4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of protein fractions of indigenous clariid fish species (Clarias gariepinus and Heterobranchus bidorsalis) and their reciprocal hybrids

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    Electrophoresis of Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic muscle proteins of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidosalis and their reciprocal hybrids in South-West Nigeria was carried out to reveal the similarities and dissimilarities among species in other to aid the selection of suitable strains for aquaculture that could lead to production of new varieties of fishes to alleviate the problem of short supply of fast growing quality fish seeds. The study was aimed at analyzing the muscle protein profiles of C. gariepinus, H. bidor salis and their reciprocal hybrids. Sixteen juveniles fish samples (comprising four samples from each mating combinations) artificially propagated and reared for sixteen weeks were analyzed eleclrophorelically. Myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic fractions were prepared by homogenizing 150mg of fish muscle in 1.5ml of rigor buffer containing 10mM Trismeleates, 60 mM K Cl, 5mM MgCl2 1nM EDTA. Extracts were centrifuged in a tube at l0,000g for 5 min at 4~'C. The resultant pellets (myofibrilla) and supernatant (sarcoplasmic) separated using 12.5% Sodium Dodecyl-Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (1D SDS-PAGE). The relative concentration of individual protein bands were analyzed using Tota/Lab?1D software. The individual protein bands in the electrophoregram were identified in relation to their molecular weights. A total of eleven and seven protein bands were resolved in Myofibrilla and Sarcoplasmic fractions respectively. The 5th band with molecular weight (MW) of 52.23 KDa of the myofibrilla electrophoregram distinguished C. gariepinus from H. bidorsalis while the 3rd band with MW 119.04, 4th band with MWs 101.49 & 102.13; 8th band with MWs 29.24 and 29.39 KDa distinct the pure breeds from the hybrids. However, in sarcoplasmic fraction, the 3rd and 5th bands with MWs 92.11 KDa and 54.28 KDa respectively distinguished the hybrids in the while the 7th band with MW 41.67 KDa distinct the pure breeds. Therefore, this research will serve as a bridge between the existing gaps of information available on the muscle protein profile of C. gariepinus, H. bidorsalis and their reciprocal hybrids and the study identifies the proteomic classification of Clariid species with the aim of enlightening fish researchers and aquacullurists on the characterization of broodstock selection for successful breeding exercise

    Protein profile expression of Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis and their reciprocal hybrids in Southwest Nigeria

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    Proper genetic characterization would help in the selection of suitable strains for aquaculture that could lead to production of varieties of fishes to alleviate the problem of short supply of fast growing quality fish seeds. The study was aimed at analyzing the muscle protein profiles of Clarias gariepinus, Heterobranchus bidorsalis and their reciprocal hybrids. Sixteen juveniles fish samples (comprising four samples from each mating combinations) artificially propagated and reared for sixteen weeks were analyzed electrophoreti cally. The separation of the different polypeptides of C. gariepinus, H. bidorsalis and their reciprocal hybrid were carried out using 12% Sodium dodecyl, sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (JD SDS-PAGE). The relative concentration of individual protein bands were analyzed using Total LabTM ID software. The individual protein bands in the electrophoregram were identified in relation to their molecular weights. The gel images obtained after electrophoresis were scored and subjected to cluster analysis. The lst, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and l1th bands were detected across all mating combinations. The 5th band with molecular weight (78.58 distinguishes C. gariepinus from H. bidorsalis while the 6th band with molecular weight (54.41 KDa) distincts the reciprocal hybrid Clariabranchus from Heteroclarias. The 7th and 12th bands distinguished the pure breeds from the hybrids. The 7th band was present in both hybrids-Clariabranchus (49.50 KDa) and Heteroclarias (49.77 KDa) species but absent in the pure breeds while 12th was present in the pure breeds-C. gariepinus (19.92 KDa) and H. bidorsalis (20.29 KDa) but absent in the hybrids. The cluster analysis shows a high level of genetic similarity among the mating combinations which affirms the already established monophylogenetic relatedness among the species

    Growth performance and nutrient utilization of post fingerlings Clarias gariepinus fed varied levels of biscuit waste

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    A feeding trial was conducted to determine the effect of biscuit waste meal on the growth performance and utilization of Clarias gariepinus juveniles. A total of 300 juveniles of average weight 8.85g were randomly divided into 5 Treatments, each with three replicates. Twenty juveniles were distributed into fifteen happas (0.7m3) and each happa was suspended to 3/4 of its volume using kuralon ropes carefully tied round the bamboo poles across the concrete tanks. Five diets containing 40% crude protein were formulated in which maize was replaced with biscuit waste meal at Treatment diet 1 (TD1) 0%, 25% (TD2), 50% (TD3), 75% (TD4), 100% (TD5) levels.The juveniles were fed at 3% body weight per day for 10 weeks. It was recorded at the end of the experiment that biscuit waste was most suitable as an energy supplement when incorporated at 25% replacement (TD2) with maize. TD1 had the highest weight gain followed by TD2, TD3, TD4 and TD5 respectively. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the growth response in TD1 (0%), T0D (25%) and TD3 (50%). It is therefore concluded that biscuit waste meal is a cheap source of non conventional energy source which can be used favorably to replace maize (25% inclusion level) as an energy source in the diets of Clarias gariepinus

    Morphologic identification and proteomic analysis in adult Haemonchus contortus of West African Dwarf Goats by IDE SDS-PAGE

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    Haemonchus contortus is responsible for most field outbreak of acute and sub-acute parasitic gastro-enteritis of small ruminants. Given the growing prevalence of antihelminthic resistance in parasitic infections there is need for alternative methods of control and the novel option for worm control is vaccines production. This study determines the protein constituents of Haemonchus contortus in both male and female parasites. Two hundred abomasal samples were collected from West African Dwarf Goats at Bodija Municipal Abbattoir, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The adult H. contortus were isolated and separated by sex-based on morphological features. Male and female H. contortus were ground separately vortex in Tris buffer and centrifuged at 1000rpm for 5 minutes. In gel separation of the resulting supernatant was achieved using1 dimesnsional Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1DE SDS-PAGE). The raw images of the gel were captured using and analyses on 1D Totallabsoft ware. The software identified 7 (seven) protein bands for male and 10 (ten) protein bands for female and the coefficient of similarities between those bands detected in both male and female parasites was 0.43 (43%). The molecular weight of bands detected for male includes; 145.93,130.91, 64.64, 51.75, 34.68, 20.58,19.35 kDa) while that of female includes (144.62, 102.21, 70.00, 50.28, 35.81, 19.39, 19.49, 19.35, 19.33, 15.98 kDa). This most likely suggests that both male and female parasites have unique antigen of these proteins hitherto present in them. The immunogenicity of the bands can be assessed to identify protein (bands) suitable for vaccines production against haemonchosis in West African Dwarf goat in Nigeria.Keywords: Haemonchus contortus, parasite sexes, 1DE SDS PAGE, protein band