3 research outputs found

    Cholecystokinin in the central nervous system of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus: precursor identification and neuroanatomical relationships with other neuronal signalling systems

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    Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a neuropeptide that modulates processes such as digestion, satiety, and anxiety. CCK-type peptides have been characterized in jawed vertebrates and invertebrates, but little is known about CCK-type signalling in the most ancient group of vertebrates, the agnathans. Here, we have cloned and sequenced a cDNA encoding a sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus L.) CCK-type precursor (PmCCK), which contains a CCK-type octapeptide sequence (PmCCK-8) that is highly similar to gnathostome CCKs. Using mRNA in situ hybridization, the distribution of PmCCK-expressing neurons was mapped in the CNS of P. marinus. This revealed PmCCK-expressing neurons in the hypothalamus, posterior tubercle, prethalamus, nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, midbrain tegmentum, isthmus, rhombencephalic reticular formation, and the putative nucleus of the solitary tract. Some PmCCK-expressing neuronal populations were only observed in adults, revealing important differences with larvae. We generated an antiserum to PmCCK-8 to enable immunohistochemical analysis of CCK expression, which revealed that GABA or glutamate, but not serotonin, tyrosine hydroxylase or neuropeptide Y, is co-expressed in some PmCCK-8-immunoreactive (ir) neurons. Importantly, this is the first demonstration of co-localization of GABA and CCK in neurons of a non-mammalian vertebrate. We also characterized extensive cholecystokinergic fibre systems of the CNS, including innervation of habenular subnuclei. A conspicuous PmCCK-8-ir tract ascending in the lateral rhombencephalon selectively innervates a glutamatergic population in the dorsal isthmic grey. Interestingly, this tract is reminiscent of the secondary gustatory/visceral tract of teleosts. In conclusion, this study provides important new information on the evolution of the cholecystokinergic system in vertebrates.</p

    Cell senescence contributes to tissue regeneration in zebrafish

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    Cellular senescence is a stress response that limits the proliferation of damaged cells by establishing a permanent cell cycle arrest. Different stimuli can trigger senescence but excessive production or impaired clearance of these cells can lead to their accumulation during aging with deleterious effects. Despite this potential negative side of cell senescence, its physiological role as a pro-regenerative and morphogenetic force has emerged recently after the identification of programmed cell senescence during embryogenesis and during wound healing and limb regeneration. Here, we explored the conservation of tissue injury-induced senescence in a model of complex regeneration, the zebrafish. Fin amputation in adult fish led to the appearance of senescent cells at the site of damage, and their removal impaired tissue regeneration. Despite many conceptual similarities, this tissue repair response is different from developmental senescence. Our results lend support to the notion that cell senescence is a positive response promoting tissue repair and homeostasis

    Developmentally-programmed cellular senescence is conserved and widespread in zebrafish

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    Cellular senescence is considered a stress response imposing a stable cell cycle arrest to restrict the growth of damaged cells. More recently however, cellular senescence was identified during mouse embryo development at particular structures during specific periods of time. This programmed cell senescence has been proposed to serve developmental and morphogenetic functions and to potentially represent an evolutionary origin of senescence. Cellular senescence has also been described to take place during bird (chick and quail) and amphibian (xenopus and axoltl) development. Fish however, have been described to show a very narrow and restricted pattern of developmental cell senescence. Here we carried out a detailed characterization of senescence during zebrafish development and found it to be conserved and widespread. Apart from yolk and cloaca, previously described structures, we also identified senescence in the developing central nervous system, intestine, liver, pronephric ducts, and crystalline. Interestingly, senescence at these developing structures disappeared upon treatment with senolytic compound ABT-263, supporting their senescent identity and opening the possibility of studying the contribution of this process to development. In summary, our findings extend the description of developmentally-programmed cell senescence to lower vertebrates contributing to the notion of the relevance of this process for embryo development