69 research outputs found

    Structural and optical properties of Zn0.9 Mn0.1 O/ZnO core-shell nanowires designed by pulsed laser deposition

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    Partilhar documento na coleção da comunidade Laboratório Associado I3NCore-shell ZnO/ZnMnO nanowires on a-Al2O3 and GaN (buffer layer)/Si (111) substrates were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition using a Au catalyst. Two ZnO targets with a Mn content of 10% were sintered at 1150 and 550 °C in order to achieve the domination in them of paramagnetic MnO2 and ferromagnetic Mn2O3 phases, respectively. Cluster mechanism of laser ablation as a source of possible incorporation of secondary phases to the wire shell is discussed. Raman spectroscopy under excitation by an Ar+ laser revealed a broad peak related to the Mn-induced disorder and a redshift in the A1-LO phonon. Resonant Raman measurements revealed an increase in the multiphonon scattering caused by disorder in ZnO upon doping by Mn. Besides the UV emission, a vibronic green emission band assisted by a ∼ 71 meV LO phonon is also observed in the photoluminescence spectra. Core-shell structures with smooth shells show a high exciton to green band intensity ratio ( ∼ 10) even at room temperature. © 2009 American Institute of PhysicsSANDiE Network of Excellence of the EUFCT-PTDC/FIS/72843/200


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    Among the various anesthetic options the combination of spinal anesthesia with the implementation of regional nerve blocks of the lower extremity and local anaesthesia of area of the wound with long-acting local anesthetics is more interesting. However the recommendations for the choice of postoperative analgesia of the foot do not exist, inspite of the pain syndrome. The prospects for wider use of regional blocks include the use of electrical stimulator in conjunction with ultrasound identification of the nerve trunks, the use of infusion pumps and catheter techniques blockades.Среди различных вариантов анестезиологического пособия наибольший интерес представляет сочетание спинальной анестезии с выполнением регионарных блокад нервов нижней конечности, а также местной анестезией зоны операционной раны длительно действующими местными анестетиками. Однако рекомендаций по выбору послеоперационного обезболивания области стопы не существует, несмотря на выраженный болевой синдром. К перспективам более широкого использования регионарных блокад относятся использование электростимулятора в сочетании с УЗИ-идентификацией нервных стволов, использование инфузионных помп и катетерных методик блокад