317 research outputs found

    Compartment Model for Controlling Infectious Livestock Disease: Cost-Effective Control Strategies for Johne's Disease In Dairy Herds

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    Replaced with revised version of paper 06/08/11.animal compartment model, dairy cattle disease, Johne’s disease, livestock disease control, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Economic Analysis of Johne's Disease Control Strategies in Dairy Herds

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    Infectious diseases play a critical role in determining the profitability of individual farms and maintaining the viability of livestock industries, international trade, and trade policies. Thus, it is critical to analyze the economic consequences of infectious diseases, and the effects of producer strategies to control or eliminate diseases in a cost efficient approach. Also, important is the goal to rally support for the development of public disease control programs. This study examined the long-term feasibility and effectiveness of various producer strategies to prevent and control Johne’s disease in dairy herds, an infectious and incurable disease which has significant economic repercussions for the dairy industry. There are few previous studies available on the economic aspects of Johne’s disease and there remains a knowledge gap with regard to the economics of the disease and the economic justification of the disease controls associated with the biological characteristics of the disease. This study contributes to this body of knowledge. We constructed an optimal control model integrating the biology of animals and disease into an economic framework to estimate the best control method in terms of maximizing an individual farm’s profit and minimizing disease elimination periods. Our results show that any Johne’s disease control method yields a higher net present value compared to no control. Implementing a single control strategy can control the disease, but a combination of control strategies in different categories is the most profitable and effective way to reduce the infection rate in a disease-infected herd. The results of the study are directly applicable to managing this disease on US dairy farms and contribute to controlling a high-priority pathogen in an important industry.Animal disease control, dairy herd model, Johne's disease, optimal control model, paratuberculosis, Agribusiness, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Economic Effects of a Potential Foodborne Disease: Potential Relationship between Mycobacterium Avium Subs. Paratuberculosis (MAP) in Dairy and Crohn’s in Humans

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    Welfare costs of a potential food shock were estimated by disseminating information to milk drinkers on the prevalence of Mycobacterium avium sub. paratuberculosis (MAP) in the U.S. milk supply, its potential linkage to Crohn’s disease in humans, and subsequent government intervention to minimize MAP in the milk supply. We found that 19.6% of milk consumers exposed to MAP information would stop milk consumption at current market prices, and that only 5% of those would return to their original milk consumption levels after the government intervention. Societal costs of the food shock after the intervention were estimated at $18.2 billion

    Multi-axis fields boost SABRE hyperpolarization via new strategies

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    The inherently low signal-to-noise ratio of NMR and MRI is now being addressed by hyperpolarization methods. For example, iridium-based catalysts that reversibly bind both parahydrogen and ligands in solution can hyperpolarize protons (SABRE) or heteronuclei (X-SABRE) on a wide variety of ligands, using a complex interplay of spin dynamics and chemical exchange processes, with common signal enhancements between 10310410^3-10^4. This does not approach obvious theoretical limits, and further enhancement would be valuable in many applications (such as imaging mM concentration species in vivo). Most SABRE/X-SABRE implementations require far lower fields (μTmT{\mu}T-mT) than standard magnetic resonance (>1T), and this gives an additional degree of freedom: the ability to fully modulate fields in three dimensions. However, this has been underexplored because the standard simplifying theoretical assumptions in magnetic resonance need to be revisited. Here we take a different approach, an evolutionary strategy algorithm for numerical optimization, Multi-Axis Computer-aided HEteronuclear Transfer Enhancement for SABRE (MACHETE-SABRE). We find nonintuitive but highly efficient multi-axial pulse sequences which experimentally can produce a 10-fold improvement in polarization over continuous excitation. This approach optimizes polarization differently than traditional methods, thus gaining extra efficiency

    Learning deficit in cognitively normal apoe ε4 carriers with low β-amyloid

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    Introduction: In cognitively normal (CN) adults, increased rates of amyloid beta (Aβ) accumulation can be detected in low Aβ (Aβ–) apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 carriers. We aimed to determine the effect of ε4 on the ability to benefit from experience (ie, learn) in Aβ–CNs. Methods: Aβ– CNs(n= 333) underwent episodic memory assessments every 18 months for 108 months. A subset (n = 48) completed the Online Repeatable Cognitive Assessment-Language Learning Test (ORCA-LLT) over 6 days. Results: Aβ– ε4 carriers showed significantly lower rates of improvement on episodic memory over 108 months compared to non-carriers (d = 0.3). Rates of learning on the ORCA-LLT were significantly slower in Aβ– ε4 carriers compared to non-carriers (d = 1.2). Discussion: In Aβ– CNs,ε4 is associated with a reduced ability to benefit from experience. This manifested as reduced practice effects (small to moderate in magnitude) over 108 months on the episodic memory composite, and a learning deficit (large in magnitude) over 6 days on the ORCA-LLT. Alzheimer’s disease (AD)–related cognitive abnormalities can manifest before preclinical AD thresholds

    ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction—Executive Summary A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 1999 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction)

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    Although considerable improvement has occurred in the process of care for patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), room for improvement exists (1–3). The purpose of the present guideline is to focus on the numerous advances in the diagnosis and management of patients with STEMI since 1999. This is reflected in the changed name of the guideline: “ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction.” The final recommendations for indications for a diagnostic procedure, a particular therapy, or an intervention in patients with STEMI summarize both clinical evidence and expert opinion (Table 1).To provide clinicians with a set of recommendations that can easily be translated into the practice of caring for patients with STEMI, this guideline is organized around the chronology of the interface between the patient and the clinician. The full guideline is available at http://www.acc.org/clinical/guidelines/stemi/index.htm