434 research outputs found

    Rainbow universe

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    The formalism of rainbow gravity is studied in a cosmological setting. We consider the very early universe which is radiation dominated. A novel treatment in our paper is to look for an ``averaged'' cosmological metric probed by radiation particles themselves. Taking their cosmological evolution into account, we derive the modified Friedmann-Robertson-Walker(FRW) equations which is a generalization of the solution presented by Magueijo and Smolin. Based on this phenomenological cosmological model we argue that the spacetime curvature has an upper bound such that the cosmological singularity is absent. These modified FRWFRW equations can be treated as effective equations in the semi-classical framework of quantum gravity and its analogy with the one recently proposed in loop quantum cosmology is also discussed.Comment: 5 page

    Holographic Formulation of Quantum Supergravity

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    We show that N=1{\cal N}=1 supergravity with a cosmological constant can be expressed as constrained topological field theory based on the supergroup Osp(14)Osp(1|4). The theory is then extended to include timelike boundaries with finite spatial area. Consistent boundary conditions are found which induce a boundary theory based on a supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory. The boundary state space is constructed from states of the boundary supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory on the punctured two sphere and naturally satisfies the Bekenstein bound, where area is measured by the area operator of quantum supergravity.Comment: 30 pages, no figur

    Disordered locality in loop quantum gravity states

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    We show that loop quantum gravity suffers from a potential problem with non-locality, coming from a mismatch between micro-locality, as defined by the combinatorial structures of their microscopic states, and macro-locality, defined by the metric which emerges from the low energy limit. As a result, the low energy limit may suffer from a disordered locality characterized by identifications of far away points. We argue that if such defects in locality are rare enough they will be difficult to detect.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, revision with extended discussion of result

    Hidden symmetries for thermodynamics and emergence of relativity

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    Erik Verlinde recently proposed an idea about the thermodynamic origin of gravity. Though this is a beautiful idea which may resolve many long standing problems in the theories of gravity, it also raises many other problems. In this article I will comment on some of the problems of Verlinde's proposal with special emphasis on the thermodynamical origin of the principle of relativity. It is found that there is a large group of hidden symmetries of thermodynamics which contains the Poincare group of the spacetime for which space is emergent. This explains the thermodynamic origin of the principle of relativity.Comment: V1: 4 pages, comments/criticisms welcomed; V2: references added; V3: typos and minor corrections? V4? substantial changes in Section 3 and other parts mad

    Mixture of multiple copies of maximally entangled states is quasi-pure

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    Employing the general BXOR operation and local state discrimination, the mixed state of the form \rho^{(k)}_{d}=\frac{1}{d^{2}}\sum_{m,n=0}^{d-1}(|\phi_{mn}><\phi_{mn}|)^{\otim es k} is proved to be quasi-pure, where {ϕmn>}\{|\phi_{mn}>\} is the canonical set of mutually orthogonal maximally entangled states in d×dd\times d. Therefore irreversibility does not occur in the process of distillation for this family of states. Also, the distillable entanglement is calculated explicitly.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. The paper is subtantially revised and the general proof is give

    2-Form Gravity of the Lorentzian Signature

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    We introduce a new spinorial, BF-like action for the Einstein gravity. This is a first, up to our knowledge, 2-form action which describes the real, Lorentzian gravity and uses only the self-dual connection. In the generic case, the corresponding classical canonical theory is equivalent to the Einstein-Ashtekar theory plus the reality conditions

    Infinite Degeneracy of States in Quantum Gravity

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    The setting of Braided Ribbon Networks is used to present a general result in spin-networks embedded in manifolds: the existence of an infinite number of species of conserved quantities. Restricted to three-valent networks the number of such conserved quantities in a given network is shown to be invariant barring a single case. The implication of these conserved quantities is discussed in the context of Loop Quantum Gravity.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, v2: some clarifications, no substantial change

    de Sitter gravity from lattice gauge theory

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    We investigate a lattice model for Euclidean quantum gravity based on discretization of the Palatini formulation of General Relativity. Using Monte Carlo simulation we show that while a naive approach fails to lead to a vacuum state consistent with the emergence of classical spacetime, this problem may be evaded if the lattice action is supplemented by an appropriate counter term. In this new model we find regions of the parameter space which admit a ground state which can be interpreted as (Euclidean) de Sitter space.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. email address update

    A Note on Temperature and Energy of 4-dimensional Black Holes from Entropic Force

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    We investigate the temperature and energy on holographic screens for 4-dimensional black holes with the entropic force idea proposed by Verlinde. We find that the "Unruh-Verlinde temperature" is equal to the Hawking temperature on the horizon and can be considered as a generalized Hawking temperature on the holographic screen outside the horizons. The energy on the holographic screen is not the black hole mass MM but the reduced mass M0M_0, which is related to the black hole parameters. With the replacement of the black hole mass MM by the reduced mass M0M_0, the entropic force can be written as F=GmM0r2F=\frac{GmM_0}{r^2}, which could be tested by experiments.Comment: V4: 13 pages, 4 figures, title changed, discussions for experiments added, accepted by CQ

    Implications of Spacetime Quantization for the Bahcall-Waxman Neutrino Bound

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    There is growing interest in quantum-spacetime models in which small departures from Lorentz symmetry are governed by the Planck scale. In particular, several studies have considered the possibility that these small violations of Lorentz symmetry may affect various astrophysical observations, such as the evaluation of the GZK limit for cosmic rays, the interaction of TeV photons with the Far Infrared Background and the arrival time of photons with different energies from cosmological sources. We show that the same Planck-scale departures from Lorentz symmetry that lead to a modification of the GZK limit which would be consistent with the observations reported by AGASA, also have significant implications for the evaluation of the Bahcall-Waxman bound on the flux of high-energy neutrinos produced by photo-meson interactions in sources of size not much larger than the proton photo-meson mean free path.Comment: 10 pages, Late