3 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Rotating Cylinder Type Coffee Bean Roaster

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    One strategy attempts to reduce dependence on primary commodity markets are overseas market expansion and development of secondary products. In the secondary product processing coffee beans is required of supporting equipment to facilitate these efforts. Research Center for Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa has developed coffee bean roaster. However, there are still many people who do not know about the technical aspects of roaster machine type of rotating cylinder so that more people use traditional ways to roast coffee beans. In order for the benefits of this machine is better known society it is necessary to study on the technical aspects. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the technical performance of the coffee beans roaster machine type of rotating cylinder. These include the technical aspects of work capacity of the machine, roasting technical efficiency, fuel requirements, and power requirements of using roaster machine. Research methods are including data collection, calculation and analysis. The results showed that the roaster machine type of a rotating cylinder has capacity of 12.3 kg/hour. Roasting efficiency is 80%. Fuel consumption is 0.6 kg. The calculated amount of the used power of current measurement is the average of 0.616 kW

    Sieving Effect of Sorting Machine with Vibration Table Type on Cacao Pod Based Compost

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    Cacao pod is the biggest part (70% of weight) of Cacao, which was not optimaly utilized.Cacao podis one of organic material that can be functioned as an organic fertilizer, such as compost. When utilizedwith right proportion, organic fertilizer is safe for plants and not degrades the soil composition. Compostingprocess is one of utilization form of Cacao pod. The size reduction of cacao pod in the organic fertilizerprocess would help to accelerate the composting process. Smaller particle size would faster interacting withenvironment, so the composting process would be well accelerated if compared to the material with biggersize. Chopping machine of Cacao pod is used to cut the biomass to be small particle in order to be able tobe utilized as some important necessity, i.e. fertilizer or farm animals feed. However, Varies compost sizewas one of the problems faced in the composting process. Therefore, the sorting process was needed tobe done after chopping process, so the compost size became uniform and fulfill the user demand. Thisresearch was aimed at knowing the slope effect of sorting machine and rotation speed (RPM). The methodused in analyzing the results of this research was comparing the treatment factors, which are shown withhistogram. As the super small size of compost recommended for applying in the fertilizing process, so theoptimum treatment combination for having high mass fraction of SS compost grade was achieved at 12oslope of sieve table and 1400 RPM motor rotation speed. As bigger the particle densities of the compostsize as smaller the compost porosity. Mass loss was very low at all treatment combination with the valuearound 0.43-1.33%, so the sieving efficiency can be said very high

    Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia dan Organoleptik Tiwul Instan Protein Tinggi Bersubtitusi Tepung Koro Pedang (Canavalia Ensiformis L.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persentase subtitusi tepung koro pedang pada pembuatan tiwul instan protein tinggi terhadap karakteristik fisik, kimia dan organoleptik tiwul instan dan menentukan persentase subtitusi tepung koro pedang yang tepat sehingga dihasilkan tiwul instan yang disukai. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktor tunggal, yaitu persentase subtitusi tepung koro pedang pada pembuatan tiwul instan dan setiap perlakuan dalam penelitian diulang 3 (tiga) kali. Data pengamatan yang didapatkan dianalisis menggunakan uji keragaman (ANOVA) taraf kepercayaan 95% (α≤0,05) dan apabila ada perbedaan yang nyata antar perlakuan (α≤0,05) dilanjutkan dengan uji beda Duncan. Data uji organoleptik dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square (α≤0,05). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, bahwa peningkatan persentase subtitusi tepung koro pedang menyebabkan peningkatan daya rehidrasi, daya kembang dan kadar protein tiwul instan protein tinggi, namun menyebabkan penurunan terhadap densitas kamba, kecerahan warna dan kadar air tiwul instan protein tinggi yang dihasilkan. Uji organoleptik kesukaan panelis didapatkan persentase tertinggi pada perlakuan P3 (persentase subtitusi tepung koro pedang 30% ) dengan atribut memiliki daya rehidrasi 347%, densitas kamba 0,51 g/mL, daya kembang 35,14%, kecerahan warna 69,87, kadar air 6,05%, dan kadar protein 8,15%, serta persentase kesukaan warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan kekenyalan berturut turut 56, 40, 62, 68, dan 64%