1,121 research outputs found

    Effects of Testicular and Ovarian Inhibinā€Like Activity, Using In Vitro and In Vivo Systems

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    Inhibinā€like activities in charcoalā€treated bovine follicular fluid (FF) and medium from cultured Sertoli cells (SCCM) were assayed in an in vitro bioassay system, using cultured pituitary cells. Addition of both fluids resulted in parallel doseā€dependent decreases of the concentration of follicleā€stimulating hormone (FSH) in the medium, both in the presence or absence of luteinizing hormoneā€releasing hormone (LHā€RH). A single injection of FF into immature and adult male and female rats resulted in decreased peripheral levels of FSH, but not of LH, after 4 or 8 h. This decrease was larger and occurred faster in adult female rats than in prepubertal female animals. Injection of FF into adult female rats, immediately after unilateral ovariectomy (ULO) prevented the specific increase of FSH levels, occurring in control animals. This suppression could not be obtained after treatment with steroids. Daily treatment of adult female or immature male rats for periods longer than 5 days did not result in prolonged suppression of circulating FSH concentrations; LH levels were significantly increased. The female animals showed cyclic vaginal smear changes and normal ovulation; in the male rats testis weight and numbers of spermatogenic cells were reduced. It is concluded that testicular and ovarian inhibinā€like activities have similar properties. Injections of FF into male and female rats cause similar effects on FSH and LH. The effect of FF in ULOā€animals suggests that inhibin could play a role in the shortā€term regulation of the number of developing follicles in the ovary. Injection of FF into male rats causes a probably transient impairment of spermatogenesis through an initial suppression of FSH. Copyrigh

    Effects of long-term soluble vs. insoluble dietary fiber intake on high-fat diet-induced obesity in C57BL/6J mice

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    Although most of the proposed beneficial effects of fiber consumption have been attributed to viscous and gel-forming properties of soluble fiber, it is mainly insoluble cereal fiber and whole grains that are strongly associated with reduced diabetes risk in prospective cohort studies, indicating that other unknown mechanisms are likely to be involved. We performed a long-term study investigating potential protective effects of adding soluble guar fiber (10% w/w) vs. insoluble cereal fiber (10% w/w) to an isoenergetic and macronutrient matched high-fat diet in obesity-prone C57BL/6J mice. After 45 weeks, mice fed soluble vs. insoluble fiber showed both significantly increased body weight (41.8Ā±3.0 vs. 33.6Ā±1.5 g, P=.03) and elevated markers of insulin resistance. In mice fed soluble fiber, energy loss via the feces was significantly lower and colonic fermentation with production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) was markedly increased. Gene expression analysis in white adipose tissue showed significantly increased levels of the fatty acid target G-protein coupled receptor-40 in soluble fiber-fed mice. Liver gene expression in the insoluble fiber group showed a pattern consistent with increased fatty acid oxidation. The present results show that soluble vs insoluble dietary fiber added to a high-fat, Western-style diet differently affected body weight and estimates of insulin sensitivity in obesity-prone mice. Soluble fiber intake with increased SCFA production significantly contributed to digested energy, thereby potentially outweighing the well known short-term beneficial effects of soluble fiber consumption
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