7 research outputs found

    Межгодовая изменчивость продолжительности безледного периода в юго-западной части Карского моря

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    In the coming years, exploration drilling in the geological structures in the Kara Sea is planned. It will be carried out during the ice-free period using floating drilling facilities of a different ice class. The aim of the work is analysis of the interannual variability of duration of the ice-free period in the area of the geological structures the results of which are necessary for planning operational activity of the drilling platforms and optimization of expenses for exploration drilling on the Arctic shelf. For an assessment of interannual variability of the ice-free period duration in the area of the geological structures there were used data on the dates of water area clearance from ice and beginning of ice formation in the southwestern part of the Kara Sea for the period of 30 years on the basis of the AARI weekly ice charts. An analysis of interannual variability of the ice-free period duration showed that a 20-year summer (1989–2008) and a 10-year (2009–2018) intervals could be identified. It is shown that in the last decade as a result of combination of favorable hydrometeorological conditions the ice-free period duration has increased by more than 1 month. An analysis of the main hydrometeorological factors determining the ice-free period duration indicated that it is possible to perform an assessment of duration of exploration drilling operations in the water area of the East-Prinovozemelsky license blocks with a period in advance of several months. Drilling with the use of ice-resistant drilling platform allows us to extend the operation period, as drilling could be started after disappearance of close ice and finished after the ice thickness growth up to 30 cm.Рассмотрена межгодовая изменчивость сроков очищения акватории ото льда, начала ледообразования и продолжительность безледного периода в районе геологических структур в юго-западной части Карского моря. Показано, что в последнее десятилетие в результате сочетания благоприятных гидрометеорологических условий продолжительность безледного периода увеличилась более чем на месяц. Анализ основных гидрометеорологических факторов, определяющих продолжительность безледного периода, показал, что возможно выполнять оценку продолжительности операционного периода поисково-разведочного бурения на акватории Восточно-Приновоземельских лицензионных участков с заблаговременностью в несколько месяцев

    Distribution of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)-related HLA alleles correlates with the difference in IDDM incidence in four populations of the Eastern Baltic region

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    The high incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in Finland contrasts strikingly with the low rates in the neighbouring populations of countries in the Eastern Baltic region: Estonia, Latvia and Russia. To evaluate the possible contribution of genetic factors to these differences, the frequencies of HLA-DQB1 alleles and relevant DQB1-DQA1 or DQB1-DRB1 haplotypes associated with IDDM risk or protection were analysed among IDDM patients and control subjects from these four populations. An increased frequency of HLA-DQB1*0302, DQB1*02-DQA1*05 and DQB1*0302-DRB1*0401 was observed in subjects with IDDM in all studied populations, whereas the prevalence of DQB1*0301 and DQB1*0602 and/or *0603 was decreased among patients. The degree of IDDM risk associated with HLA alleles analysed here did not differ significantly between the populations. Comparisons of the distribution of IDDM-related HLA alleles and haplotypes in the background populations revealed its consonance with IDDM incidence. The combined frequency of high risk genotypes was significantly higher among Finns than in other populations studied. Our data support the hypothesis that variance in the dispersion of HLA alleles is the genetic basis of variation of IDDM incidence observed in the Eastern Baltic region