4 research outputs found

    Heat transfer under high-power heating of liquids. 1. Experiment and inverse algorithm

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    A new approach to fluids behavior study in the course of highpower heating has been developed by us. The approach combines experimental method of controlled pulse heating of a wire probe and numerical method of thermophysical properties temperature dependencies recovery from the experimental data. Short (millisecond) characteristic time scale allows working with short-lived fluids, including superheated (with respect to the liquid-vapor equilibrium temperature and/or to the temperature of thermal decomposition onset) ones. Numerical method gives a set of inverse heat conduction problem solutions, based on the results of single pulse experiment. Numerical technique, based on the heat transfer parameters optimization model, is built using genetic algorithms. The approach was applied to saturated hydrocarbons in the temperature range 300-625 K. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Improving the efficiency of processing of the substrate using Wisesoil device

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    One of the trends in the development of bioenergy today is to find the most optimal pretreatment methods to increase the yield of biogas. The article examines basic methods of pre-treatment of the substrate, and their effectiveness. Additionally, this article lists test results of the device of preliminary preparation of raw materials, developed by Wisesoil.Одной из тенденций развития биоэнергетики сегодня является поиск оптимальных методов предварительной обработки сырья, для увеличения выхода биогаза. В статье рассматривается принцип действия и результаты испытаний устройства предварительной подготовки сырья, разрабатываемого компанией Wisesoil

    Heat transfer under high-power heating of liquids. 1. Experiment and inverse algorithm

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    a b s t r a c t A new approach to fluids behavior study in the course of highpower heating has been developed by us. The approach combines experimental method of controlled pulse heating of a wire probe and numerical method of thermoph ysical properties temperature dependencies recovery from the experimental data. Short (millisecond) characteristic time scale allows working with short-lived fluids, including superheated (with respect to the liquid-vapor equilibrium temperature and/or to the temperature of thermal decomposition onset) ones. Numerical method gives a set of inverse heat conductio n problem solutions, based on the results of single pulse experiment. Numerical technique, based on the heat transfer parameters optimization model, is built using genetic algorithms. The approach was applied to saturated hydrocarbons in the temperature range 300-625 K