15,088 research outputs found

    The classical capacity of quantum thermal noise channels to within 1.45 bits

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    We find a tight upper bound for the classical capacity of quantum thermal noise channels that is within 1/ln21/\ln 2 bits of Holevo's lower bound. This lower bound is achievable using unentangled, classical signal states, namely displaced coherent states. Thus, we find that while quantum tricks might offer benefits, when it comes to classical communication they can only help a bit.Comment: Two pages plus a bi

    Thermal-Fatigue Crack-Growth Characteristics and Mechanical Strain Cycling Behavior of A-286 Discaloy, and 16-25-6 Austenitic Steels

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    Thermal-fatigue crack-growth characteristics of notched- and unnotched-disk specimens of A-286, Discaloy, hot-cold worked 16-25-6, and overaged 16-25-6 were experimentally studied. Separately controlled variables were total strain range (0.0043 to 0.0079 in./in.), maximum cycle temperature (1300 and 1100 F), and hold time at maximum temperature (O and 5 min). A limited number of mechanical, push-pull, constant-strain cycle tests at room temperature were made using notched and un-notched bars of the same materials. In these tests the number of cycles to failure as well as the variation of load change with accumulated cycles was measured, and the effects of mean stress were observed. Constant-strain-range mechanical-fatigue tests at room temperature revealed notched-bar fatigue life to be strongly influenced by mean stress. For a specific strain range, the longest fatigue life was always found to be associated with the least-tensile (or most compressive) mean stress. By defining thermal-fatigue life as the number of cycles required to produce a crack area of 6000 square mils, the relative thermal-fatigue resistances of the test materials were established. Notched-disk specimens of A-286 and Discaloy steels exhibited longer fatigue lives than either hot-cold worked or overaged 16-25-6. On the other hand, unnotched-disk specimens of Discaloy and hot-cold worked 16-25-6 had longer lives than A-286 and overaged 16-25-6. Separation of the crack-growth data into microstage and macrostage periods revealed that the macrostage period accounted for the greatest part of the difference among materials when tested in the notched configuration, while the microstage was largely responsible for the differences encountered in unnotched disks

    ACEE composite structures technology

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    Toppics addressed include: advanced composites on Boeing commercial aircraft; composite wing durability; damage tolerance technology development; heavily loaded wing panel design; and pressure containment and damage tolerance in fuselages

    Anisotropic focusing characteristics of micro-domain structures within crystalline Sr<sub>0.61</sub>Ba<sub>0.39</sub>Nb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>6</sub> : the crystal ball

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    We report the anisotropic focusing characteristics of a spherically configured region of micro-domains that have been induced within a cubic shaped crystal of Ce:doped Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6. The internal spherical structure focuses extraordinary polarised light, but not ordinary polarised. The spherical region, which is easily observed via scattering, is formed as the crystal cools down, after a repoling cycle through the Curie temperature, with an applied field. Analytic modelling of the thermal gradients that exist within the crystal during cooling reveals a small (&lt; 1°) temperature difference between the central and outside regions. The similarity in shape between these temperature profiles and the observed scattering region suggests a possible mechanism for the growth of this spherical micro-domained structure

    Corporate Multimedia and MIS Course

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    Pacing, branching, and interaction are three unique characteristics that multimedia brings to education. As costs decrease and the advantages of multimedia are documented, corporations are rapidly adopting this new instructional method. Major benefits to the individual and organization include instructional flexibility, increased retention, decreased instructional costs, improved performance monitoring, and record keeping. These benefits provide support for using multimedia as a method to enhance the typical college of business junior level management information systems (MIS) course

    Evaluating the Barrier Effect of a Major Highway on Movement and Gene Flow of the Northern Flying Squirrel

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    Roads are pervasive sources of habitat fragmentation around the world, affecting an estimated 19 percent of the land area of the coterminous United States (Forman 2000). The barrier effect of roads has been demonstrated for species from multiple taxa. Still, information DNA was extracted from cheek cells of 41 individuals and genotyped at 12 microsatellite loci to characterize patterns of population structure. Seven of 16 monitored squirrels crossed the highway at least once during their nightly movements. Randomization tests of the movement data do not indicate significant avoidance of crossing the highway corridor. Movement does not necessarily equate to gene flow, however, and forthcoming analysis of microsatellite data will help elucidate whether current rates of movement are sufficient to maintain genetic connectivity across the highway. regarding the response of the vast majority of species to roads is lacking. We examine the effects of a major roadway on the movement and population genetics of Northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus) in the Cascade Mountains of Washington, USA. During 2009 and 2010, flying squirrels (n = 16) were trapped and radio-tracked to gather data on movement within their home ranges and to detect movement across the roadway. Additionally

    SNTF immunostaining reveals previously undetected axonal pathology in traumatic brain injury

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    Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is a common feature of severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and may also be a predominant pathology in mild TBI or “concussion”. The rapid deformation of white matter at the instant of trauma can lead to mechanical failure and calcium-dependent proteolysis of the axonal cytoskeleton in association with axonal transport interruption. Recently, a proteolytic fragment of alpha-II spectrin, “SNTF”, was detected in serum acutely following mild TBI in patients and was prognostic for poor clinical outcome. However, direct evidence that this fragment is a marker of DAI has yet to be demonstrated in either humans following TBI or in models of mild TBI. Here, we used immunohistochemistry (IHC) to examine for SNTF in brain tissue following both severe and mild TBI. Human severe TBI cases (survival &lt;7d; n = 18) were compared to age-matched controls (n = 16) from the Glasgow TBI archive. We also examined brains from an established model of mild TBI at 6, 48 and 72 h post-injury versus shams. IHC specific for SNTF was compared to that of amyloid precursor protein (APP), the current standard for DAI diagnosis, and other known markers of axonal pathology including non-phosphorylated neurofilament-H (SMI-32), neurofilament-68 (NF-68) and compacted neurofilament-medium (RMO-14) using double and triple immunofluorescent labeling. Supporting its use as a biomarker of DAI, SNTF immunoreactive axons were observed at all time points following both human severe TBI and in the model of mild TBI. Interestingly, SNTF revealed a subpopulation of degenerating axons, undetected by the gold-standard marker of transport interruption, APP. While there was greater axonal co-localization between SNTF and APP after severe TBI in humans, a subset of SNTF positive axons displayed no APP accumulation. Notably, some co-localization was observed between SNTF and the less abundant neurofilament subtype markers. Other SNTF positive axons, however, did not co-localize with any other markers. Similarly, RMO-14 and NF-68 positive axonal pathology existed independent of SNTF and APP. These data demonstrate that multiple pathological axonal phenotypes exist post-TBI and provide insight into a more comprehensive approach to the neuropathological assessment of DAI