19 research outputs found

    RXTE Spectral Observations of the 1996-97 Outburst of the Microquasar GRO J1655-40

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    Excellent coverage of the entire 16-month 1996-97 outburst cycle of GRO J1655-40 was provided by RXTE. We present a full spectral analysis of these data, which includes 52 PCA spectra from 2.5-20 keV and HEXTE spectra above 20 keV. We also include a nearly continuous ASM light curve with several intensity measurements per day. The data are interpreted in the context of the multicolor blackbody disk/power-law model. The source is observed in the very high, high/soft, and low/hard outburst states. During the very high state, the source exhibits intense hard flares on time scales of hours to days which are correlated with changes in both the fitted temperature and radius of the inner accretion disk. During the high/soft state, the spectrum is dominated by the soft thermal emission from the accretion disk with spectral parameters that suggest approximately constant inner disk radius and temperature. We find that a tight relationship exists between the observed inner radius of the disk and the flux in the power-law component. During intense hard flares, the inner disk radius is observed to decrease by as much as a factor of three on a time scale of days. The apparent decrease of the inner disk radius observed during the flares may be due to the failure of the multicolor disk model caused by a steepening of the radial temperature profile in the disk coupled with increased spectral hardening and not physical changes of the inner disk radius. Assuming that our spectral model is valid during periods of weak power-law emission, our most likely value for the inner disk radius implies a* < 0.7. Such a low value for the black hole angular momentum is inconsistent with the relativistic frame dragging and the `diskoseismic' models as interpretations for the 300 Hz X-ray QPO seen during some of these RXTE observations.Comment: 34 pages including 9 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Our interpretation of the data and the main conclusions have been significantly revise

    Characterizing the QPO Behavior of the X-ray Nova XTE J1550--564

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    For all 209 RXTE observations of the X-ray nova XTE J1550-564 during its major outburst of 1998-1999, we have analyzed the X-ray power spectra, phase lags, and coherence functions. The phase lags and coherence measures are used to distinguish three types of low-frequency QPOs (one more than those reported by Wijnands, Homan, & van der Klis 1999). For the most common type, the phase lag is correlated with both the QPO frequency and the amplitude. The physical significance of the QPO types is evident in the relationships between QPO properties and the apparent temperature and flux from the accretion disk. There is also a clear pattern in how the QPO types relate to the presence of high-frequency QPOs. In general, both the amplitude and the Q value (freq./FWHM) of low-frequency QPOs decrease as the high-frequency oscillations increase in frequency (100 to 284 Hz) and in Q value. We speculate that the antagonism between low-frequency and high-frequency QPOs arises from competing structures in a perturbed accretion disk. However, we find that the frequencies of slow ( 100 Hz) QPOs are not correlated. In addition, we encounter systematic problems in attempting to reliably compare the QPO frequencies with broad features in the power continuum, since there are a variable number of such features in the power spectra. These results cast some doubt on the reported global relationship between QPOs from neutrons stars and those from black hole systems.Comment: 27 pages, including 2 tables and 7 figures. submitted to ApJ; rewrite of astro-ph/000421

    X-ray Nova XTE J1550-564: RXTE Spectral Observations

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    Excellent coverage of the 1998 outburst of the X-ray Nova XTE J1550-564 was provided by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. XTE J1550-564 exhibited an intense (6.8 Crab) flare on 1998 September 19 (UT), making it the brightest new X-ray source observed with RXTE. We present a spectral analysis utilizing 60 Proportional Counter Array spectra from 2.5-20 keV spanning 71 days, and a nearly continuous All Sky Monitor light curve. The spectra were fit to a model including multicolor blackbody disk and power-law components. XTE J1550-564 is observed in the very high, high/soft, and intermediate canonical outburst states of Black Hole X-ray Novae.Comment: 14 pages including 1 table and 4 figures, Accepted to ApJ Letter

    Complete RXTE Spectral Observations of the Black Hole X-ray Nova XTE J1550-564

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    We report on the X-ray spectral behavior of the exceptionally bright X-ray nova XTE J1550-564 during its 1998-99 outburst. Our study is based on 209 pointed observations using the PCA and HEXTE instruments onboard the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer spanning 250 days and covering the entire double-peaked eruption that occurred from 1998 September until 1999 May. The spectra are fit to a model including multicolor blackbody disk and power-law components. The source is observed in the very high and high/soft outburst states of black hole X-ray novae. During the very high state, when the power-law component dominated the spectrum, the inner disk radius is observed to vary by more than an order of magnitude; the radius decreased by a factor of 16 in one day during a 6.8 Crab flare. If the larger of these observed radii is taken to be the last stable orbit, then the smaller observed radius would imply that the inner edge of the disk is inside the event horizon! However, we conclude that the apparent variations of the inner disk radius observed during periods of increased power-law emission are probably caused by the failure of the multicolor disk/power-law model; the actual physical radius of the inner disk may remain fairly constant. This interpretation is supported by the fact that the observed inner disk radius remains approximately constant over 120 days in the high state, when the power-law component is weak, even though the disk flux and total flux vary by an order of magnitude. The mass of the black hole inferred by equating the approximately constant inner disk radius observed in the high/soft state with the last stable orbit for a Schwarzschild black hole is M_BH = 7.4 M_sun (D/6 kpc) (cos i)^{-1/2}.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 20 pages including 6 figures + 4 large table

