315 research outputs found


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    In any economy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role because they are capable of generating employment, fostering GDP growth, embarking on innovation and stimulating other economic activities. The foundation of all developed and emerging nations is said to be this business. The growth of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) sector is of vital importance to every country, regardless of its level of development, as this sector has great potential to produce full socio-economic benefits for a country with a minimum level of investment. In their first five years of existence, the number of small and medium-scale enterprises die, and a few numbers of companies go through extinction between the sixth and tenth years. Yet 5 % to 10% of small and medium-sized companies will thrive, prosper, and mature. The cause for this is not simply a lack of money and it could be poor cash management practises. The investigator sought to examine cash management activities of small and medium businesses in this article. A comprehensive analysis with a formal questionnaire from a survey of 360 including 346 small and 14 medium-sized enterprises in the districts of Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram was used. Article visualizations

    Transmigration of intrauterine contraceptive devices: embedded in urinary bladder wall in pregnant woman

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    Globally, 14% of reproductive aged women use intrauterine contraception. The five intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs) currently approved are chemically active and continually elute either copper or levonorgestrel. Uterine perforation is most serious and rare complication which can be acute or chronic in nature. Although uncommon, uterine embedment and perforation can occur. We report case of transmigration of intrauterine contraceptive device into the urinary bladder wall perforating the uterine wall in 25-year-old gravid female. She was subjected to ultrasound abdomen and pelvis which unveiled the diagnosis of migrated copper-T. Under spinal anaesthesia, laparotomy was done and IUCD was removed

    MusicWeb: Music Discovery with Open Linked Semantic Metadata

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    MATLAB-Simulink environment based power quality improvement in photovoltaic system using multilevel inverter

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    Introduction. In this world of technical advancement, conventional resources are at the stage of destruction. To avoid such problems, we are going to use an alternative energy source namely solar by photovoltaic effect. The demand for multilevel inverters increased as they are used for different dynamic (high) voltage and dynamic (high) power appliances as they are capable of producing the output wave shape with low total harmonic distortion. Novelty. A new multilevel inverter is used in adding a (bidirectional) two way switch in between the capacitor and a traditional H-bridge module. This produces a better sine wave. By series connection of these two H-bridge modules, nine levels output voltage including zero is possible. The purpose of the proposed topology is reduction in the number of switches and it gives the good result with comparatively less power loss when it is compared with the other normal basic traditional inverters of the same output quality. Methods. In this paper, sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique is used for the working of the switches in the multilevel inverter. The results are verified by using simulation and also experimental setup is done. From the results it is observed that the proposed topology with reduced number of switches gives lower electromagnetic interference, lower harmonic distortion. Practical value. The total harmonic distortion value in the simulation is 14.4 % and practically it is 13.8 %.Вступ. У світі технічного прогресу звичайні ресурси перебувають у стадії руйнації. Щоб уникнути таких проблем, ми збираємося використати альтернативне джерело енергії, а саме сонячну енергію з фотоелектричним ефектом. Попит на багаторівневі інвертори збільшився, оскільки вони використовуються для різних динамічних (високих) напруг та динамічних (високих) потужностей, оскільки вони здатні формувати вихідну форму хвилі з низьким гармонічним загальним спотворенням. Новизна. Новий багаторівневий інвертор використовується для додавання двостороннього перемикача між конденсатором і традиційним модулем Н-моста. Це дає найкращу синусоїду. При послідовному з’єднанні двох модулів Н-моста можливо дев’ять рівнів вихідної напруги, включаючи нуль. Метою запропонованої топології є зменшення кількості перемикачів, що дає хороший результат при порівняно менших втратах потужності порівняно з іншими традиційними звичайними інверторами з такою ж вихідною якістю. Методи. У цій статті для роботи перемикачів у багаторівневому інверторі використовується метод широтно-імпульсної синусоїдальної модуляції. Результати перевіряються за допомогою моделювання, а також виконується експеримент. З результатів видно, що пропонована топологія зі зменшеною кількістю перемикачів дає менші електромагнітні перешкоди, менші гармонійні спотворення. Практична цінність. Сумарне значення гармонійних спотворень при моделюванні складає 14,4 %, а практично – 13,8 %

    Glue-infused Rotating Nanofibers Net (GRoNNet) for Capturing Space Debris - A Novel Debris Capturing System

