373 research outputs found

    The acetylcholine binding protein of Lymnaea stagnalis as a biosensor and model for ligand gated ion channel proteins

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2008The structural similarity of the Acetylcholine Binding Protein (AChBP) from Lymnaea stagnalis to the extracellular ligand binding domain of Ligand Gated Ion Channel (LGIC) receptors suggests that the AChBP could be used to mimic cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel (LGIC) receptors. An LGIC mimic could be used as a sensor molecule in a range of biotechnology applications including high throughput drug screening as well as in vivo and in vitro sensing of biologically active compounds. It could also be used as a lead molecule for engineering novel proteins with binding characteristics similar to non-acetylcholine receptor LGIC's. The soluble AChBP is easily expressed and purified and can be produced in reasonably large amounts. This thesis explores the potential for using the AChBP and related proteins as biosensors by evaluating their action on three key medium and high throughput systems: Scintillation Proximity Assay (SPA), Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), and Microcantilevers (MC). As a preliminary step to developing a 5-HT₃R-ligand binding protein, by altering the ligand specificity of the AChBP, the interaction of 5-HT₃R ligands with the AChBP is also evaluated. The work presented in this thesis contributes to improved methods of drug design and testing, and to a better understanding of LGIC structure.1. Introduction -- 2. Materials and methods -- 3. The AChBP as a molecular biosensor -- 4. Binding of serotonergic ligands to the AChBP -- 5. Summary and future directions -- References -- Appendix

    Electronic Purchasing Consortia: a Procurement Direction for the Future?

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    In literature, there has been little empirical research investigation on purchasing consortiumissues focusing on a detailed analysis of ICT-based procurement strategies. Based on the exploration of academic literature and a survey on e-Marketplaces / procurement service providers (PSPs) in the automotive and electronics industry sectors, an overall statement is proposed: Effective participation in electronic purchasing consortia can have the potential to enhance competitive advantage. Implementation therefore requires a clear and detailed understanding of the major process structures and drivers at the e-Marketplace / PSP level of analysis

    Integrated Logistics and Supply Chain Management: the State of Practice in Ireland

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    The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland were provided with aid to offset locational disadvantages in the run up to the Single European Market. Since then the Republic has emerged as the fastest growing member of the E.U. Success has not been underpinned by the transport system, suggesting that business has had to overcome locational disadvantages by strong performance elsewhere in the supply chain. The evidence indicates that there are Irish firms operating supply chain management techniques at a truly international standard. The problem is that there are so few in that category Meeting Ireland’s competitiveness challenge means closing the gap between the small group of large and foreign-owned firms, which display excellence in SCM, and the larger group of indigenous small and medium size businesses, which do not

    Electronic purchasing consortia:a procurement direction for the future?

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    In literature, there has been little empirical research investigation on purchasing consortium issues focusing on a detailed analysis of ICT-based procurement strategies. Based on the exploration of academic literature and a survey on e-Marketplaces / procurement service providers (PSPs) in the automotive and electronics industry sectors, an overall statement is proposed: Effective participation in electronic purchasing consortia can have the potential to enhance competitive advantage. Implementation therefore requires a clear and detailed understanding of the major process structures and drivers at the e-Marketplace / PSP level of analysis

    Towards a Conceptual Framework of Electronic Purchasing Consortia

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    In supply chain management literature, there has been little empirical research on consortiumpurchasing focusing on a detailed analysis of information and communication (ICT) basedprocurement strategies. Based on the exploration of academic literature and two surveys amongpurchasing organisations as well as e-Marketplaces / procurement service providers (PSPs) in theautomotive and electronics industry sectors, the research methodology assesses the overallstatement: ‘Effective participation in electronic purchasing consortia (EPC) has the potential toenhance competitive advantage. Implementation requires a clear and detailed understanding of themajor process structures and drivers, based upon the technology-organisation-environmentframework’. Key factors and structures that affect the adoption and diffusion of EPC and theperformance impact of adoption are investigated, which can be a valuable starting point to EPCresearch

    Purchasing Consortia and Electronic Markets: a Procurement Direction in Integrated Supply Chain Management

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    In supply chain management literature, there has been little empirical research investigation on purchasing consortium issues focusing on a detailed analysis of information and communication (ICT) based procurement strategies. Based on the exploration of academic literature and two surveys among purchasing organisations as well as e-Marketplaces / procurement service providers (PSPs) in the automotive and electronics industry sectors, the research methodology follows a positivistic approach in order to assess the overall statement: ‘Effective participation in electronic purchasing consortia (EPC) can have the potential to enhance competitive advantage. Implementation therefore requires a clear and detailed understanding of the major process structures and drivers, based upon thetechnology-organisation-environment framework.’ Key factors and structures that affect the adoption and diffusion of EPC and the performance impact of adoption are investigated. The empirically derived model for EPC can be a valuable starting point to EPC research

    Towards E-Procurement Structures in Pooled Sourcing Strategies

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    Purchasing consortia and electronic markets:a procurement direction in integrated supply chain management

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    In supply chain management literature, there has been little empirical research investigation on purchasing consortium issues focusing on a detailed analysis of information and communication (ICT) based procurement strategies. Based on the exploration of academic literature and two surveys among purchasing organisations as well as e-Marketplaces / procurement service providers (PSPs) in the automotive and electronics industry sectors, the research methodology follows a positivistic approach in order to assess the overall statement: ‘Effective participation in electronic purchasing consortia (EPC) can have the potential to enhance competitive advantage. Implementation therefore requires a clear and detailed understanding of the major process structures and drivers, based upon thetechnology-organisation-environment framework.’ Key factors and structures that affect the adoption and diffusion of EPC and the performance impact of adoption are investigated. The empirically derived model for EPC can be a valuable starting point to EPC research
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