4 research outputs found

    Flamingo Vol. IX N 7

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    Illinois Siren. Untitled. Prose. 1. Washington and Lee Mink. Untitled. Prose. 1. Whirlwind. Untitled. Prose. 4. Pitt Panther. Seven Collegiate Wonders . Prose. 4. Washington and Lee Mink. Untitled. Prose. 4. N.R. (California Pelican). Be Collegiate! . Prose. 2. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 3. Washington Dirge. Untitled. Prose. 3. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 3. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 3. Ohio State Sun Dial. Make-Up Work . Picture. 8. Boston Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 3. Stone Mill. Untitled. Prose. 3. Cincinnati Cynic. Untitled. Prose. 9. N.H. Golden Bull. Untitled. Prose. 9. College Humor. Untitled. Prose. 9. Okalhoma Whirlwind. Untitled. Prose. 9. Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. Untitled. Prose. 9. Carolina Buccaneer. Untitled. Prose. 9. Buffalo Bison. Untitled. Prose. 9. Bucknell Bell Hop. Untitled. Prose. 9. Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket. Untitled. Prose. 9. Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket. Untitled. Prose. 3. Red Cat. Untitled. Prose. 9. Nevada Desert Wolf. Untitled. Prose. 9. Mississippi Scream. Untitled. Prose. 9. Color-ado Dodo. Untitled. Prose. 9. Voo-Doo. Untitled. Prose. 9. Red Cat. Untitled. Prose. 10. Bucknell Bell Hop. Untitled. Prose. 10. Carolina Buccaneer. Untitled. Prose. 10. Detroit Jabberwock. Untitled. Prose. 10. Arizona Kitty Kat. Variations . Prose. 10. Iowa Frivol. Untitled. Prose. 10. California Pelican. True Love . Poem. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 10. Iowa State Green Gander. The College Window\u27s Lament . Poem. 11. Penn State Froth. Advice . Poem. 11. John Hopkins Black and Blue Jay. Untitled. Prose. 11. Thompson, J.H. Untitled. Picture. 11. Pitt Panther. Untitled. Prose. 11. Ohio Green Goat. Ask Me Another . Prose. 11. Iowa State Green Gander. Untitled. Prose. 11. V.M.I. Sniper. Untitled. Prose. 11. North Carolina Buccaneer. Untitled. Prose. 11. Lehigh Burr. Untitled. Prose. 12. Carolina Buccaneer. The Private Life of Helen of Troy . Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 12. Carnegie Puppet. The Old Query . Prose. 12. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 12. Stanford Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 12. V.M.I. Sniper. Untitled. Prose. 12. California Pelican. Untitled. Prose. 12. Brown Jug. Somebody\u27s Fable . Prose. 13. Northwestern Purple Parrot. The Prof Tells a Joke . Picture. 13. Lehigh Burr. Untitled. Prose. 13. Veale. Untitled. Picture. 13. Washington State Cougar\u27s Paw. A Co-Ed\u27s Plea . Poem. 13. Anonymous. Fair Exchange . Prose. 15. Anonymous. As has Been Said . Prose. 15. Anonymous. Proceeding Further . Prose. 15. Anonymous. Moral Policy . Prose. 15. Anonymous. And So . Prose. 15. Fence, Noah. Untitled. Picture. 16. Reserve Red Cat. Untitled. Prose. 16. Southern California Wampus. The Plea . Prose. 16. Sewanee Mountain Goat. Untitled. Prose. 16. Iowa Frivol. Untitled. Prose. 16. Oregon Orange Owl. Untitled. Prose. 16. D.N. (California Pelican). Untitled. Prose. 16. California Pelican. Untitled. Prose. 17. Eggleston. Untitled. Picture. 17. Red Cat. Untitled. Prose. 18. Westheimer. Fish Don\u27t Perspire . Prose. 18. Lehigh Burr. Banana Skin . Prose. 18. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 18. Michigan Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 18. California Pelican. Untitled. Prose. 18. Hermione. Untitled. Picture. 18. Navy Log. If Everything Else Fails, Try This . Prose. 19. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 19. Boston Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 19. Northwestern Purple Parrot. Untitled. Prose. 19. Huntoon. Untitled. Picture. 19. Ohio State Sun Dial. Untitled. Prose. 19. Pitt Panther. True Fairy Tale . Prose. 19. Ohio Green Goat. Untitled. Prose. 19. Nowrthwestern Purple Parrot. Little Rollo and His Teddy Bears . Picture. 20. Brown jug. Owed to a Lamp-Post . Prose. 20. Carolina Buccaneer. Untitled. Prose. 20. Nowrthwestern Purple Parrot. Famous Wonders . Prose. 20. Arizona Kitty Kat. Untitled. Prose. 20. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 20. Illinois Siren. Untitled. Prose. 20. Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket. Untitled. Prose. 21. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 21. Bucknell Bell Hop. Untitled. Prose. 21. Ohio State Sun Dial. Untitled. Prose. 21. Carawsons. Untitled. Picture. 21. Texas Ranger. The Girl Who Wouldn\u27t . Picture. 21. Lehigh Burr. My Cuspidor . Prose. 21. Lehigh Burr. My Shaving Brush . Picture. 21. Arizona Kitty Kat. Book Nook . Something About Eve . 22. J.C.K. Adam and Eve-Though He Knew Better . Prose. 22. California Pelican. Story . Prose. 24. California Pelican. Irresistible . Prose. 22. Iowa Green Gander. Untitled. Prose. 25. Oregon Orange Owl. Untitled. Prose. 25. Washington State Cougar\u27s Paw. True Confessions . Prose. 28. Lehigh Burr. Seven Ages of Women . Poem. 29. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 29. Carolina Buccaneer. Untitled. prose. 29. Columbia Jester. Untitled. Prose. 29. Washington and Lee Mink. Untitled. Prose. 30. Middlebury Blue Baboon. Untitled. Prose. 30. Reserve Red Cat. Untitled. Prose. 30. Lehigh Burr. Untitled. Prose. 30. Anonymous. Woman to Woman . Prose. 31. anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 31. California Pelican. Untitled. Prose. 31. Bucknell Bell Hop. Untitled. prose. 31. Middlebury Blue Baboon. Untitled. Prose. 31. Buffalo Bison. Untitled. Prose. 31. Anonymous. The Necklace . Prose. 32. Judge. Going Up . Poem. 32.; Boston Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 32. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Flamingo Vol. IX N 5

