479 research outputs found

    The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions

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    Near infrared images of the Galactic giant HII region W43 reveal a dense stellar cluster at its center. Broad band JHK photometry of the young cluster and K-band spectra of three of its bright stars are presented. The 2 micron spectrum of the brightest star in the cluster is very well matched to the spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars of sub-type WN7. Two other stars are identified as O type giants or supergiants by their NIII and CIV emission. The close spatial clustering of O and the hydrogen WN type stars is analogous to the intense star burst clusters R136 in the Large Magellanic Cloud and NGC3603 in the Galaxy.Comment: 22 pages (LaTex), including 7 figures (eps

    The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions III.: W31

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    We present near infrared (J, H, and K) photometry and moderate resolution (lambda/Deltalambda = 3000) K-band spectroscopy of the embedded stellar cluster in the giant H II region W31. Four of the brightest five cluster members are early O--type stars based on their spectra. We derive a spectro--photometric distance for W31 of 3.4 +/- 0.3 kpc using these new spectral types and infrared photometry. The brightest cluster source at K is a red object which lies in the region of the J - H vs. H - K color--color plot inhabited by stars with excess emission in the K-band. This point source has an H plus K-band spectrum which shows no photospheric features, which we interpret as being the result of veiling by local dust emission. Strong Brackett series emission and permitted FeII emission are detected in this source; the latter feature is suggestive of a dense inflow or outflow. The near infrared position of this red source is consistent with the position of a 5 GHz thermal radio source seen in previous high angular resolution VLA images. We also identify several other K-band sources containing excess emission with compact radio sources. These objects may represent stars in the W31 cluster still embedded in their birth cocoons.Comment: LaTeX2e/aastex, 29 pages including 9 figures, 3 table

    Kinematic clues to the origins of starless HI clouds : dark galaxies or tidal debris?

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    Isolated H i clouds with no optical counterparts are often taken as evidence for galaxy–galaxy interactions, though an alternative hypothesis is that these are primordial ‘dark galaxies’ that have not formed stars. Similarly, certain kinematic features in H i streams are also controversial, sometimes taken as evidence of dark galaxies but also perhaps explicable as the result of harassment. We numerically model the passage of a galaxy through the gravitational field of cluster. The galaxy consists of smoothed particle hydrodynamics particles for the gas and N-bodies for the stars and dark matter, while the cluster includes the gravitational effects of substructure using 400 subhaloes (the effects of the intracluster medium are ignored). We find that harassment can indeed produce long H i streams and these streams can include kinematic features resembling dark galaxy candidates such as VIRGOHI21. We also show that apparent clouds with diameter 100 km s−1 is negligible – making this a very unlikely explanation for the observed clouds in the Virgo cluster with these properties

    Loss of Environmental Enrichment Elicits Behavioral and Physiological Dysregulation in Female Rats

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    Chronic stress drives behavioral and physiological changes associated with numerous psychiatric disease states. In rodents, the vast majority of chronic stress models involve imposition of external stressors, whereas in humans stress is often driven by internal cues, commonly associated with a sense of loss. We previously exposed groups of rats to environmental enrichment (EE) for a protracted period (1 month), followed by removal of enrichment (ER), to induce an experience of loss in male rats. ER enhanced immobility in the forced swim test (FST), led to hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis hypoactivity, and caused hyperphagia relative to continuously enriched (EE), single-housed (Scon) and pair-housed (Pcon) groups, most of which were reversible by antidepressant treatment (Smith et al., 2017). Here, we have applied the same approach to study enrichment loss in female rats. Similar to the males, enrichment removal in females led to an increase in the time spent immobile in the FST and increased daytime food intake compared to the single and pair-housed controls. Unlike males, ER females showed decreased sucrose preference, and showed estrus cycle-dependent HPA axis hyperactivity to an acute restraint stress. The increase in passive coping (immobility), anhedonia-like behavior in the sucrose preference test and HPA axis dysregulation suggest that enrichment removal produces a loss phenotype in females that differs from that seen in males, which may be more pronounced in nature

    Interactions among multiple stressors vary with exposure duration and biological response

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    Coastal ecosystems are exposed to multiple anthropogenic stressors. Effective management actions would be better informed from generalized predictions of the individual, combined and interactive effects of multiple stressors; however, few generalities are shared across different meta-analyses. Using an experimental study, we present an approach for analysing regression-based designs with generalized additive models that allowed us to capture nonlinear effects of exposure duration and stressor intensity and access interactions among stressors. We tested the approach on a globally distributed marine diatom, using 72 h photosynthesis and growth assays to quantify the individual and combined effects of three common water quality stressors; photosystem II-inhibiting herbicide exposure, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) enrichment and reduced light (due to excess suspended sediment). Exposure to DIN and reduced light generally resulted in additivity, while exposure to diuron and reduced light resulted in additive, antagonistic or synergistic interactions, depending on the stressor intensity, exposure period and biological response. We thus find the context of experimental studies to be a primary driver of interactions. The experimental and modelling approaches used here bridge the gap between two-way designs and regression-based studies, which provides a way forward to identify generalities in multiple stressor interactions

    Animal models of atherosclerosis.

