9 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Perawatan Kehamilan (Ante Natal Care (Anc)) Ibu Hamil : Studi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gondanglegi Kabupaten Dati II Malang

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    The purpose of this study was to study the factors that influenced the behaviour of prenatal care. Its conducted to 180 samples of pregnan­ cies. There were 3 stages of sampling regent (kabupaten), district (kecamatan)/Health Centre and village. All pregnancies in selected villages were samples (cluster). The data collection was conducted using interview guide and analized using multiple linier regression. The results were: that variable with strongest influence to the prenatal care behaviour was level of pregnancy care knowledge. Other variables were accesibility to health fasilities and health education par­ticipation

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (Asi) Ekslusif pada Bayi

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    Exclusive breast-feeding (ASI exclusive) should be given to babies aged until four or six months. But until now the performance was only aboud 50% mothers practiced exclusive the breast-feeding. The main purpose of this research was to team influencing factors to the "ASI exclusive". Identified factors were mothers' age, children age, mother's education level, mother's working or not, number of family members, number of children in family, average of mother income every month, average of family expences every month, attendant at the first, attendant at the last delivery and the diferencies village-urban life. The data source as Modul of National Economic Survey 2001. The total babies sample 0-4 age-month were 1533 and 0-11 age-month were 5313, respectively. The data obtained were analyzed by bivariate test to determine differences and relationship of ASI exclusive as dependent variable with each independent variable identified in this research. Multiple logistic regression analysis was done to determine influencing factors to ASI exclusive. Results of descriptive analysis showed ASI exclusive according to infant's age, 42.2% were until 4 month-age, 41.2% were until 5 month-age and 36.7% were until 6 month-age babies. The differences and relationship of ASI exclusive proportions depend on mothers working or not, attendant at the last delivery, mother living in urban/rural and the average of family expences every month. Result of multivariate logistic regression analysis, showed two significant variables mothers living in urban/rural and mothers working or not. Whether the influences were weak may because not sufficient data analyzed in the multiple logistic regression only two significant variable identifed. The recommendation from this research results is to promote health education on exclusive breast-feeding among pregnant mothers

    Pengetahuan dan Kebutuhan Pelayanan Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Beberapa Kota Besar di Jawa

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    Adolescent is the candidate of fertile age couple that will create a family. Knowledge, attitude and behavior of their reproduction at the present will influence the family forms in the future. Adolescent as the candidate of fertile life. The phase of adolescent is signed by the maturity of reproduction instruments. The appear of sexual supporting and curiosity to this age phase needs guidance so can be controlled an does not make a problem that can harm the life of their reproduction next time. The purpose of this study was to observe the level of knowledge, attitude and emotion of adolescent and the health sevices need of adolescent reproduction at some big towns in Indonesia such as, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. The sample of this study was 786 students of SMU, SLTP and children who did not get school in the age of 14 until 18 years old. The data was gathered with the questionaire and discussion of directed group. The data analysis was done by compare test with score description on the average and standard cross sectional, percentage and synthetic. The result obtained that showed the adolescent's knowledge about the aspect of reproduction mature sign and infected diseases still about 52-56% whoanswered the questioner correctly and maturity of adolescent's emotion was relative low. The adolescent who was actively be boy and gilrfriends at this study amount 41.1% and begin to be boy and girlfriend amount about 13-14 years old. The way of giving health information of reproduction that is expected by the adolescent namely discussion, hot line service (phone), conseling through the letter and medium such as booklet, leafleat, brochure and poster. The pepople that are expected giving information service to the adolescent is their friend of the same age, teacher, profesional institution, parents and doctor/midwife. The expected material is moral values, law, religion, adolescent development, adolescent intercourse, the health sexual behavior and drugs

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Bidang Kesehatan dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Due the health decentralization's management, the district government hould be able is hopped to arangge and to develope the health system that fit to the local condition. The main issues of the health development in the decentralization's management, is the district government can implement to mobilize the potential source in the work's area to be participate in the health development, and the final result is hopped community improvement to solve the their health problem. To solve this problem, explorative study on community impoverment and partnership had been conducted which explored the fact in the field of study. The result showed that: 1. The "District Health Committe" development, which was written in the documentation of Health Desentralization Strategy, formally hasn't formed yet in East and West Lombok District. 2. The embrio of District Health Commitee has been developed in East Lombok District, namely the "Healty Coalitation of East Lombok" which it's the members consists of the association of Community Self Institution (LSM) in district level. 3. "Healthy Area Forum" which has task to develop health area has been established in West Lombok District but it still has boundary in sub-district. It was running well since its has cooperated between the community leader, district government, private enterprise, and NGO in the local area. 4. Unfortenetly, the partnership prinsciples has not been implemented to run the cooperation betwen community organization and Health District. To assure the continuing of activities, the study suggested to develop a guidence to facilitate the establisment of District Health Committe. It will lead planning construction, action, supervision, accountability monitoring of district health system development

