4,971 research outputs found

    First description of the environmental niche of the epibenthic dinoflagellate species Coolia palmyrensis, C. malayensis, and C. tropicalis (Dinophyceae) from Eastern Australia

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    © 2019 Phycological Society of America Environmental variables such as temperature, salinity, and irradiance are significant drivers of microalgal growth and distribution. Therefore, understanding how these variables influence fitness of potentially toxic microalgal species is particularly important. In this study, strains of the potentially harmful epibenthic dinoflagellate species Coolia palmyrensis, C. malayensis, and C. tropicalis were isolated from coastal shallow water habitats on the east coast of Australia and identified using the D1-D3 region of the large subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA). To determine the environmental niche of each taxon, growth was measured across a gradient of temperature (15–30°C), salinity (20–38), and irradiance (10–200 μmol photons · m−2 · s−1). Specific growth rates of Coolia tropicalis were highest under warm temperatures (27°C), low salinities (ca. 23), and intermediate irradiance levels (150 μmol photons · m−2 · s−1), while C. malayensis showed the highest growth at moderate temperatures (24°C) and irradiance levels (150 μmol photons · m−2 · s−1) and growth rates were consistent across the range of salinity levels tested (20–38). Coolia palmyrensis had the highest growth rate of all species tested and favored moderate temperatures (24°C), oceanic salinity (35), and high irradiance (>200 μmol photons · m−2 · s−1). This is the first study to characterize the environmental niche of species from the benthic harmful algal bloom genus Coolia and provides important information to help define species distributions and inform risk management

    qPCR Assays for the Detection and Quantification of Multiple Paralytic Shellfish Toxin-Producing Species of Alexandrium

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    Paralytic shellfish toxin producing dinoflagellates have negatively impacted the shellfish aquaculture industry worldwide, including in Australia and New Zealand. Morphologically identical cryptic species of dinoflagellates that may differ in toxicity, in particular, species of the former Alexandrium tamarense species complex, co-occur in Australia, as they do in multiple regions in Asia and Europe. To understand the dynamics and the ecological drivers of the growth of each species in the field, accurate quantification at the species level is crucial. We have developed the first quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) primers for A. australiense, and new primers targeting A. ostenfeldii, A. catenella, and A. pacificum. We showed that our new primers for A. pacificum are more specific than previously published primer pairs. These assays can be used to quantify planktonic cells and cysts in the water column and in sediment samples with limits of detection of 2 cells/L for the A. catenella and A. australiense assays, 2 cells/L and 1 cyst/mg sediment for the A. pacificum assay, and 1 cells/L for the A. ostenfeldii assay, and efficiencies of >90%. We utilized these assays to discriminate and quantify co-occurring A. catenella, A. pacificum, and A. australiense in samples from the east coast of Tasmania, Australia

    Molecular Identification of Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa (Dinophyceae) from Environmental Samples.

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    Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) is increasing across the Pacific and the distribution of the causative dinoflagellates appears to be expanding. Subtle differences in thecal plate morphology are used to distinguish dinoflagellate species, which are difficult to determine using light microscopy. For these reasons we sought to develop a Quantitative PCR assay that would detect all species from both Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa genera in order to rapidly screen environmental samples for potentially toxic species. Additionally, a specific assay for F. paulensis was developed as this species is of concern in New Zealand coastal waters. Using the assays we analyzed 31 samples from three locations around New Zealand and the Kingdom of Tonga. Fourteen samples in total were positive for Gambierdiscus/Fukuyoa and two samples were also positive using the F. paulensis assay. Samples from the Kermadec Islands were further characterized using high-throughput sequencing metabarcoding. The majority of reads corresponded to Gambierdiscus species with three species identified at all sites (G. australes, G. honu and G. polynesiensis). This is the first confirmed identification of G. polynesiensis, a known ciguatoxin producer, in New Zealand waters. Other known toxin-producing genera were also detected, included Alexandrium, Amphidinium, Azadinium, Dinophysis, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum

