69 research outputs found

    DT-diaphorase activity in normal and neoplastic human tissues; an indicator for sensitivity to bioreductive agents?

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    DT-diaphorase (DTD) is an important enzyme for the bioreductive activation of the new alkylating indoloquinone EO9. In preclinical studies, EO9 has shown selective anti-tumour activity against solid tumours and under hypoxic conditions. The levels of three reductive enzymes have been determined in three types of human solid tumours, together with corresponding normal tissues and normal liver. DTD enzyme activities were measured in tumour extracts using 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) and NADH as substrates; cytochrome P450 reductase or cytochrome b5 reductase activities were assessed with cytochrome c and NADPH or NADH respectively. DTD activity was highest in non-small-cell lung (NSCLC)-tumours (mean 123 nmol DCPIP min-1 mg-1), followed by colon carcinoma (mean 75 nmol min-1 mg-1) and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (6-fold lower than NSCLC). DTD activity was very low in normal liver and normal lung (4-6 nmol min-1 mg-1), while the levels in normal colon mucosa or normal mucosa of the head and neck region were in the same range as the corresponding tumours. The levels of the two other reductive enzymes, cytochrome P450 reductase (CP450R) and cytochrome b5 reductase (Cb5R), were 5 to 25-fold lower than those of DTD in all the tissues, except for normal liver, in which DTD was 2 to 4-fold lower. The degree of variation found for DTD (range 4-250 nmol min-1 mg-1), was not observed for these enzymes (CP450R, 0.8-7.8 nmol cytochrome c min-1 mg-1; Cb5R, 3.5-27.6 nmol min-1 mg-1).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    EO9 (Apaziquone): from the clinic to the laboratory and back again

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    EO9 (Apaziquone) is a bioreductive drug that has a chequered history. It underwent clinical trial but failed to show activity in phase II clinical trials when administered i.v. Poor drug delivery to tumours caused by a combination of rapid pharmacokinetic elimination and poor penetration through avascular tissue were the major factors responsible for EO9’s poor efficacy. Based upon an understanding of why EO9 failed, a further clinical trial against patients with superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder was conducted. The rationale for this was that intravesical administration directly into the bladder would circumvent the drug delivery problem, and any drug reaching the blood supply would be rapidly cleared thereby reducing the risk of systemic exposure. EO9 was well tolerated, and clinical activity against marker lesions was recorded in both phase I and II clinical trials. This article charts the pharmacological history of EO9 and discusses the potential implications that β€˜the EO9 story’ has for the development of other loco-regional therapies

    DT-diaphorase activity in NSCLC and SCLC cell lines: a role for fos/jun regulation

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    To assess the potential differential lung tumour expression of NAD(P)H:quinone reductase (NQO1), the human (h) NQO1 promoter was characterized in gene transfer studies. A deletion panel of 5β€² flanking hNQO1 promoter constructs was made and tested in transient transfection assays in NSCLC and SCLC cell lines. The largest hNQO1 construct (–1539/+115) containing the antioxidant response element (ARE), exhibited robust levels of reporter activity in the NSCLC (H460, H520, and A549) cell lines and expression was over 12 to 77-fold higher than the minimal (–259/+115) promoter construct. In contrast, there was little difference in promoter activity between the largest and minimal promoter construct in the SCLC (H146, H82 and H187) cell lines. Deletion of the sites for NFΞΊB and AP-2 and the XRE did not significantly affect hNQO1 promoter activity in either the NSCLC or SCLC cell lines. Robust promoter activity in NSCLC lines was mediated by a 359 bp segment of the proximal promoter that contained a canonical AP-1 binding site, TGACTCAG, within the ARE. Gel supershift assays with various specific Fos/Jun antibodies identified Fra1, Fra2 and Jun B binding activity in NSCLC cells to a promoter fragment (–477 to –438) spanning the AP-1 site, whereas SCLC do not appear to express functional Fra or Jun B. These results suggest a possible role for AP-1 activity in the differential expression of hNQO1 in NSCLC. Β© 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Impact of hypoxia on chemoresistance of mesothelioma mediated by the proton-coupled folate transporter, and preclinical activity of new anti-LDH-A compounds

