12,746 research outputs found

    Estimating the influence of different urban canopy cover types on atmospheric particulate matter (PM10) pollution abatement in London UK

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    In the urban environment atmospheric pollution by PM10 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 x 10-6 m) is a problem that can have adverse effects on human health, particularly increasing rates of respiratory disease. The main contributors to atmospheric PM10 in the urban environment are road traffic, industry and powerproduction. The urban tree canopy is a receptor for removing PM10s from the atmosphere due to the large surface areas generated by leaves and air turbulence created by the structure of the urban forest. In this context urban greening has long been known as a mechanism to contribute towards PM10 removal from the air, furthermore, tree canopy cover has a role in contributing towards a more sustainable urban environment.The work reported here has been carried out within the BRIDGE project (SustainaBle uRban plannIng Decision support accountinG for urban mEtabolism). The aim of this project is to assess the fluxes of energy, water, carbon dioxide and particulates within the urban environment and develope a DSS (Decision Support System) to aid urban planners in sustainable development. A combination of published urban canopy cover data from ground, airborne and satellite based surveys was used. For each of the 33 London boroughs the urban canopy was classified to three groups, urban woodland, street trees and garden trees and each group quantified in terms of ground cover. The total [PM10] for each borough was taken from the LAEI (London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory 2006) and the contribution to reducing [PM10] was assessed for each canopy type. Deposition to the urban canopy was assessed using the UFORE (Urban Forest Effects Model) approach. Deposition to the canopy, boundary layer height and percentage reduction of the [PM10] in the atmosphere was assessed using both hourly meterological data and [PM10] and seasonal data derived from annual models. Results from hourly and annual data were compared with measured values. The model was then applied to future predictions of annual [PM10] and future canopy cover scenarios for London. The contribution of each canopy type subjected to the different atmospheric [PM10] of the 33 London boroughs now and in the future will be discussed. Implementing these findings into a decision support system (DSS) for sustainable urban planning will also be discussed<br/

    Validity of two common asthma-specific quality of life questionnaires: Juniper mini asthma quality of life questionnaire and Sydney asthma quality of life questionnaire

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    Background This study explored the psychometric properties (internal consistency, construct validity, discriminative ability) of the Juniper Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (Mini AQLQ-J) and the Sydney Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ-S). Methods One hundred fourty-six adults (18-45 years) with asthma requiring regular inhaled corticosteroids were recruited to a trial of written emotional disclosure. Correlational analyses were performed to understand the relationship of the two measures with each other, with symptoms, lung function, asthma control, asthma bother and generic quality of life. Median quality of life scores were compared according to gender, health care usage and levels of asthma severity. Results AQLQ-J and AQLQ-S total scores correlated strongly with each other (rho = -0.80) and moderately with the EuroQol Current Health Status Scale (AQLQ-J: rho = 0.35; AQLQ-S: rho = -0.40). Domain score correlations between AQLQ-J and AQLQ-S were mostly moderate (0.5 < rho < 0.8). Both QoL measures were significantly correlated with symptom score. Correlations with the symptom score asthma module (AQLQ-J: rho = -0.69; AQLQ-S: rho = 0.50) were stronger compared with the total symptom score and the symptom score rhinitis module (AQLQ-J: rho = -0.41; AQLQ-M: rho =0.31). Neither QoL measure was significantly correlated with FEV1 % predicted at the total or the domain level. Total scores of both measures were significantly correlated with subjective asthma control (AQLQ-J: rho = 0.68; AQLQ-S: rho = -0.61) and asthma bother (AQLQ-J: rho = -0.73; AQLQ-M: rho = 0.73). Conclusions This study provides further evidence for the validity of the AQLQ-J and the AQLQ-S in a British population of adult patients with asthma managed in primary care. Correlations with lung function parameters were weak or absent. Correlations with generic quality of life were moderate, those with asthma symptoms, asthma control and asthma bother were strong. Both measures are able to discriminate between levels of asthma severity

    World Conference of Religions for Peace : Understanding Japanese Perspectives on Peacemaking

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    This presentation as a part of the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking\u27s 2018 panel Peace and Conflict Studies: Field Research Reports from the Philippines, Zanzibar, and Japan features the analysis of peacemaking in Japan based on the February 2018 meeting of the World Conference of Religions for Peace - Japan

    Militarism as a Theme in Nazi Education and Youth Organizations

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    The rise of Nazism in Germany led to reform in the state education system. This included subversive themes of militarism in typically non-nationalistic subjects, as well as inflated nationalism in subjects such as history and geography. The militaristic themes in the Nazis’ educational system paralleled the mission of the youth organizations in Germany during this period. These youth organizations also used the psychology of German adolescents to further indoctrinate and achieve their mission of creating a generation of ready servants of the German fascist state

    Pan-Arabism: Origins and Outcomes of Postcolonial Unions

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    This senior thesis examines Pan-Arab Nationalism in practice by analyzing the rise and fall of the United Arab Republic between Egypt and Syria and the Arab Federation between Jordan and Iraq. The study concludes that the downfall of the Pan-Arab experiments lies in the differing interpretations of the ideology and political and philosophical disconnects between political elites and the people they govern

    Exploring the Experiences of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color in High School Concert Bands and Orchestral Ensembles

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    The traditional concert band/orchestra model in many public high schools often passively presents content regarding Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). BIPOC students in these ensembles bring a wealth of experience from their communities. Meanwhile, BIPOC face barriers including invalidation and a diminished sense of representation in these ensembles. This qualitative investigation explored how BIPOC students in a public 9-12 high school district experienced social, pedagogical, curricular practices in their school’s concert band/orchestra. Guided by critical race theory and culturally responsive pedagogy, and employing interpretive phenomenological analysis, this study addressed the lack of inclusivity and representation experienced by BIPOC in concert band and orchestra, and gaps in literature surrounding BIPOC in these performing groups. Analysis of semi structured interviews with six current BIPOC enrolled in their high school’s concert band/orchestra yielded five findings. The research questions focused on social, pedagogical, and curricular practices, and cultural/ethnic representation, and the participants answers revealed (1) the lack of BIPOC representation in guest clinicians and selected repertoire, (2) rehearsals are teacher driven with limited student input, (3) the ensemble environment reflects a White/Western (minority) with an ethnic majority, (4) there are limited opportunities to explore non-Western ethnic ensembles, and music and (5) concert band and orchestra are enjoyable; however, the experience could be improved. The findings of the current research study suggest that changes need to be made in both the ways that traditional public school-based concert band and orchestra programs are taught, and how underrepresented students are sustained in their educational experiences. Keywords: culturally responsive music pedagogy, critical race theory, BIPOC, underrepresented, concert band, orchestr
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