    Structural basis of microRNA length variety

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    The biogenesis of human microRNAs (miRNAs) includes two RNA cleavage steps in which the activities of the RNases Drosha and Dicer are involved. miRNAs of diverse lengths are generated from different genes, and miRNAs that are heterogeneous in length are produced from a single miRNA gene. We determined the solution structures of many miRNA precursors and analysed the structural basis of miRNA length diversity using a new measure: the weighted average length of diced RNA (WALDI). We found that asymmetrical structural motifs present in precursor hairpins are primarily responsible for the length diversity of miRNAs generated by Dicer. High-resolution northern blots of miRNAs and their precursors revealed that both Dicer and Drosha cleavages of imperfect specificity contributed to the miRNA length heterogeneity. The relevance of these findings to the dynamics of the dicing complex, mRNA regulation by miRNA, RNA interference and miRNA technologies are discussed

    Optical Observations of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1550-564 During Re-Flare and Quiescence

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    We report optical monitoring of the soft X-ray transient XTE J1550-564 during the 1999 season (4 January 1999 to 24 August 1999). The first optical observations available in 1999 show that the peak ``re-flare'' brightness had exceeded the peak brightness of the initial optical flare in September 1998 by over half a magnitude. We compare the optical re-flare light curves with the total X-ray flux, the power-law flux and disk flux light curves constructed from the spectral fits to RXTE/PCA data made by Sobczak et al. (1999, 2000). During the first 60 days of the observed optical re-flare, we find no correspondence between the thermal component of the X-rays often associated with a disk and the optical flux -- the former remains essentially flat whereas the latter declines exponentially and exhibits three substantial dips. However, the power law flux is anti-correlated with the optical dips, suggesting that the optical flux may by up-scattered into the X-ray by the hot corona. Periodic modulations were discovered during the final stage of the outburst (May to June), with P=1.546+/-0.038 days, and during quiescence (July and August), with P=1.540+/-0.008 days. The analysis of the combined data set reveals a strong signal for a unique period at P=1.541+/-0.009 days, which we believe to be the orbital period.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    UBVRI Light Curves of 44 Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present UBVRI photometry of 44 type-Ia supernovae (SN Ia) observed from 1997 to 2001 as part of a continuing monitoring campaign at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The data set comprises 2190 observations and is the largest homogeneously observed and reduced sample of SN Ia to date, nearly doubling the number of well-observed, nearby SN Ia with published multicolor CCD light curves. The large sample of U-band photometry is a unique addition, with important connections to SN Ia observed at high redshift. The decline rate of SN Ia U-band light curves correlates well with the decline rate in other bands, as does the U-B color at maximum light. However, the U-band peak magnitudes show an increased dispersion relative to other bands even after accounting for extinction and decline rate, amounting to an additional ~40% intrinsic scatter compared to B-band.Comment: 84 authors, 71 pages, 51 tables, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. Version with high-res figures and electronic data at http://astron.berkeley.edu/~saurabh/cfa2snIa

    5′UTR Variants of Ribosomal Protein S19 Transcript Determine Translational Efficiency: Implications for Diamond-Blackfan Anemia and Tissue Variability

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    Background: Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a lineage specific and congenital erythroblastopenia. The disease is associated with mutations in genes encoding ribosomal proteins resulting in perturbed ribosomal subunit biosynthesis. The RPS19 gene is mutated in approximately 25 % of DBA patients and a variety of coding mutations have been described, all presumably leading to haploinsufficiency. A subset of patients carries rare polymorphic sequence variants within the 59untranslated region (59UTR) of RPS19. The functional significance of these variants remains unclear. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analyzed the distribution of transcriptional start sites (TSS) for RPS19 mRNAs in testis and K562 cells. Twenty-nine novel RPS19 transcripts were identified with different 59UTR length. Quantification of expressed w.t. 59UTR variants revealed that a short 59UTR correlates with high levels of RPS19. The total levels of RPS19 transcripts showed a broad variation between tissues. We also expressed three polymorphic RPS19 59UTR variants identified in DBA patients. The sequence variants include two insertions (c.-147_-146insGCCA and c.-147_-146insAGCC) and one deletion (c.-144_-141delTTTC). The three 59UTR polymorphisms are associated with a 20–30 % reduction in RPS19 protein levels when compared to the wild-type (w.t.) 59UTR of corresponding length. Conclusions: The RPS19 gene uses a broad range of TSS and a short 59UTR is associated with increased levels of RPS19. Comparisons between tissues showed a broad variation in the total amount of RPS19 mRNA and in the distribution of TS