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    BACKGROUND: Expression of proton-coupled folate transporter (PCFT) is associated with survival of mesothelioma patients treated with pemetrexed, and is reduced by hypoxia, prompting studies to elucidate their correlation. METHODS: Modulation of glycolytic gene expression was evaluated by PCR arrays in tumour cells and primary cultures growing under hypoxia, in spheroids and after PCFT silencing. Inhibitors of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-A) were tested in vitro and in vivo. LDH-A expression was determined in tissue microarrays of radically resected malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM, N = 33) and diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma (DMPM, N = 56) patients. RESULTS: Overexpression of hypoxia marker CAIX was associated with low PCFT expression and decreased MPM cell growth inhibition by pemetrexed. Through integration of PCR arrays in hypoxic cells and spheroids and following PCFT silencing, we identified the upregulation of LDH-A, which correlated with shorter survival of MPM and DMPM patients. Novel LDH-A inhibitors enhanced spheroid disintegration and displayed synergistic effects with pemetrexed in MPM and gemcitabine in DMPM cells. Studies with bioluminescent hypoxic orthotopic and subcutaneous DMPM athymic-mice models revealed the marked antitumour activity of the LDH-A inhibitor NHI-Glc-2, alone or combined with gemcitabine. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides novel insights into hypoxia/PCFT-dependent chemoresistance, unravelling the potential prognostic value of LDH-A, and demonstrating the preclinical activity of LDH-A inhibitors

    Multilayered tumor cell line cultures as in vitro drug screening model for new thymidylate synthase (TS) inhibitors

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    Determinants of activity of the antifolate thymidylate synthase inhibitors Tomudex (ZD1694) and GW1843U89 against mono- and multilayered colon cancer cell lines under folate-restricted conditions

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    The cytotoxicity and metabolic effects of two thymidylate synthase (TS) inhibitors, Tomudex (Raltitrexed, ZD1694) and GW1843U89, were studied in WiDr colon cancer cells under four different growth conditions: as standard monolayers and as postconfluent multilayers grown under either high (WiDr, 8.8 microM folic acid) or low (WiDr/F, 1 nM leucovorin) folate conditions. Both GW1843U89 and ZD1694 were 13-15-fold more active against WiDr/F than WiDr cells when cultured as monolayers (IC50s in WiDr/F cells were 0.22 and 0.39 nM, respectively). WiDr cells were markedly less sensitive to the drugs when grown as multilayers (4-15-fold), in contrast to the WiDr/F cells, which were equally sensitive. However, total growth inhibition could not be achieved in WiDr multilayers (concentration causing total growth inhibition > 10,000 nM), whereas in WiDr/F multilayers, it could be achieved at 0.42 nM ZD1694 and 150 nM GW1843U89. Growth conditions markedly affected the TS levels when using different enzyme assays. At nonsaturating substrate concentrations, the catalytic activity of TS was similar in mono- and multilayers grown under high folate conditions but lower in multilayers at saturating concentrations. In cells grown under low folate conditions, TS catalytic activity was 3-6-fold lower in multilayers than in monolayers. This was consistent with a decrease in the number of S-phase cells in multilayers. Western blotting revealed less pronounced (2-3-fold) differences in the TS protein content. Exposure of the cells for 24 h to the drugs increased the TS levels by 4-fold. Because this increase in TS levels might explain the decrease in sensitivity to the TS inhibitors, we measured TS inhibition (TSI) by the drugs in intact cells using the TS in situ assay. GW1843U89 was more active than ZD1694. However, after 4 h of exposure in WiDr/F mono- and multilayers, TSI was in the same range for both drugs [50% TSI (TSI50), 0.5-1.7 nM]. In WiDr cells, the TSI50 for ZD1694, but not GW1843U89, was 10 times higher in the multilayers as compared to the monolayers. Despite the increase in TS protein levels, the extent of TSI was similar or even more pronounced in both cell lines grown as either multi- or monolayers. Because the cells were grown under depleted and folate-rich conditions that may affect folate uptake, we measured folate transport using methotrexate (MTX) as the reference drug for the activity of the reduced folate carrier. MTX uptake was 4-fold lower in multilayers compared to monolayers in both WiDr and WiDr/F cells. Uptake of MTX was 5-fold more effective in WiDr/F cells than in WiDr cells in both mono-and multilayers. In conclusion, the resistance of WiDr multilayers to the novel antifolates ZD1694 and GW1843U89 may be due to the high folate medium concentrations, which may be responsible for impaired drug uptake along with less effective TSI. In contrast, WiDr/F monolayers and multilayers were very sensitive to these antifolates. These effects of folate homeostasis may explain some of the variable results seen in treatment of solid tumors with new antifolate TS inhibitors
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