239 research outputs found

    Unraveling the complexity of the organic catering supply chain

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    The last decade supply chains other than retail are becoming more interesting for organic sales because of significant market growth. In this out of home sector the article’s focus is on catering, since that’s where professionalism with respect to marketing and logistics has developed best. A model of the catering supply chain will show it’s organisational complexity, which is often mentioned as the main obstacle for introducing organic food. In this paper it is shown that this is a problem indeed, yet it relates to non-organic issues. It is shown that, by decomposing the problem of introducing organic food in catering, it can be embedded in a more general context leading to opportunities in knowledge transfer and other priorities in how to upscale organic catering

    Suboptimality of Sales Promotions and Improvement Through Channel Coordination

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    This paper deals with sales promotions in the form of consumer price discounts in fast-moving consumer goods. First, we show analytically that suboptimality is to be expected with respect to the size of the consumer price discount. This is due to the separate decision making of the retailer and the manufacturer. We then compute the impact of this suboptimality for a database of eighty-six sale promotions, and we find that it is substantial. On average, the actual profitability of the sales promotions is only about one fourth of its potential profitability. The suboptimality problem can be solved through specific arrangements between retailer and manufacturer, which have the purpose of better channel coordination. One of these is a proportional discount sharing arrangement, in which each party contributes to the consumer price discount in proportion to its original margin (without sales promotion). Several other winwin arrangements are possible also.Sales promotions;channel coordination;channels of distribution;consumer price discounts

    Streekproduct goedkoper naar de winkel

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    Organisaties die streekproducten leveren aan consumenten en horeca hebben vaak veel hogere kosten voor logistiek dan grote retailers. Samenwerking kan soelaas bieden

    Veevoer van kantineresten

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    Wat in de catering aan voedsel overblijft kan mogelijk nog best als veevoer dienen. Maar hoe krijg je dat in de veevoerfabriek? Food and Biobased Research (FBR) onderzoekt de mogelijkheden

    Nieuwe afzetkanalen verleiden de consument

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    Nieuwe afzetkanalen bieden kansen om de afzet van biologische producten te vergroten. Waar moet je als bedrijf aan denken als je actief wilt worden in de lucratieve markt van horeca en bedrijfscatering? Welke andere creatieve manieren zijn er om afzet te verhogen en nieuwe kanalen aan te boren? Deze vragen stonden centraal tijdens de werkbijeenkomst ‘Het zit zó bij bio: Nieuwe afzetkanalen voor biologische producten’ op 9 oktober op Landgoed Rhederoord in De Steeg

    Behaviours in continuous time

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    Suboptimality of Sales Promotions and Improvement Through Channel Coordination

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    This paper deals with sales promotions in the form of consumer price discounts in fast-moving consumer goods. First, we show analytically that suboptimality is to be expected with respect to the size of the consumer price discount. This is due to the separate decision making of the retailer and the manufacturer. We then compute the impact of this suboptimality for a database of eighty-six sale promotions, and we find that it is substantial. On average, the actual profitability of the sales promotions is only about one fourth of its potential profitability. The suboptimality problem can be solved through specific arrangements between retailer and manufacturer, which have the purpose of better channel coordination. One of these is a proportional discount sharing arrangement, in which each party contributes to the consumer price discount in proportion to its original margin (without sales promotion). Several other winwin arrangements are possible also

    Waste free restaurant : reststromen

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    Het concept “Waste Free Restaurant”, is geĂŻnspireerd op de ‘natuurlijke cyclus’ en wordt uitgebouwd tot een business concept. Het ontwikkelconcept gaat uit van voorkomen van waardevermindering en verspilling van voedsel en het sluiten van kringlopen. Het verbeeldt waarom het noodzakelijk is onze relatie met de natuur te herstellen. Het restaurant zal fungeren als opvangcentrum voor A-keuze basisingrediĂ«nten met een afwijkende vorm. Voor de ondernemer is het noodzakelijk om in kaart te brengen welke grondstofstromen en producenten passend zijn bij het concept. Dit onderzoek is gericht op het ondersteunen van de ondernemer op dit gebied
