19,011 research outputs found

    Proteção comestível evita perdas no palmito.

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    Combining exclusive semi-leptonic and hadronic B decays to measure |V_ub|

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    The Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |V_ub| can be extracted from the rate for the semi-leptonic decay B -> pi + l + antineutrino_l, with little theoretical uncertainty, provided the hadronic form factor for the B -> pi transition can be measured from some other B decay. In here, we suggest using the decay B -> pi J\psi. This is a color suppressed decay, and it cannot be properly described within the usual factorization approximation; we use instead a simple and very general phenomenological model for the b d J\psi vertex. In order to relate the hadronic form factors in the B -> pi J\psi and B -> pi + l + antineutrino_l decays, we use form factor relations that hold for heavy-to-light transitions at large recoil.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, no figure

    Empiricism and stochastics in cellular automaton modeling of urban land use dynamics

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    An increasing number of models for predicting land use change in regions of rapidurbanization are being proposed and built using ideas from cellular automata (CA)theory. Calibrating such models to real situations is highly problematic and to date,serious attention has not been focused on the estimation problem. In this paper, wepropose a structure for simulating urban change based on estimating land usetransitions using elementary probabilistic methods which draw their inspiration fromBayes' theory and the related ?weights of evidence? approach. These land use changeprobabilities drive a CA model ? DINAMICA ? conceived at the Center for RemoteSensing of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (CSR-UFMG). This is based on aneight cell Moore neighborhood approach implemented through empirical land useallocation algorithms. The model framework has been applied to a medium-size townin the west of São Paulo State, Bauru. We show how various socio-economic andinfrastructural factors can be combined using the weights of evidence approach whichenables us to predict the probability of changes between land use types in differentcells of the system. Different predictions for the town during the period 1979-1988were generated, and statistical validation was then conducted using a multipleresolution fitting procedure. These modeling experiments support the essential logicof adopting Bayesian empirical methods which synthesize various information aboutspatial infrastructure as the driver of urban land use change. This indicates therelevance of the approach for generating forecasts of growth for Brazilian citiesparticularly and for world-wide cities in general

    Group theory for structural analysis and lattice vibrations in phosphorene systems

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    Group theory analysis for two-dimensional elemental systems related to phosphorene is presented, including (i) graphene, silicene, germanene and stanene, (ii) dependence on the number of layers and (iii) two stacking arrangements. Departing from the most symmetric D6h1D_{6h}^{1} graphene space group, the structures are found to have a group-subgroup relation, and analysis of the irreducible representations of their lattice vibrations makes it possible to distinguish between the different allotropes. The analysis can be used to study the effect of strain, to understand structural phase transitions, to characterize the number of layers, crystallographic orientation and nonlinear phenomena.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Extension of Tycho catalog for low-extinction windows in the galactic bulge

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    We present in this work secondary catalogs up to mVal13m_{Val} \sim 13 based on the Tycho reference frame (ESA, 1997) for 12 selected low-extinction fields towards the galactic bulge. The observations have been performed with the Askania-Zeiss Meridian Circle equiped with a CCD camera, located at the Abrah\~ao de Moraes Observatory (Valinhos, Brazil) and operated by the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, S\~ao Paulo University. The presented catalog, though not complete, has been designed to help in intensive search programmes (e.g. microlensing and variable searches) and therefore the selected standards have a high astrometric and photometric (VV band, approximately) quality. The mean precisions obtained were 0.0018s0.0018^{s} in α\alpha, 0.013'' in δ\delta, 0.030 for the standard deviation in magnitude and 0.0042 for the magnitude when weighted with the error bars in each night (in the mean, 42 stars for the catalog of each window). Tables B.1 to B.12 are also available in eletronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, A&A Latex style. Published in A&A

    Rearranjos Subteloméricos: Apresentação de 21 Probandos, com Ênfase nos Casos Familiares

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    Intellectual disability affects 2% - 3% of the general population, with a chromosomal abnormality being found in 4% - 28% of these patients and a cryptic subtelomeric abnormality in 3% - 16%. In most cases, these subtelomeric rearrangements are submicroscopic, requiring techniques other than conventional karyotype for detection. They may be de novo or inherited from an affected parent or from a healthy carrier of a balanced chromosomal abnormality. The aim of this study was to characterize patients from our medical genetics center, in whom both a deletion and duplication in subtelomeric regions were found.Introdução:O défice intelectual afeta 2% – 3% da população geral, sendo encontrada uma alteração cromossómica em 4% – 28% dos casos e uma alteração subtelomérica em 3% – 16%. Estas alterações subteloméricas são, na maioria dos casos, submicroscópicas, não sendo detetadas no cariótipo convencional. Podem ser de novoou herdadas de um progenitor afetado ou de um progenitor saudável portador de um rearranjo equilibrado. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar os doentes seguidos no nosso centro de genética médica com uma deleção e uma duplicação nas regiões subteloméricas. Material e Métodos:Caracterização clínica e citogenética de 21 probandos com alterações subteloméricas seguidos no nosso centro entre 1998 e 2017. Resultados:Foram caracterizados 21 probandos que apresentavam défice intelectual e dismorfia facial, pertencentes a 19 famílias. Sete tinham alterações do comportamento, cinco epilepsia e 14 outro sinal ou sintoma. Quatro tinham alterações no cariótipo e quatro foram diagnosticados por array-comparative genomic hybridization. Em quatro famílias não foi possível o estudo dos progenitores. Quando um dos fenótipos era dominante (síndrome de deleção ou duplicação), foi atribuída a classificação online mendelian inheritance in man. Discussão:Foi realizada classificação dos doentes e das famílias. As alterações nas regiões subteloméricas são, apesar de raras, uma causa substancial para défice intelectual sindrómico com repercussões familiares importantes. É essencial lembrar que um arraycomparative genomic hybridizationnormal não exclui um rearranjo equilibrado familiar. Conclusão:O estudo dos progenitores é essencial não só para caracterização completa do rearranjo mas também para um aconselhamento genético preciso e identificação de familiares em risco de recorrência. Palavras-chave:Deficiência Intelectual/genética; Rearranjo Génico/genética; Telómero/genéticainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stellar variability in low-extinction regions towards the Galactic Bulge

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    Intensive monitoring of low-extinction windows towards the galactic bulge has provided in the last years valuable information for studies about the dynamics, kinematics and formation history of this part of the galaxy, mainly by characterizing the bulge stellar populations (Paczy\'nski, 1996). Since 1997, we have been conducting an intensive photometric-astrometric survey of the galactic bulge, with the monitoring of about 120000 stars in 12 windows uniformly distributed in galactic latitude and longitude (Blanco & Terndrup, 1989 e Blanco, 1988) never before submitted to this kind of survey. For this purpose, we have used the IAG/USP CCD Meridian Circle of the Abrah\~ao de Moraes Observatory. The main objective of this work is the identification and classification of variable objects. In this work we present the set up and development of the necessary tools for a project like this and the posterior analysis of our data. We briefly describe the construction of a program to organize and detect variables among the observed stars, including real time alerts (for variations greater than 0.3 magnitudes). The preliminary analysis after the processing of 76 nights of observation yielded 479 variable stars, from which 96.7 % of them are new. We discuss the preliminary classification of this variables, based on: a) the observed amplitude of variation; b) the shape of light curve; c) the expected variable classes among our data and d) the calculated periods, whenever possible. Finally, we discuss the future perspectives for the project and for the applications and analysis of the discovered variable stars.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by A&A