23 research outputs found

    Single-electron charging, tunneling spectroscopy and quantum resistance in mesoscopic systems

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    Contains fulltext : mmubn000001_143820206.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Promotores : H. van Kempen en P. van Bentum181 p

    Markt moet over hobbel heen. Huib van Essen (CE) en Richard Smokers (TNO) over CO2 reductie

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    De C02-uitstoot van de sector transport en logïstïek moet en kan veel verder worden teruggedrongen. Om dat te realiseren, is op vele terreinen en door vele belanghebbenden actie nodig. Met de noodzakelijke innovatie zou Nederland concurrentievoordeel kunnen opbouwe

    Voltage-dependent scaling of the quantum resistance in 1D disordered systems

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    We have studied the voltage-dependent scaling of the resistance in a 1D disordered system by using a new Landauer-type resistance formula. The scaling behaviour at high voltage is significantly different from the scaling law due to Anderson et al. [Phys. Rev. B 22 (1980) 3519]. The finite voltage difference between both ends of the wire leads to much better statistical behaviour (in ensemble sense) of the resistance due to self-averaging over energy. Numerical results obtained for a simple model system illustrate the typical behaviour that is expected to be of conceptual importance for real systems

    Theory of nonlinear quantum tunneling resistance in one-dimensional disordered systems

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    A novel generalized Landauer formula is derived and used to study the voltage-dependent resistance in a one-dimensional (1D) disordered system. A finite voltage difference introduces energy integration and gives the system self-averaging behavior to a certain extent. The quantum resistance of a 1D system generally shows a rich structure in its dependence on applied voltage and length. Resistance fluctuations are shown to decrease with increasing voltage. In spite of the self-averaging, the mean resistance at large voltage turns out to scale superlinearly with length

    EVs and post 2020 CO2 targets for passenger cars

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    This paper analyses what post 2020 targets may be necessary for the European CO2 legislation for passenger cars in order to reach the overall sectoral goal of 60% reduction of transport's greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 relative to 1990, as defined in the European Commission's White Paper. The required target levels are found to depend strongly on the contribution that passenger cars need to make to reaching the overall target, on the assumed growth of passenger car mobility, and on the extent to which biofuels could be available for fuelling passenger cars. To what extent electric vehicles and other low emission vehicles such as plug-in hybrids and fuel cell electric vehicles are needed to meet the post-2020 targets depends on the target level and on the minimum CO2 emissions that can be reached in conventional vehicles. Almost all assessed scenarios, require significant amounts of low emission vehicles to be sold from 2030 or 2035 onwards. Electric and plug-in vehicles are in the early stage of market introduction now, but developments are fragile could end up in a 'valley of death'. Defining a sufficiently low passenger car CO2 target for 2025 may be an effective instrument to motivate manufacturers to continue their efforts in the marketing and further development of these vehicles. This is important for maintaining the momentum of the transition towards large-scale application of low CO2 emitting vehicles. Document type: Articl

    Onderscheidende kenmerken van brandstoftypen als alternatief voor diesel

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    De gemeente Amsterdam heeft een aanbestedingsprocedure uitgevaardigd voor de inkoop van brandstof voor dieselvoertuigen. De gunningscriteria op basis waarvan een aanbieder zal worden geselecteerd, zijn de prijs en het effect op luchtvervuiling. Tijdens de aanbestedingsprocedure zijn er in raadscommissievergaderingen vragen gesteld over de gehanteerde duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen. Hierop heeft de gemeente Amsterdam TNO verzocht om meer inzicht te verschaffen in

    Energy scenarios for European passenger transport in the year 2030

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    In this paper four energy scenarios for Westy-European passenger transport are developed. To start with, the present transport system as a base-line case is described and analysed. Next, for each scenario we sketch how the passenger transport system may look like in terms of the use of various existing and future transport technologies and the corresponding model split. Based on this information, expected energy consumption features of the various transport modes are described, data on the present fuel supply and electricity generation system are offered, and estimations of the future energy system are given. Then, the energy consumption and CO2 emissions associated with the future passenger transport systems are stressed and these impacts are compared with the current system. The conclusion is that a large-scale reduction of CO2 emissions is possible in several ways. Each way will cause many problems, since drastic policy measures will have to be introduced, which may affect economic growth and the lifestyles of individuals

    TNO-ADVANCE: a modular powertrain simulation and design tool

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    To support its activities in the field of conventional and hybrid vehicles, TNO has developed ADVANCE, a modular simulation tool for the design and evaluation of advanced powertrains. In this paper the various features and the potential of ADVANCE are described and illustrated by means of three case studies. The first case describes the application of TNO ADVANCE for the development of test procedures for vehicles with advanced propulsion systems. In the second case the use of ADVANCE is described in the development of a system integrated powertrain for passenger cars, which makes use of a continuously variable transmission and an internal combustion engine (ICE), optimised for this transmission type. The application of a starter alternator set for this system integrated powertrain is evaluated in case three