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    Atherosclerosis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Many animal models have been developed to study atherosclerosis, and permit experimental conditions, diet and environmental risk factors to be carefully controlled. Pathophysiological changes can be produced using genetic or pharmacological means to study the harmful consequences of different interventions. Experiments using such models have elucidated its molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms, and provided platforms for pharmacological development. Different models have their own advantages and disadvantages, and can be used to answer different research questions. In the present review article, different species of atherosclerosis models are outlined, with discussions on the practicality of their use for experimentation.GT was supported by a BBSRC Doctoral Training Award and thanks the Croucher Foundation of Hong Kong for the generous support of his clinical assistant professorship. YC is supported by the ESRC

    Animal models of atherosclerosis.

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    Atherosclerosis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Many animal models have been developed to study atherosclerosis, and permit experimental conditions, diet and environmental risk factors to be carefully controlled. Pathophysiological changes can be produced using genetic or pharmacological means to study the harmful consequences of different interventions. Experiments using such models have elucidated its molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms, and provided platforms for pharmacological development. Different models have their own advantages and disadvantages, and can be used to answer different research questions. In the present review article, different species of atherosclerosis models are outlined, with discussions on the practicality of their use for experimentation.GT was supported by a BBSRC Doctoral Training Award and thanks the Croucher Foundation of Hong Kong for the generous support of his clinical assistant professorship. YC is supported by the ESRC

    Genetic Variation in the ASTN2 Locus in Cardiovascular, Metabolic and Psychiatric Traits: Evidence for Pleiotropy Rather Than Shared Biology

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    Background: The link between cardiometabolic and psychiatric illness has long been attributed to human behaviour, however recent research highlights shared biological mechanisms. The ASTN2 locus has been previously implicated in psychiatric and cardiometabolic traits, therefore this study aimed to systematically investigate the genetic architecture of ASTN2 in relation to a wide range of relevant traits. Methods: Baseline questionnaire, assessment and genetic data of 402111 unrelated white British ancestry individuals from the UK Biobank was analysed. Genetic association analyses were conducted using PLINK 1.07, assuming an additive genetic model and adjusting for age, sex, genotyping chip, and population structure. Conditional analyses and linkage disequilibrium assessment were used to determine whether cardiometabolic and psychiatric signals were independent. Results: Associations between genetic variants in the ASTN2 locus and blood pressure, total and central obesity, neuroticism, anhedonia and mood instability were identified. All analyses support the independence of the cardiometabolic traits from the psychiatric traits. In silico analyses provide support for the central obesity signal acting through ASTN2, however most of the other signals are likely acting through other genes in the locus. Conclusions: Our systematic analysis demonstrates that ASTN2 has pleiotropic effects on cardiometabolic and psychiatric traits, rather than contributing to shared pathology

    Parliamentary reaction to the announcement and implementation of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy: applied thematic analysis of 2016-2020 parliamentary debates

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    Objective: The UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy (SDIL) (announced in March 2016; implemented in April 2018) aims to incentivise reformulation of soft drinks to reduce added sugar levels. The SDIL has been applauded as a policy success, and it has survived calls from parliamentarians for it to be repealed. We aimed to explore parliamentary reaction to the SDIL following its announcement until two years post-implementation in order to understand how health policy can become established and resilient to opposition. Design: Searches of Hansard for parliamentary debate transcripts that discussed the SDIL retrieved 186 transcripts, with 160 included after screening. Five stages of Applied Thematic Analysis were conducted: familiarisation and creation of initial codebooks; independent second coding; codebook finalisation through team consensus; final coding of the dataset to the complete codebook; and theme finalisation through team consensus. Setting: The United Kingdom Parliament. Participants: N/A Results: Between the announcement (16/03/2016) – royal assent (26/04/2017), two themes were identified 1: SDIL welcomed cross-party 2: SDIL a good start but not enough. Between royal assent – implementation (5/04/2018), one theme was identified 3: The SDIL worked – what next? The final theme identified from implementation until 16/03/2020 was 4: Moving on from the SDIL. Conclusions: After the announcement, the SDIL had cross-party support and was recognised to have encouraged reformulation prior to implementation. Lessons for governments indicate that the combination of cross-party support and a policy’s documented success in achieving its aim can help cement the resilience of it to opposition and threats of repeal
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