49 research outputs found

    An Integrative-Participative Model for Strengthening National Knowledge and Political Education to Cadres and Constituents of Political Parties

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    Today, national knowledge (concept) for Indonesians seems relatively decreasing, including for politicians. The relations between political parties and their constituents is becoming greater because in the political life, peoples always support a political party and hope that the political party can accommodate their aspirations to fulfill their need and improve lives. In local, regional and national elections, the conflicts often happen among political party their supporters and it shows a relative low political education among them. Based on this phenomenon, it is interesting to study: First, how is the national knowledge of political party’s cadres and constituents? Second, how is the political education for the cadres and constituents? From the study in Indonesia, in East Java province, we found that the national knowledge and political education for political party’s cadres and constituents are not optimal. Their knowledge about politics is still limited and more pragmatism. It is caused by the lack of political education from the political party. Based on these findings, we develop a solution to solve those problems by strengthening national knowledge and political education using the integrative-participative model. Keywords: integrative-participative model, political education, national knowledge, political consciousness

    Reinforcement of women's participation in politics through political education and women's organization networks

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    Women’s participation in politics in Indonesia has not met the quota of 30%. Such a low participation is generally thought to be caused by various constraints namely among others the difference of socialization between women and men, political socialization at level of citizens, ideological and psychological constraints, external constraint, less political education for members of women’s political parties, less numbers of communication networks among women’s organizations, and political parties and their constituents.Then, they are extended by building a network between one country and other countries in South East Asia so that this may contributed to the embryo of (Women) ASEAN Community

    The Gender Sensitivity of Political Parties in Indonesia and Asean Women Politicians Network in Realizing Community Development Programs

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    Women are assumed to have more sensitivity on gender issues than men. It means that women are assumed to have more sensitivity to fight genders for their interests. However, the limited participation of women in politics is becoming a crucial issue since the political parties have not given serious attention to women resulting unfulfilling in the quotas of women in parliament. In addition to that, the limited number of politicians possessing gender sensitivity is still a bitter reality throughout the world. Based on previous researches, some of the prominent reasons underlying this issue are the low quantity and quality of women politicians, the lack of support from political party leaders, and patriarchy culture within the society. Currently in Indonesia, some female politicians have been able to take part as legislators or head of the region (executive), but the numbers are still limited. The network of women politicians throughout ASEAN has not shown any encouraging results. Women politicians are able to realise community development programs in their respective regions, and together with ASEAN women, politicians build the welfare of the people especially regarding with the issue of women and family interests

    Political Ideology Meaning and Patriarchal Ideology of Female Politicians in Indonesia: A Case in Malang

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    The study analyzes the influences of the Javanese cultural political ideology towards Javanese woman politician's life in democratic era in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The study focuses on how aliran political ideology and patriarchal ideology influence the existence of woman politicians. The study aims to understand the woman politicians as subject (self) or others, especially when cultural ideology limits their existence. The methodology of this research is interpretive-interaction method. The finding of this study shows that the existence of woman politicians is no longer regarded as fully other; instead it goes towards subject (self). That indicates a process of progressive democracy and thus supports sustainable democracy in Indonesia