13 research outputs found

    The Parameters of Composite Binders of Technogenic Waste from Russian Far East

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    The paper considers the process optimization of structure of cement stone due to the use of industrial waste, which allows to increase the strength characteristics of the binders. Proposed composite binders, obtained by co-grinding of cement, hyper plasticizer, fly ash and limestone crushing screenings. The connection of the seal structure of the composite binder with increasing hydration activity of the fine fraction of the mineral filler. The increased strength characteristics developed binders provided due to their high specific surface area with mechanic and chemically activated surface layers of filler grains and cement

    Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Using Composite Binders

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    This paper investigates the creation of high-density impermeable concrete. The effect of the “cement, fly ash, and limestone” composite binders obtained by joint grinding with superplasticizer in the varioplanetary mill on the process of structure formation was studied. Compaction of structure on micro- and nanoscale levels was characterized by different techniques: X-ray diffraction, DTA-TGA, and electron microscopy. Results showed that the grinding of active mineral supplements allows crystallization centers to be created by ash particles as a result of the binding of Ca(OH)2 during hardening alite, which intensifies the clinker minerals hydration process; the presence of fine grains limestone also leads to the hydrocarboaluminates calcium formation. The relation between cement stone neoplasms composition as well as fibrous concrete porosity and permeability of composite at nanoscale level for use of composite binders with polydispersed mineral supplements was revealed. The results are of potential importance in developing the wide range of fine-grained fiber-reinforced concrete with a compressive strength more than 100 MPa, with low permeability under actual operating conditions

    Knowledge Graph Injection for Reinforcement Learning

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    In reinforcement learning (RL) an agent usually learns the specifics and rules of the environment via interaction. This limits the agent in taking the best action only from the current observation and past experience. Therefore, providing relevant external knowledge for RL agents, as well as incorporating learned knowledge in the RL process can be a critical part of agent’s successful training in real-world tasks. We propose a method, an architecture and experimental results for injecting expert knowledge in the form of RDF knowledge graphs (KGs) into the RL processes, showing how knowledge consumption increases sample efficiency. Furthermore, we investigate the scalability of our approach concerning the complexity of the underlying task showing injection of KGs is beneficial to the solution of more complex RL tasks. For experimental evaluation we used the Minigrid environment, which is a standard benchmark for RL. For this environment, we designed an ontology and generated a KG, that promotes reusability and interoperability across heterogeneous data of the environment. We show that adding knowledge to the agent’s learning process improves sample efficiency and the benefits increase with the complexity of the environment

    Raster electron microscopy for building materials science

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    Исследовался синергетический эффект композиционного вяжущего с применением портландцемента, золы уноса и отсева дробления известняка. Наиболее высокий эффект достигается за счет действия техногенных пуццолановых добавок (зола уноса) и известняка при содержании: цемент 55 мас.%, известняк 5 мас.% и зола 40 мас.%. При совместном помоле до удельной поверхности 550 м2/кг образцы имеют прочность при сжатии до 77,3 МПа (прочность контрольного состава 47,5 Мпа).The synergistic effect of the composite binder was studied using Portland cement, fly ash and screening of limestone crushing. The highest effect is achieved for man-made pozzolanic additives (fly ash) and limestone with a content of 55% by weight cement, 5% limestone and 40% ash. With co-milling to a specific surface area of 550 m2/kg, the samples have a compressive strength of up to 77.3 MPa (the strength of the control composition is 47.5 MPa)

    Analysis of next generation sequencing real alignment algorithms

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    Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Real Alignment Algorithms Next-generation sequencing methods generate a tremendous amount of short nucleotide sequence reads. Each sequence read needs to be mapped to a unique location in a reference genome – a task which calls for an efficient computational solution. In this work I propose a novel algorithm for short read alignment – Qligner. The algorithm splits each read into a number of fixed-length potentially overlapping seeds (n-grams). Indexed genomic occurrences of the n-grams are then used to vote on the potential location. Several coordinates that match the greatest number of seeds are selected for further evaluation. Longest common subsequence is used as a similarity metric to choose the candidate with the minimum number of mismatches with the original read. I compared the proposed algorithm with popular short read aligners in terms of speed, sensitivity, and specificity. BWA mem was more sensitive than any other solution, but it was also the slowest. In 60-100 bp read length range Qligner demonstrated sensitivity and specificity similar to that of BWA mem and Bowtie 2 while surpassing both in terms of speed. The algorithm is sensitive to parameters and can be tweaked to prioritise either speed or accuracy

    Toward the Synthesis of Solutions of Dynamic Games

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    Spontaneous pneumothorax in the third trimester of pregnancy

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    The present report concerns a young woman previously diagnosed as having childhood asthma who presented with a secondary spontaneous pneumothorax during the third trimester of pregnancy; at term a caesarean section was recommended for safety reasons. Post partum a severe fixed ventilatory defect unresponsive to inhaled bronchodilator and a short oral course of steroids ruled out asthma. Diffuse bronchiectasis was found on her chest CT scan, although this was not evident clinically. Known aetiologies for diffuse bronchiectasis (cystic fibrosis, anti-α1 antitrypsin deficiency, rheumatic diseases, mycobacterial infections, childhood infections and immune deficiencies) were ruled out. Therefore it is believed her bronchiectasis was idiopathic or congenital. No recommendations from recent guidelines on how to manage labour in a woman after a spontaneous pneumothorax could be found. However, a literature search revealed that pregnant women usually experience primary pneumothorax and may continue in natural labour; however, it is unknown how best to manage a woman with secondary spontaneous pneumothorax