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    Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 1. Smrcina, Orville. Three Wise Men Picture. 0. Anonymous. A co-ed\u27s Xmas Gift List for 1927 . Prose. 3. Anonymous. A Collegiate Holiday of 2027 . Prose. 2. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 3. Anonymous. Christmas is Coming. Prose. 3. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 3. Anonymous. Hints For Men . Prose. 4. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 4. Smrcina, Orville. Untitled. Picture. 8. Anonymous. Bird Seed . Prose. 9. Smrcina, Orville. Untitled. Picture. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. The Inside Dope . Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Smrcina, Orville. Untitled. Picture. 11. Wood, Ester. Untitled. Picture. 11. Wood, Ester. Untitled. Picture. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Voices of The Nation . Prose. 1. Anonymous. A Co-ed\u27s Dirge . Prose. 1. Anonymous. Collegiate Death Rate . Prose. 12. Anonymous. Learning\u27s Latest Logic . Prose. 13. Anonymous. Bar . Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Denisoniana . Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Our Triumvirate . Prose. 15. Anonymous. A mercenary Slant . Prose. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 16. Anonymous. Sad Case No. 1 . Prose. 16. nonymous. Parasina Becomes Parisian . Prose. 16. Anonymous. Introducing-Miss 1929 . Prose. 17. Anonymous. An Expensive Sup . Prose. 18. Anonymous. Still Humor . Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Cornell College Ollapod. Untitled. Prose. 18. Arizona Kitty-Kat. Untitled. Prose. 18. Stanford Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 18. University of Georgia Cracker. Untitled. Prose. 18. University of North Carolina Buccaneer. Untitled. Prose. 18. Lafayette Lyre. Untitled. Prose. 18. Lehigh Burr. Untitled. Prose. 18. Randolph Macon Old Maid. Untitled. Prose. 18. Amherst Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 18. Annapolis Log. Untitled. Prose. 18. Nebraska Awgwan. Untitled. Prose. 18. Washington and Lee Mink. Untitled. Prose. 18. Ohio State Sun Dial. Untitled. Prose. 18. Harvard Lampoon. Untitled. Prose. 18. Washington University Dirge. Untitled. Prose. 18. Smrcina, Orville. Untitled. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Ten Ways to Make the Season profitable . Prose. 19. Anonymous. The Separation of Hans and Feet . Prose. 20. Herkner, Ruth. Untitled. Picture. 20. Less Lee. Untitled. Picture. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Welcome Santa- Picture. 21. Anonymous. Book Nook . Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 24. Anonymous. To Be Noted At Christmas Dances . Prose. 24. Anonymous. To Be Noted At Christmas Dances . Prose. 24. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 25. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 26. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 27. Life. Untitled. Prose. 27. Christian Register. Untitled. Prose. 27. Princeton Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 28. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 28. Middlebury Blue Baboon. Untitled. Prose. 28. Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket. Untitled. Prose. 28. Punch Bowl. Tact . Prose. 29. Carnegie Puppet. Untitled. Prose. 29. Record. Untitled. Prose. 30. Voo-Doo. Untitled. Prose. 30. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 30. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 30. Shi-U-Mah. Untitled. Prose. 31. Bison. Untitled. Prose. 31. Mink. Untitled. Prose. 31. Whirlwind. Untitled. Prose. 32. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 32