    Refining orthologue groups at the transcript level

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthologues are genes in different species that are related through divergent evolution from a common ancestor and are expected to have similar functions. Many databases have been created to describe orthologous genes based on existing sequence data. However, alternative splicing (in eukaryotes) is usually disregarded in the determination of orthologue groups and the functional consequences of alternative splicing have not been considered. Most multi-exon genes can encode multiple protein isoforms which often have different functions and can be disease-related. Extending the definition of orthologue groups to take account of alternate splicing and the functional differences it causes requires further examination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A subset of the orthologous gene groups between human and mouse was selected from the InParanoid database for this study. Each orthologue group was divided into sub-clusters, at the transcript level, using a method based on the sequence similarity of the isoforms. Transcript based sub-clusters were verified by functional signatures of the cluster members in the InterPro database. Functional similarity was higher within than between transcript-based sub-clusters of a defined orthologous group. In certain cases, cancer-related isoforms of a gene could be distinguished from other isoforms of the gene. Predictions of intrinsic disorder in protein regions were also correlated with the isoform sub-clusters within an orthologue group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Sub-clustering of orthologue groups at the transcript level is an important step to more accurately define functionally equivalent orthologue groups. This work appears to be the first effort to refine orthologous groupings of genes based on the consequences of alternative splicing on function. Further investigation and refinement of the methodology to classify and verify isoform sub-clusters is needed, particularly to extend the technique to more distantly related species.</p

    Refining orthologue groups at the transcript level

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthologues are genes in different species that are related through divergent evolution from a common ancestor and are expected to have similar functions. Many databases have been created to describe orthologous genes based on existing sequence data. However, alternative splicing (in eukaryotes) is usually disregarded in the determination of orthologue groups and the functional consequences of alternative splicing have not been considered. Most multi-exon genes can encode multiple protein isoforms which often have different functions and can be disease-related. Extending the definition of orthologue groups to take account of alternate splicing and the functional differences it causes requires further examination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A subset of the orthologous gene groups between human and mouse was selected from the InParanoid database for this study. Each orthologue group was divided into sub-clusters, at the transcript level, using a method based on the sequence similarity of the isoforms. Transcript based sub-clusters were verified by functional signatures of the cluster members in the InterPro database. Functional similarity was higher within than between transcript-based sub-clusters of a defined orthologous group. In certain cases, cancer-related isoforms of a gene could be distinguished from other isoforms of the gene. Predictions of intrinsic disorder in protein regions were also correlated with the isoform sub-clusters within an orthologue group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Sub-clustering of orthologue groups at the transcript level is an important step to more accurately define functionally equivalent orthologue groups. This work appears to be the first effort to refine orthologous groupings of genes based on the consequences of alternative splicing on function. Further investigation and refinement of the methodology to classify and verify isoform sub-clusters is needed, particularly to extend the technique to more distantly related species.</p

    Pulmonary effects of inhalation of spark-generated silver nanoparticles in Brown-Norway and Sprague-Dawley rats

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    The increasing use of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in consumer products is concerning. We examined the potential toxic effects when inhaled in Brown-Norway (BN) rats with a pre-inflammatory state compared to Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats.We determined the effect of AgNPs generated from a spark generator (mass concentration: 600-800 Οg/mm(3); mean diameter: 13-16 nm; total lung doses: 8 [Low] and 26-28 [High] Οg) inhaled by the nasal route in both rat strains. Rats were sacrificed at day 1 and day 7 after exposure and measurement of lung function.In both strains, there was an increase in neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid at 24 h at the high dose, with concomitant eosinophilia in BN rats. While BAL inflammatory cells were mostly normalised by Day 7, lung inflammation scores remained increased although not the tissue eosinophil scores. Total protein levels were elevated at both lung doses in both strains. There was an increase in BAL IL-1β, KC, IL-17, CCL2 and CCL3 levels in both strains at Day 1, mostly at high dose. Phospholipid levels were increased at the high dose in SD rats at Day 1 and 7, while in BN rats, this was only seen at Day 1; surfactant protein D levels decreased at day 7 at the high dose in SD rats, but was increased at Day 1 at the low dose in BN rats. There was a transient increase in central airway resistance and in tissue elastance in BN rats at Day 1 but not in SD rats. Positive silver-staining was seen particularly in lung tissue macrophages in a dose and time-dependent response in both strains, maximal by day 7. Lung silver levels were relatively higher in BN rat and present at day 7 in both strains.Presence of cellular inflammation and increasing silver-positive macrophages in lungs at day 7, associated with significant levels of lung silver indicate that lung toxicity is persistent even with the absence of airway luminal inflammation at that time-point. The higher levels and persistence of lung silver in BN rats may be due to the pre-existing inflammatory state of the lungs