    Pemasyarakatan Air Susu Ibu (Asi) Eksklusif melalui Penyuluhan

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    The objectives of this study were: (1) to evaluate and compare changes and differences on the knowledge and attitude toward Exclusive Breast Feeding, among pregnant and breast feeding mothers exposed to various campaign techniques; (2) to assess and compare proportions of Exclusive Breast Feeding practices according to various campaign techniques applied. Pretest-post test quasi experimental design, without control group, was implemented in this investigation. The total population of mothers, seven months pregnant was drawn as the subject to be investigated. A total of 377 mothers was recruited from four health centres. Data and informations were gathered through observations and structured interviews. Comparative tests were employed in data analyses. Pregnant mothers recruited for this investigation were subjected to direct educational sessions delivered by PKK cadres, and they were also provtded with informative leaflets. These cadres applied four educational techniques, i.e. lectures, simulations, group discussions, role play. The results of this study showed, that the four educational techniques produced significant differences on the improvements of breast feeding knowledge. However, the study indicated no significant different on Exclusive Breast Feeding attitude and practice. At the end of the investiga­tion, there were significant improvements on attitude towards Exclusive Breast Feeding in each study area. The Exclusive Breast Feeding was practiced upon newborn babies until they reached three months of age (48.3%) and 4 months of age (51.7%). The low levels of knowledge, attlfude toward Exclusive Breast Feeding, and the practice of Exclusive Breast Feedmg, tend to be influenced by campaign implementation by cadres

    Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Penyuluhan Kader Posyandu Kepada Ibu Hamil (Studi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Turen, Tumpang dan Pakisaji, Kabupaten Dati II Malang)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku penyuluhan kelompok Kader Posyandu kepada ibu hamil. Dalam menganalisis tujuan tersebut, kami pelajari sampel Kader Posyandu di tiga Puskesmas. Kriteria Puskesmas sampel penelitian yang mempunyai kegiatan penuluhan kelompok cukup tinggi dan jumlah ibu hamil relatif cukup tinggi dalam tahun 1992. Sampel kader diambil sebanyak 220 dengan menggunakan rumus proporsi. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan lewat wawancara dan berpedoman pada analisis data dengan menggunakan rumus regresi ganda linier.Dari analisis regresi tersebut, diperoleh variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi bermakna pada perilaku penyuluhan kader, yaitu perilaku pembina kader, pendapat pada nilai-nilai perawatan kehamilan, kepercayaan kader pada perawatan kehamilan, tingkat pengetahuan kader, dan kelengkapan alat untuk penyuluhan. Secara bersama-sama, variabel tersebut berpengaruh pada perilaku penyuluhan 58% dan faktor yang mempunyai pengaruh pada perilaku penyuluhan adalah tingkat kader posyandu

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Peran Kader Kesehatan / Kader Posyandu

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    . Pos Pelayanan Terpadu/Posyandu (Village Integrated Health Post/VIHP) was introduced in 1984. The purpose is to establish community based services which are relevant to child survival, safe motherhood and family planning. Services are provided by health cadres; curative services and immunization are provided by health centre staffs.The fact that Posyandu is located at hamlet, Posyandu contribute to the reach of target population, but Posyandu Cadre´s performance in health education is still minimal.The objectives of this review are to study what are the roles and tasks of Posyandu cadres and what are the factors that are associated with their performance.The findings of studies showed that active cadre´s conducted weighing and recording the result in mother and children health card (KMS), and assisting health centre team in providing health care at Posyandu or mobile services.As for health education activities of Posyandu Cadre´s studies found that socioeconomic status of Posyandu Cadre´s, skill deficit in health education, and minimal health knowledge are conditions that are associated with minimal activity of Posyandu Cadres in health education. Keyword: Primary Health Care, Health Cadre, Community Base Health Service