    Flamingo Vol. IX N 3

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    Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 1. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 2. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 3. Ollapod, Cornell. Untitled. Prose. 3. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 4. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 5. Smith, Reed. Untitled. Cartoon. 8. Anonymous. Gripes and Groans . Prose. 9. J.C.K. You Disgraceful Being, She Said . Picture. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Homecoming . Prose. 1. Anonymous. My Girl . Prose. 1. McDonald, George. Untitled. Picture. 11. O\u27Dell, Dorothy. Edifying Adventures of Alice (In Wonderland) . Prose. 12. Anonymous. I. Though Stuff . Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Hi-Glims of Denison\u27s History . Prose. 16. Anonymous. Hi-Glims of Denison\u27s History . Picture. 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 16. Anonymous. Geography of a Single Woman\u27s Life . Prose. 16. Anonymous. II. Hard-Up Stuff . Prose. 16. Anonymous. Fraternity Bridge . Prose. 16. Anonymous. Introducing-Miss 1931 . Prose. 17. Anonymous. III. Big (Bad) Stuff) . Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. With Horseradish honors . Prose. 18. Anonymous. It\u27s Best Friends . Prose. 18. Anonymous. Table Talk . Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. IV. Blankety-Blank Stuff . Prose. 19. Anonymous. V. Mighty (Old) Stuff). Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Homecoming . Picture. 21. Shiokawa, Richard K. Untitled. Picture. 21. Anonymous. Ain\u27t It So . Prose. 21. Anonymous. book Nook . Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 26. Life. Untitled. Prose. 26. Wampus. Untitled. Prose. 26. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 27. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 27. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 27. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 28. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 28. Medley. Untitled. Prose. 28. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 29. Cracker. Untitled. Prose. 29. Harvard Lampoon. Untitled. Prose. 29. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 29. Frivol. Untitled. Prose. 29. Princeton Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 30. Barnacle. Untitled. Prose. 30. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 30. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 30. Pup. Untitled. Prose. 31. Pennsylvania Punch Bowl. Untitled. Prose. 31. Penn State Froth. Untitled. Prose. 31. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 32. Smrcina, Orville. Things That Freshmen Do Know . Picture. 13

