21 research outputs found

    La competitivita'

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    Di poche parole si è così abusato, nei dibattiti sui problemi economici, come del termine “competitività”. Essa è al centro di programmi politici, di indirizzi di governo, di inchieste e articoli giornalistici. A fronte dello smodato utilizzo del termine, però, non fa riscontro una chiara e univoca definizione di questo concetto nelle scienze economiche

    La competitività

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    Pop competitiveness

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    Very few economic terms are used as much as competitiveness in economics. This article deals with the different meanings of competitiveness, at the level of a firm, at the level of the local area, and at the level of the country. It analyzes the problems of consistency among the available definitions and among the indicators used to measurecompetitiveness

    The LINC-NIRVANA patrol camera

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    LINC-NIRVANA is the IR Fizeau interferometric imager of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona. Here we describe in particular the design, realization and preliminary tests of the so-called Patrol Camera. It can image (in the range 600-900 nm) the same 2 arcmin FoV seen by the Medium- High-Wavefront Sensor (MHWS), adequately sampled to provide the MHWS star enlargers with the positions of the FoV stars with an accuracy of 0.1 arcsec. To this aim a diffraction-limited performance is not required, while a distortion free focal plane is needed to provide a suitable astrometric output. Two identical systems will be realized, one for each single arm, which corresponds to each single telescope. We give here the details concerning the optical and mechanical design, as well as the CCD and the control system. The interfaces with LINC-NIRVANA are also presented both in terms of matching the carbon fiber optical bench and developing of suitable software procedures. Since the major components have been already gathered, the laboratory tests and the integration are currently in progress

    The MCAO wavefront sensing system of LINC-NIRVANA: status report

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    LINC-NIRVANA is an infrared camera that will work in Fizeau interferometric way at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). The two beams that will be combined in the camera are corrected by an MCAO system, aiming to cancel the turbulence in a scientific field of view of 2 arcminutes. The MCAO wavefront sensors will be two for each arm, with the task to sense the atmosphere at two different altitudes (the ground one and a second height variable between a few kilometers and a maximum of 15 kilometers). The first wavefront sensor, namely the Ground layer Wavefront sensor (GWS), will drive the secondary adaptive mirror of LBT, while the second wavefront sensor, namely the Mid High layer Wavefront Sensor (MHWS) will drive a commercial deformable mirror which will also have the possibility to be conjugated to the same altitude of the correspondent wavefront sensor. The entire system is of course duplicated for the two telescopes, and is based on the Multiple Field of View (MFoV) Layer Oriented (LO) technique, having thus different FoV to select the suitable references for the two wavefront sensor: the GWS will use the light of an annular field of view from 2 to 6 arcminutes, while the MHWS will use the central 2 arcminutes part of the FoV. After LINC-NIRVANA has accomplished the final design review, we describe the MFoV wavefront sensing system together with its current status