28 research outputs found

    Intention to buy, interactive marketing, and online purchase decisions

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    The digital era changes marketing activities and consumer behavior, particularly by changing conventional transactions into digitalized ones through online marketplaces. Before consumers make purchase decisions, they usually experience a phase in which they have needs and desires to choose, have, and use certain products. This phase is commonly known as intention to buy. However, intention to buy alone is insufficient in encouraging ones to make purchase decisions, especially in the online shopping environment. In this respect, the trust factor in online transactions that is established by maintaining good relationships with consumers through interactive marketing also likely explains online purchase decisions. Consequently, this study tests the effect of intention to buy on online purchase decisions as moderated by interactive marketing at an online marketplace in Indonesia, namely Sale-Stock. Data are generated from 200 respondents with the purposive sampling technique by distributing the questionnaires in Google Form through social media. Data are then analyzed with the multiple regression technique. The results show that intention to buy and interactive marketing affect online purchase decisions, both individually and simultaneously. Further, interactive marketing does not moderate the relationship between intention to buy and online purchase decisions.Era digital mengubah aktivitas pemasaran dan perilaku konsumen, khususnya dari transaksi yang bersifat konvensional menjadi digitalisasi dalam online marketplace. Sebelum konsumen memutuskan untuk melakukan pembelian, ada tahapan di mana mereka memiliki kebutuhan dan keinginan untuk memilih, memiliki, dan menggunakan produk tertentu yang disebut sebagai niat beli. Namun, niat dalam berbelanja semata, khususnya dalam transaksi online, belum tentu mendorong seseorang untuk melakukan pembelian. Faktor kepercayaan dalam transaksi online, yang dapat dibangun dengan membangun hubungan yang baik dengan konsumen melalui pemasaran interaktif juga disinyalir menjadi faktor pendukung lain. Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh minat membeli terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen, yang dimoderasi oleh pemasaran interaktif di salah satu online markeplace Indonesia, yaitu Sale-Stock. Data diperoleh dari 200 responden dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling melalui kuesioner yang didistribusikan melalui media sosial dengan menggunakan Google Form. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis menggunakan teknik regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa niat beli dan pemasaran interaktif baik secara parsial dan simultan secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian. Lebih lanjut lagi, pemasaran interaktif dikenal sebagai moderator prediktor dalam model penelitian ini

    In situ surface coverage analysis of RuO<sub>2</sub>-catalysed HCl oxidation reveals the entropic origin of compensation in heterogeneous catalysis

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    In heterogeneous catalysis, rates with Arrhenius-like temperature dependence are ubiquitous. Compensation phenomena, which arise from the linear correlation between the apparent activation energy and the logarithm of the apparent pre-exponential factor, are also common. Here, we study the origin of compensation and find a similar dependence on the rate-limiting surface coverage term for each Arrhenius parameter. This result is derived from an experimental determination of the surface coverage of oxygen and chlorine species using temporal analysis of products and prompt gamma activation analysis during HCl oxidation to Cl2 on a RuO2 catalyst. It is also substantiated by theory. We find that compensation phenomena appear when the effect on the apparent activation energy caused by changes in surface coverage is balanced out by the entropic configuration contributions of the surface. This result sets a new paradigm in understanding the interplay of compensation effects with the kinetics of heterogeneously catalysed processes

    Steam reforming of methanol over copper-containing catalysts: influence of support material on microkinetics

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    Steam reforming of methanol (SRM) was investigated over copper-containing catalysts supported on four different oxides and mixed oxides: Cu/ZnO/Al2O3, Cu/ZrO2/CeO2, Cu/SiO2 and Cu/Cr2O3/Fe2O3. After observing slight differences in the way of catalyst aging and experimental exclusion of mass transport limitation effects, a detailed kinetic study was carried out at 493 K. The dependence of the reaction rate on the molar ratio of methanol and water was determined as well as the influence of addition of inert nitrogen and the main reaction products hydrogen and carbon dioxide to the reactant mixture. Although there were remarkable differences in the catalytic activity of the samples, the main mechanistic steps reflected in the rate law appeared to be similar for all catalysts. The reaction rate is mainly determined by the methanol partial pressure, whereas water is not involved in the rate determining step, except over Cu/Cr2O3/Fe2O3, where several differences in the chemistry were observed. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide were found to inhibit the reaction. These results were confirmed by a DRIFTS study at 493 K using an equimolar reactant mixture and an excess of 4:1 of water and methanol, respectively. The same surface species could be identified on each catalyst but neither kinetic modelling nor the DRIFTS spectra could give a clear answer if the reaction pathway occurs via a dioxomethylene or a methyl formate species as intermediate. Similar activation energies of SRM confirm the assumption, that the surface chemistry of SRM over copper-based systems is independent of the catalyst support material

    The impact of nitrogen mobility on the activity of zirconium oxynitride catalysts for ammonia decomposition

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    A zirconium oxynitride catalyst was used for the decomposition of ammonia to hydrogen and nitrogen. The onset of catalytic activity at 550 °C coincided with the onset of nitrogen ion mobility in the material and a phase change from the initial β′ phase ( Zr7O11N2) to the nitrogen-rich β″ ZrON phase ( Zr7O9,5N3). No hydrazine formation during an extended time on stream was detectable. Moreover, the onset of activity was also correlated to a rapid change in the electronic structure of the surface accompanying formation of the more active β″ ZrON phase. The results presented here show for the first time a direct correlation among the onset of ion conductivity as a bulk property, a modified electronic structure of the surface, and the catalytic performance of a heterogeneous catalyst

    An integrated approach to Deacon chemistry on RuO2-based catalysts

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    AbstractRationally designed RuO2-based Deacon catalysts can contribute to massive energy saving compared to the current electrolysis process in chemically recycling HCl to produce molecular chlorine. Here, we report on our integrated approach between state-of-the-art experiments and calculations. The aim is to understand industrial Deacon catalyst in its realistic surface state and to derive mechanistic insights into this sustainable reaction. We show that the practically relevant RuO2/SnO2 consists of two major RuO2 morphologies, namely 2–4 nm-sized particles and 1–3-ML-thick epitaxial RuO2 films attached to the SnO2 support particles. A large fraction of the small nanoparticles expose {110} and {101} facets, whereas the film grows with the same orientations, due to the preferential surface orientation of the rutile-type support. Steady-state Deacon kinetics indicate a medium-to-strong positive effect of the partial pressures of reactants and deep inhibition by both water and chlorine products. Temporal Analysis of Products and in situ Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis strongly suggest a Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism and that adsorbed Cl poisons the surface. Under relevant operation conditions, the reactivity is proportional to the coverage of a specific atomic oxygen species. On the extensively chlorinated surface that can be described as surface oxy-chloride, oxygen activation is the rate-determining step. DFT-based micro-kinetic modeling reproduced all experimental observations and additionally suggested that the reaction is structure sensitive. Out of the investigated models, the 2ML RuO2 film-covered SnO2 gives rise to significantly higher reactivity than the (101) surface, whereas the 1ML film seems to be inactive