7 research outputs found
MOESM1 of Strong founder effect of p.P240L in CDH23 in Koreans and its significant contribution to severe-to-profound nonsyndromic hearing loss in a Korean pediatric population
Additional file 1. Lists of the genes included in the three targeted panel
Additional file 1: of Stereotactic body radiation therapy using a respiratory-gated volumetric-modulated arc therapy technique for small hepatocellular carcinoma
Raw data of the patients. Patient characteristics and follow-up data exists. (XLSX 24Â kb
Additional file 2: of Stereotactic body radiation therapy using a respiratory-gated volumetric-modulated arc therapy technique for small hepatocellular carcinoma
Raw data of the treated lesions. Lesion characteristics and follow-up data exists. (XLSX 17Â kb
Additional file 1: of Relationships among medication adherence, lifestyle modification, and health-related quality of life in patients with acute myocardial infarction: a cross-sectional study
Table S1. Odds ratios on the adherence to health-related behaviors using logistic regression analysis. (DOCX 44Â kb
Additional file 1: of Prospective observations study protocol to investigate cost-effectiveness of various prenatal test strategies after the introduction of noninvasive prenatal testing
Patients Questionnaire: Korean version and Patients Quesionnaire:Â English version. (ZIP 524 kb
Additional file 2: of Prospective observations study protocol to investigate cost-effectiveness of various prenatal test strategies after the introduction of noninvasive prenatal testing
Physicians Questionnaire: Korean version and Physicians Questionnaire: English version. (ZIP 536 kb