1 research outputs found

    The Origin and Significance of Banding in 18Ni (250) Maraging Steel

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    Banding that occurred in plates rolled from the early production heats of 18Ni (250) maraging steel i s described and related to the segvegation of certain alloying elements (nickel, molybdenum, titanium) DURING the past few years, considerable attention has been directed towards the low-carbon, high-alloy maraging steels and in particular towards the 18Ni-8Co-5Mo-0.4Ti alloy. The steels of this group, having an excellent combination of high strength and toughness, have a number of advantages over their more conventional medium -carbon low -alloy, quenched-andtempered counterparts. In the annealed condition, the maraging steels a r e in the form of a ductile martensite; aging at a relatively low temperature, typically 900°F for 3 h r , increases greatly the strength through the precipitation of intermetallic compounds. One problem in the early production heats of maraging steel was that the finished plate frequently displayed a banded structure. Previous work on other steels1-' had established that banding in wrought products is either a direct o r a n indirect consequence of chemical segregation, which occurs during solidification and persists to some extent through normal thermal and mechanical treatments. For example, Smith and others: in a study of low-alloy steel, were able to correlate the severity of banding in the wrought product with the degree of interdendritic segregation of nickel and chromium in the as-cast ingot. The effect of banding on the mechanical properties of steels is usually considered to be detrimental, although there is only limited evidence to suggest that a marked improvement in properties can be obtained with less heterogeneous structures. Comparison of the longitudinal and transverse tensile properties of banded and of homogenized 4340 steel showed that only the transverse ductility was improved by homogenization, but even then the improvement was not commercially significant .' Conversely, homogenization of through-the-thickness tension specimens of quenchedand-tempered steel plate, containing 1.47 pct Mn, increased the strength by a s much a s 10 pct and the tensile ductility by at least a factor of twos5 This improvement was related to the elimination of manganeserich bands, which also a r e one of the factors responsible for cold cracking in the heat-affected zone of metal-arc welds.7 In the present study the nature and severity of banding in early commercial 18Ni(250) maraging steel plate and in laboratory-melted 18Ni(250) maraging steel plate was determined. The effects of banding on plane-strain fracture toughness and the effects of thermal homogenization treatments on the strength, tensile ductility, and toughness of 18Ni 1) STUDIES OF BANDING IN EARLY PRODUCTION PLATE The chemical composition of the steel (A) used in this part of the investigation i s shown in banded structure. The typical banded condition, An electron-probe X-ray microanalyzer (using a focused beam of electrons) was used to determine the composition of the bands and of the material between the bands with respect to the main alloying elementsnickel, molybdenum, titanium, and cobalt. The r ecorded X-ray intensities were converted to concentration values with the use of a standard of similar composition. To facilitate probe positioning, all analyses were conducted on specimens that had been given a light etch. The influence of this etching on the analytical results was negligible; analyses made on the identical a r e a before and after etching yielded essentially the same concentration values. The results of the electron-microprobe analyses at selected points revealed that the layers of austenite and adjacent dark-etching martensite contained greater amounts of nickel, molybdenum, and titanium than did the surrounding matrix