4 research outputs found
Biomass Accumulation and Nutritional Requirements of Potato as Affected by Potassium Supply
- Author
- A Alva
- AD Cardoso
- AGL Souto
- AM Fernandes
- AM Fernandes
- B van Raij
- B van Raij
- D Coskun
- DA Ashley
- DG Blevins
- DG Chaudhary
- DW James
- E Malavolta
- E Panique
- EJ Meurer
- F Bilias
- F Karam
- F Karam
- JR Davenport
- M Allison
- MZ Khan
- N Neshev
- NEPAR-SBCS â NĂșcleo Estadual ParanĂĄâSociedade Brasileira de CiĂȘncia do Solo
- NK Fageria
- P Kumar
- P Marschner
- RA Reis Jr
- RM Mohr
- RP Soratto
- S Alam
- S Alam
- S Li
- S Ramani
- SBCS-CQFS â Sociedade Brasileira de CiĂȘncia do Solo â ComissĂŁo de QuĂmica e Fertilidade do solo
- TW Rufty
- U Leibar
- UC Shukla
- V Sharma
- VD Fageria
- W Guo
- W Kang
- WM Laughlin
- ZM El-Sirafy
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Soils and Surface Waters as Affected by Long-Term Swine Slurry Application in Oxisols of Southern Brazil
- Author
- Aita
- Aita
- Allen
- Alvim
- Anami
- Angers
- Balota
- Basso
- Bertol
- Bertol
- Borkert
- Brink
- Burkholder
- Cambardella
- Ceretta
- Citeau
- Cogo
- Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA)
- Croué
- Fisher
- Gatiboni
- Gee
- GrÀber
- Hountin
- Kim
- Kunz
- Legros
- Lourenzi
- Mattias
- Miranda
- Murrell
- Pote
- Redding
- Redding
- Rodrigues
- Scherer
- Sharpley
- Sociedade Brasileira de CiĂȘncia do Solo-NĂșcleo Regional Sul (SBCS-NRS)
- Soil Survey Staff
- Sparks
- Stone
- Tedesco
- Unc
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Williams
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Tree community patterns along pond-upland topographic gradients, upper Uruguay River basin, southern Brazil
- Author
- A Chao
- A Chao
- A Chao
- A Stein
- AL Gasper
- APG (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group) IV
- AR Ruschel
- AT Oliveira-Filho
- B Davies
- B Palik
- BH McArdle
- BMJ Engelbrecht
- CA Alvares
- CE Looney
- CWPM Blom
- D Dessalegn
- D Grasel
- D Grasel
- D Grasel
- D Grasel
- DR Maidment
- E Delhaize
- ELH Giehl
- EMBRAPA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa AgropecuĂĄria)
- G Segura
- G Weber-Blaschke
- GA Damasceno-Junior
- HJ Tromp-van Meerveld
- IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e EstatĂstica)
- J Alahuhta
- J Biggs
- J Schietti
- JA Duberstein
- JC Budke
- JE Moeslund
- JF Dumont
- L HamerlĂk
- L Meyer
- LA Schorn
- M DufrĂȘne
- M Kent
- M Sobral
- MI Daws
- MJ Anderson
- MJ Anderson
- MJ Anderson
- MJ Cohen
- MM Pollock
- MN Adel
- MS Wrege
- NCA Pitman
- NG Cunha
- P Balvanera
- Q Wang
- R PĂ©lissier
- RD Semlitsch
- RH MacArthur
- SBCS/CQFS (Sociedade Brasileira de CiĂȘncia do Solo/ComissĂŁo de QuĂmica e Fertilidade do Solo)
- SEMA (Secretaria Estadual do Meio Ambiente)
- SK Panda
- SR Pezeshki
- ST Meirelles
- T Jucker
- TC Hsieh
- WJ Junk
- WJ Junk
- WJ Mitsch
- WJ Previant
- WP Casey
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Evaluation of Soil Re-mineralizer from By-Product of Volcanic Rock Mining: Experimental Proof Using Black Oats and Maize Crops
- Author
- A Meunier
- A Streckeisen
- ACV Motta
- AK Bakken
- AM Coelho
- BI Kronberg
- C Cabot
- CG Ramos
- CG Ramos
- Claudete Gindri Ramos
- COD Ros
- D Ciceri
- D Cordell
- DA Manning
- DA Manning
- Diego dos Santos de Medeiros
- DJ Beerling
- DO Rabel
- E Malavolta
- GP Gillman
- H Sade
- Ivo André Homrich Schneider
- J Korchagin
- J Priyono
- JB Jones
- JM Huggett
- JMG Nunes
- JZ Barbosa
- Leandro Gomez
- LF Silva
- LM Rosenstengel
- Luis Felipe Silva Oliveira
- M Bergmann
- M Gilliham
- M Nieves-Cordones
- MD Carvalho
- MG Keeping
- MJ Tedesco
- N Curi
- NE Sånchez-Peña
- NK Fageria
- NK Fageria
- OH Leonardos
- PAV Escosteguy
- PM Piccoli
- RC Silva
- RH Nowaki
- RJ Haynes
- Rubens Muller Kautzmann
- SH Theodoro
- SH Theodoro
- Sociedade Brasileira de CiĂȘncia do SoloâSBCS
- United States Department of AgricultureâUSDA
- V Ferrari
- V Pauletti
- W Guo
- WA Deer
- WL Lindsay
- WO Santos
- X Querol
- Y Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study