4 research outputs found

    Study of Performance Index and Business Analysis on Chicken Infected by Escherichia Coli with Probiotic Provision of Lactic Acid Bacteria

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    This study was conducted to determine the performance index and business analysis of broilers infected with Escherichia coli by administering lactic acid bacteria probiotics in the form of Lactoped® (Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus fermentatum, Lactobacillus acidophilus). This type of research was true experimental research using a post-test-only control group design. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD). 30 broilers were randomized into three treatments (P0, P1 and P2) in each group with a minimum of six times. Probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with a concentration of 108 CFU/ml in broilers infected with Escherichia coli showed a higher performance index. It could cover the entire fixed costs so still feasible to do, meanwhile, for the scale of research (10 heads/treatment), it was not yet feasible to implement due to it has suffered losses

    Penggunaan Probiotik Kombinasi Lactococcus Lactis Dan Lactobacillus Acidophilus Sebagai Pengganti Antibiotika Pada Ayam Petelur Yang Diinfeksi Escherichia Coli Terhadap Analisis Usaha

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    Escherichia coli is a normal flora in the digestive system of laying hens that are non-pathogenic, which can change into pathogens and cause the egg production to decrease. So the combination of Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotics is expected to be able to overcome E. coli and become a substitute for the antibiotics (Virginiamycin) in animal feed. This study aims to determine business analysis including Break Event Points (BEP), Revenue Cost Ratio (R / C Ratio), Payback Period (PP) and Return On Investment (ROI). The best results obtained for the calculation of Break Event Point (BEP) on a0b2 treatment with a BEP of Rp. 17,587,24 with BEP production on a1b2 of 14,36 kg, Revenue Cost Ratio (R / C Ratio) generates a value of 1,543 for treatment a0b2, Payback Period (PP) generates a value of 1 year 3 months 9 days and Return On Investment (ROI) generates a value of 3. It was concluded that the a0b2 treatment had good results to be developed

    Supplementation of Fermented Moringa Leaf Powder (Moringa Oleifera) on Feed Consumption, Egg Weight and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) in Laying Duck

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of the addition of fermented moringa leaf powder on feed consumption, egg weight, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of laying ducks. 60 laying ducks were randomized into four treatments i.e. (P0) 0% Moringa leaf powder fermentation, (P1) 0.5% Moringa leaf powder fermentation, (P2) 1% Moringa leaf powder fermentation, and (P3) 1.5% Moringa leaf fermentation. Treatment of concentration refered in 100% commercial feed for 3 weeks. The results showed that the adding of Moringa leaf powder fermentation to feed consumption in each treatment showed significantly different results (p <0.05) in each treatment, with the highest consumption at P2 (176.21 ± 0.92) and the lowest at P0 (158.21 ± 1.07). The results of the study on duck egg weight showed that P1, P2, P3 were significantly different with P0. The highest egg weight in P2 is (70.50 ± 0.34) and the lowest is P0 (66.98a ± 0.29). FCR of laying duck in each treatment showed significantly different results in each treatment, with the highest at P0 (3,81± 0,34) and the lowest at P2 (3,27 ± 0,09). In conclusion, the addition of 1% Moringa leaf powder in 100% of commercial feed can increase feed consumption, increase egg weight and decrease FCR