    Flamingo Vol. IX N 6

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    McDonald, George. Cover. Picture. 0 Ohio State Sun Dial. Untitled. Prose. 1. Arizona Kittykat. Untitled. Prose. 1. Sour Owl. Untitled. Prose. 3. Dartmouth Jack O\u27Lantern. Untitled. Prose. 2. Brown Jug. Untitled. Prose. 3. Illinois Siren. Untitled. Prose. 3. Kitty-Kat. Untitled. Prose. 3. Ohio State Sun Dial. Untitled. Prose. 4. Wabash Caveman. Untitled. Prose. 4. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 4. McDonald, George. Untitled. Picture. 8. Anonymous. Flamingo Gripes and Groans . Prose. 9. Smrcina, Orville. Untitled. Picture. 10. Anonymous. A Little Vow For Leap Year . Prose. 10. Kline, I.D. Gwendolyn Strikes Out, or, Set \u27Em Up In The Other Alley . Prose. 10. Smrcina, Orville. Untitled. Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Literal Young lady . Prose. 12. Anonymous. Four-Legged Cops . Prose. 12. Anonymous. Our Leap year Poem . Prose. 13. Anonymous. The Co-Ed Thorn . Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. McDonald, George. Untitled. Picture. 13. Anonymous. A Bird in the Hand is Worth About Ten on the Newsstand . Prose. 15. Anonymous. I Kidnapped And Murdered Her So I Could Go To College. Prose. 18. Smith, Reed. A Photo For The Visual Minded . Picture. 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 16. Anonymous. More Photos For The Visual-Minded . Prose. 16. Anonymous. Co-Eds Obtain long-Sought Privilege: A Clever Plot Unfolded . Prose. 16. Anonymous. Candy . Prose. 16. Anonymous. Introducing-Miss 1928 . Prose. 17. Jester. Untitled Prose. 18. Lord Jeff. Untitled Prose. 18. Whirlwind. Untitled Prose. 18. Sniper. Untitled Prose. 18. Purple Parrot. Untitled Prose. 18. Minnesota Ski-U-Mah. Untitled. Prose. 18. Siren. Untitled. Prose. 18. Mink. Untitled. Prose. 18. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 18. Center Colonel. Untitled. Prose. 18. Sun Dial. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. It\u27s A-Rainin\u27 Tonight . Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. The Passionate Plumber, or, Is It Cold Enough Out to Wear a Cane? . Prose. 19. McDonald, George. Untitled. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Bibby, Eugenia. The Separation of Hans and Feet Part III . Prose. 20. Smrcina, Orville. Untitled. Picture. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Le Quarantine Ballade . Poem. 20. Anonymous. L\u27envoi . Poem. 20. Anonymous. Book Nook . Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. Anonymous. Age Wisdom . Prose. 23. Brown Jug. Wrecked Romance . Prose. 24. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 24. Satyr. Untitled Prose. 24. Lord Jeff. Untitled Prose. 25. Mink. Have You Heard This One? Prose. 27. California Pelican. Subject to Change . Prose. 28. Yale Record. Logical . Prose. 28. Minnesota. Untitled. Prose. 28. Western Reserve Red Cat. Wotta Sight! . Prose. 29. Texas Ranger. Untitled. Prose. 29. Sniper. Untitled. Prose. 29. Anonymous. Mon Dieu . Poem. 31. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 31. College Humor. Untitled. Prose. 31. Kitty-Kat. Untitled. Prose. 32. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32. The Old Maid. Untitled. Poem. 32