 600 Da antibiotics and/or block the secretion of substrates, including virulence factors. Engineered chimeras between PulD and pIV were used to probe functional compartmentalisation among the secretin domains and the segments involved in gating. This analysis showed that the N-terminal domains, GATE1 region and channel-forming secretin homology domain are interdependent with respect to function in secretion/assembly of the substrates, and to different extends for folding and multimerisation. This work further analysed the gating properties of the type III secretion system (T3SS) secretins EscC and InvG. When expressed in E. coli K12, these secretins were naturally “leaky” and mistargeted to the inner membrane, resulting in growth retardation. The survival of E. coli expressing these secretins depended on the PspF, positive regulator of the key inner membrane stress response Psp. Therefore, in the T3SS secretin-expressing or toxin-secreting cells, PspF is a potential target for design of molecules that could kill T3SS-containing toxin-secreting Gram-negative bacteria


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    AbstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses perhitungan dana Bagi Hasil Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor dan Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor apakah sudah sesuai dengan undang-undang dan Peraturan Gubernur,untuk mengetahui perbandingan dana bagi hasil PKB dan BBNKB berdasarkan potensi daerah serta Kontribusi dana Bagi Hasil PKB dan BBNKB terhadap Pendapatan Daerah kepada Kebuoaten/Kota di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Alokasi Bagi Hasil Penerimaan Pajak Daerah  untuk masing masing  Kabupaten/Kota adalah Pemerintah Provinsi sebesar 70% dan Pemerintah Kabupatan/Kota sebesar 30%. Selanjutnya untuk setiap Kabupaten/Kota pembagiannya 25% berdasarkan pemerataan dan 75% berdasarkan potensi atau realisasi penerimaan pajak masing-masing Kabupaten/Kota. 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    Characterization of two novel lytic bacteriophages having lysis potential against MDR avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains of zoonotic potential

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    Abstract Avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) is associated with local and systemic infections in poultry, ducks, turkeys, and many other avian species, leading to heavy economical losses. These APEC strains are presumed to possess zoonotic potential due to common virulence markers that can cause urinary tract infections in humans. The prophylactic use of antibiotics in the poultry sector has led to the rapid emergence of Multiple Drug Resistant (MDR) APEC strains that act as reservoirs and put human populations at risk. This calls for consideration of alternative strategies to decrease the bacterial load. Here, we report isolation, preliminary characterization, and genome analysis of two novel lytic phage species (Escherichia phage SKA49 and Escherichia phage SKA64) against MDR strain of APEC, QZJM25. Both phages were able to keep QZJM25 growth significantly less than the untreated bacterial control for approximately 18 h. The host range was tested against Escherichia coli strains of poultry and human UTI infections. SKA49 had a broader host range in contrast to SKA64. Both phages were stable at 37 °C only. Their genome analysis indicated their safety as no recombination, integration and host virulence genes were identified. Both these phages can be good candidates for control of APEC strains based on their lysis potential