29,954 research outputs found

    Contemporary Seismicity in and Around the Yakima Fold-and-Thrust Belt in Eastern Washington

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    We examined characteristics of routinely cataloged seismicity from 1970 to the present in and around the Yakima fold-and-thrust belt (YFTB) in eastern Washington to determine if the characteristics of contemporary seismicity provide clues about regional-scale active tectonics or about more localized, near-surface processes. We employed new structural and hydrologic models of the Columbia River basalts (CRB) and found that one-third to one-half of the cataloged earthquakes occur within the CRB and that these CRB earthquakes exhibit significantly more clustered, and swarmlike, behavior than those outside. These results and inferences from published studies led us to hypothesize that clustered seismicity is likely associated with hydrologic changes in the CRB, which hosts the regional aquifer system. While some general features of the regional groundwater system support this hypothesis, seismicity patterns and mapped long-term changes in groundwater levels and present-day irrigation neither support nor refute it. Regional tectonic processes and crustal-scale structures likely influence the distribution of earthquakes both outside and within the CRB as well. We based this inference on qualitatively assessed alignments between the dominant northwest trends in the geologic structure and the seismicity generally and between specific faults and characteristics of the 2009 Wooded Island swarm and aseismic slip, which is the only cluster studied in detail and the most vigorous since regional monitoring began.USGS-NAGTGeological Science

    CAN-HK : An a priori crustal model for the Canadian Shield

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The United Kingdom component of the Hudson Bay Lithospheric Experiment (HuBLE) was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Grant Number NE/F007337/1, with financial and logistical support from the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office (CNGO), SEIS-UK (the seismic node of NERC), and the First Nations communities of Nunavut. J. Beauchesne and J. Kendall provided invaluable assistance in the field. I. D. B. was funded by the Leverhulme Trust and acknowledges support through Grant Number RPG-2013- 332. The authors thank three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The vector innovation structural time series framework: a simple approach to multivariate forecasting

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    The vector innovation structural time series framework is proposed as a way of modelling a set of related time series. Like all multi-series approaches, the aim is to exploit potential inter-series dependencies to improve the fit and forecasts. A key feature of the framework is that the series are decomposed into common components such as trend and seasonal effects. Equations that describe the evolution of these components through time are used as the sole way of representing the inter-temporal dependencies. The approach is illustrated on a bivariate data set comprising Australian exchange rates of the UK pound and US dollar. Its forecasting capacity is compared to other common single- and multi-series approaches in an experiment using time series from a large macroeconomic database.Vector innovation structural time series, state space model, multivariate time series, exponential smoothing, forecast comparison, vector autoregression.

    Analysis techniques for residual acceleration data

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    Various aspects of residual acceleration data are of interest to low-gravity experimenters. Maximum and mean values and various other statistics can be obtained from data as collected in the time domain. Additional information may be obtained through manipulation of the data. Fourier analysis is discussed as a means of obtaining information about dominant frequency components of a given data window. Transformation of data into different coordinate axes is useful in the analysis of experiments with different orientations and can be achieved by the use of a transformation matrix. Application of such analysis techniques to residual acceleration data provides additional information than what is provided in a time history and increases the effectiveness of post-flight analysis of low-gravity experiments

    Ion and electron temperatures in the SUMMA mirror device by emission spectroscopy

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    Ion and electron temperatures, and ion drift were measured in a superconducting magnetic mirror apparatus by observing the Doppler-broadened charge-exchange component of the 667.8 and 587.6 nanometer He lines in He plasma, and the H sub alpha and H sub beta lines in H2 plasma. The second moment of the line profiles was used as the parameter for determining ion temperature. Corrections for magnetic splitting, fine structure, monochromator slit function, and variation in charge-exchange cross section with energy are included. Electron temperatures were measured by the line ratio method for the corona model, and correlations of ion and electron temperatures with plasma parameters are presented

    High-frequency performance of Schottky source/drain silicon pMOS devices

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    A radio-frequency performance of 85-nm gate-length p-type Schottky barrier (SB) with PtSi source/drain materials is investigated. The impact of silicidation annealing temperature on the high-frequency behavior of SB MOSFETs is analyzed using an extrinsic small-signal equivalent circuit. It is demonstrated that the current drive and the gate transconductance strongly depend on the silicidation anneal temperature, whereas the unity-gain cutoff frequency of the measured devices remains nearly unchanged

    New Physics Signals through CP Violation in B -> rho,pi

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    We describe here a method for detecting physics beyond the standard model via CP violation in B->rho,pi decays. Using a Dalitz-plot analysis to obtain alpha, along with an analytical extraction of the various tree (T) and penguin (P) amplitudes, we obtain a criterion for the absence of new physics (NP). This criterion involves the comparison of the measured |P/T| ratio with its value as predicted by QCD factorization. We show that the detection of NP via this method has a good efficiency when compared with the corresponding technique using B->pi,pi decays.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, talk given at MRST 2004: From Quarks to Cosmology, Concordia University, Montreal, May 200

    Exponential Smoothing for Inventory Control: Means and Variances of Lead-Time Demand

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    Exponential smoothing is often used to forecast lead-time demand for inventory control. In this paper, formulae are provided for calculating means and variances of lead-time demand for a wide variety of exponential smoothing methods. A feature of many of the formulae is that variances, as well as the means, depend on trends and seasonal effects. Thus, these formulae provide the opportunity to implement methods that ensure that safety stocks adjust to changes in trend or changes in season.Forecasting; inventory control; lead-time demand; exponential smoothing; forecast variance.

    Monitoring Processes with Changing Variances

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    Statistical process control (SPC) has evolved beyond its classical applications in manufacturing to monitoring economic and social phenomena. This extension requires consideration of autocorrelated and possibly non-stationary time series. Less attention has been paid to the possibility that the variance of the process may also change over time. In this paper we use the innovations state space modeling framework to develop conditionally heteroscedastic models. We provide examples to show that the incorrect use of homoscedastic models may lead to erroneous decisions about the nature of the process. The framework is extended to include counts data, when we also introduce a new type of chart, the P-value chart, to accommodate the changes in distributional form from one period to the next.Control charts, count data, GARCH, heteroscedasticity, innovations, state space, statistical process control