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    As of January 2018, there were over 166 million pieces of space debris smaller than 1cm, ~750,000 pieces with size ranging from 1cm − 10cm and ~29,000 particles larger than 10cms. It is evident that space debris is a growing concern, particularly in the low altitude Earth orbits, and if not addressed in time, may have a drastic socio-economic impact on civilization. This paper describes the Glue-infused Rotating Nanofibers Net (GRoNNet), a novel debris capturing system for pico/nano/micro-satellites (PNMSats). GRoNNet is designed as a modular, cost-effective system with the capability to capture a target debris in multiple attempts and expedite its re-entry by attaching a debris mitigation system. It may be best described by comparing it with a chameleon’s tongue but several hundreds or thousands of them infused with a thick honey-like viscous adhesive in a rotary configuration, so as to adhere strongly with a target debris even at the slightest contact. The main components of GRoNNet are - (i) a tuft of braided nanofibers wound around a spool, (ii) a set of glue containers (resin and hardener) with electronic valves, (iii) a duct for facilitating the flow and infusing the nanofibers with glue, (iv) a microcontroller with a wireless communication link to the host satellite, (v) a power management system with battery, (vi) a LiDAR or a stereo camera for sensing the proximity of the target debris and (vi) a motor for rotating the glue-infused fibers. GRoNNet is envisioned as an autonomous module with a form factor of a 3U CubeSat and several such modules may be loaded onto a host satellite, which is primarily responsible for proximity and rendezvous operations. A GRoNNet module is deployed using a tether system when the host satellite is in close proximity with a target debris. The other end of the tether system connects to a passive deorbiting module through a mechanical umbilical. The GRoNNet module when commanded by the host satellite using the wireless link, activates the deployment of the braided activated carbon nanofibers, which are set in rotary motion by the onboard motor. Almost concurrently, the nanofibers are infused with a peptide-based space glue, which works particularly well when devoid of moisture. A successful capturing of the target debris is sensed by the host satellite through a load cell connected to the umbilical. Upon successfully capture, the tether system along with a passive de-orbiting module (UWDES, mDEMS) is launched out of the host satellite to expedite the re-entry of the target debris

    Clinical trial for the effectiveness of Unilateral Paravertebral Block Versus Unilateral Subarachnoid Block in Unilateral inguinal hernia for Herniorrhaphy

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    Background: Inguinal Herniorrhaphy is most commonly performed surgical procedurein male. Till now inguinal hernia repair was performed under general, regional, and peripheral nerve blocks. So the concept of paravertebral blocks which provided an excellent alternative anaesthesia technique for hernia repair. Aim: To study the effectiveness of unilateral paravertebral block versus unilateral subarachnoid block in unilateral inguinal hernias repair. Materials and Methods: 100 patients of unilateral inguinal hernia where enrolled in the study and randomized into two groups each of 50 patients. Group S (50) receiving subarachnoid block, group P (50) receiving paravertebral block. Time for procedure and onset of action, intraoperative hemodynamics, post-operative analgesia, and ambulation time were compared. Results: Significant difference was observed in time to perform and onset of action with group P (13.08± 1.31) & (15.94± 1.21) and group S (1.35±0.61) & (5.14±0.76) respectively. No significant difference in hemodynamic parameters and post op analgesia lasted for (324.00±52.84min) in group P and (182.67±40.13min) in group S. Conclusion: Paravertebral block provides excellent anesthesia with unilateral motor, sympathetic, and prolonged sensory blockade, provide excellent postoperative analgesia, and encourages early ambulation

    Rotation of pear-shaped 100^{100}Ru nucleus

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    Atomic nuclei in general can have deformed shapes and nearly all these shapes are symmetric with respect to reflection. Only a few Actinide nuclei have stable reflection asymmetric pear shapes in their ground state and exhibit characteristic rotational bands. In this article, we report on the observation of two alternate parity rotational bands in 100Ru, which are connected by seven interleaved electric dipole transitions and their rates are found to be enhanced. In addition, the moments of inertia associated with these two opposite parity rotational bands have been found to be similar. These experimental observations indicate the rotation of a stable pear-shaped 100Ru nucleus, which is the first such observation outside the Actinide mass region. This shape is built on an excited configuration and originates from the rotational alignment of the angular momenta of a pair of neutrons. This unique observation establishes an alternate mechanism by which an atomic nucleus can assume a pear shape.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 table