    Characterization of H3N2 influenza viruses isolated from pigs in southern China

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    Poster Presentations: Animal Influenza EcologyHuman-like H3N2 influenza viruses have repeatedly transmitted to domestic pigs in different regions of the world, but it is still not certain whether any of those variants have become established in pig populations. The detection of different subtypes of avian influenza viruses from pigs makes it an ideal candidate for the genesis of a possible reassortant virus with both human and avian gene segments. However, whether pigs could act as a “mixing vessel” for a possible pandemic virus remains unanswered. Long-term influenza surveillance in pigs in southern China revealed that H3N2 influenza viruses were regularly detected from domestic pigs from 1998 to 2003. Antigenic analysis of representative strains revealed that two distinguishable groups of H3N2 influenza viruses were present in pigs during this period: a contemporary human-like viruses (represented by Sydney/5/97), and Port Chalmers/1/73-like (PC-like) viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of the representative strains confirmed those two groups. In general, the PC-like viruses were most closely related to those H3N2 reassortants recognized from European pigs since the mid-1980s, while the remaining isolates were most closely related to those contemporary human H3N2 viruses. It is interesting to note that one PC-like isolate contained a classical swine H1N1-like NP gene, Sw/HK/1197/02, suggesting that after introduction to pigs in southern China the European swine H3N2 virus further reassorted with local swine virus. The contemporary humanlike H3N2 viruses isolated from pig appeared to have resulted from repeated introduction from humans to pigs. Interestingly, one isolate (Sw/HK/NS1128/03) clustered with those human isolates detected in the early 1990s. These findings suggesting that some recent human H3N2 variants may be maintained long-term in pig populations in southern China. The present study provides updated information on the role of pigs in the interspecies transmission and genetic reassortment of influenza viruses in this region.postprin

    Characterization of low pathogenic H5 subtype influenza viruses from Eurasia: Implications for the origin of highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses

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    Oral Presentations - Genetic and Antigenic EvolutionHighly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses are now endemic in many Asian countries. The immediate precursor of these HPAI viruses was recognized as A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 (Gs/Gd)-like H5N1 HPAI viruses first detected in Guangdong in 1996. However, precursors of the Gs/GD-like viruses and their subsequent reassortants have not been fully determined. Here we characterize low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) H5 subtype viruses isolated from poultry and migratory birds in southern China and Europe from the 1970s to the 2000s. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Gs/GD-like virus was likely derived from an LPAI H5 virus in migratory birds. However, its variants arose from multiple reassortments between Gs/GD-like virus and viruses from migratory birds, or with those Eurasian viruses isolated in the 1970s. It is of note that unlike HPAI H5N1 viruses, those recent LPAI H5 viruses have not become established in aquatic or terrestrial poultry. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the dynamic nature of the influenza gene pool in Eurasia with repeated transmissions between the eastern and western extremities of the continent. The data also shows reassortment between influenza viruses from domestic and migratory birds in this region that has contributed to the expanded diversity of the influenza gene pool among poultry in Eurasia ...postprin

    Using interpretative phenomenological analysis to inform physiotherapy practice: An introduction with reference to the lived experience of cerebellar ataxia

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    The attached file is a pre-published version of the full and final paper which can be found at the link below.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Qualitative research methods that focus on the lived experience of people with health conditions are relatively underutilised in physiotherapy research. This article aims to introduce interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a research methodology oriented toward exploring and understanding the experience of a particular phenomenon (e.g., living with spinal cord injury or chronic pain, or being the carer of someone with a particular health condition). Researchers using IPA try to find out how people make sense of their experiences and the meanings they attach to them. The findings from IPA research are highly nuanced and offer a fine grained understanding that can be used to contextualise existing quantitative research, to inform understanding of novel or underresearched topics or, in their own right, to provoke a reappraisal of what is considered known about a specified phenomenon. We advocate IPA as a useful and accessible approach to qualitative research that can be used in the clinical setting to inform physiotherapy practice and the development of services from the perspective of individuals with particular health conditions.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund
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