37,569 research outputs found

    Computer program to determine pressure distributions and forces on blunt bodies of revolution

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    Program was written to include integration of surface pressure in order to obtain axial-force, normal-force, and pitching-moment coefficients. Program was written in CDC FORTRAN for the CDC-6600 computer system

    Remote sensing program activity report

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    Major accomplishments in an effort to encourage investigation and technology transfer for practical applications of remote sensing to solve Earth resources problems in Vermont include: (1) acquisition, installation, and operation of the ORSER digital processing system on the University's IBM 3031 computer; (2) acquisition and operation of printing and CRT computer terminals for remote access to computer facilities for analysis of remotely sensed digital tape; (3) acquisition and operation of optical interpretation and image transfer devices for use with all types of aerial photography; (4) development of audio visual and other training materials for use in presentations, workshops, and short courses to enhance technology transfer; and (5) cooperation government agencies in demonstration projects to show the feasibility of using remote sensing technology

    Atmospheric particulate measurements in Norfolk, Virginia

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    Characterization of atmospheric particulates was conducted at a site near the center of Norfolk, Virginia. Air quality was measured in terms of atmospheric mass loading, particle size distribution, and particulate elemental composition for a period of 2 weeks. The objectives of this study were (1) to establish a mean level of air quality and deviations about this mean, (2) to ascertain diurnal changes or special events in air quality, and (3) to evaluate instrumentation and sampling schedules. Simultaneous measurements were made with the following instruments: a quartz crystal microbalance particulate monitor, a light-scattering multirange particle counter, a high-volume air sampler, and polycarbonate membrane filters. To assess the impact of meteorological conditions on air quality variations, continuous data on temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction were recorded. Particulate elemental composition was obtained from neutron activation and scanning electron microscopy analyses of polycarbonate membrane filter samples. The measured average mass loading agrees reasonably well with the mass loadings determined by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board. There are consistent diurnal increases in atmospheric mass loading in the early morning and a sample time resolution of 1/2 hour seems necessary to detect most of the significant events

    Meteorological interpretation of Nimbus High Resolution Infrared /HRIR/ data

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    Nimbus satellite high resolution infrared photographic data analysi

    Solar activity during Skylab: Its distribution and relation to coronal holes

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    Solar active regions observed during the period of Skylab observations (May 1973-February 1974) were examined for properties that varied systematically with location on the sun, particularly with respect to the location of coronal holes. Approximately 90 percent of the optical and X-ray flare activity occurred in one solar hemisphere (136-315 heliographic degrees longitude). Active regions within 20 heliographic degrees of coronal holes were below average in lifetimes, flare production, and magnetic complexity. Histograms of solar flares as a function of solar longitude were aligned with H alpha synoptic charts on which active region serial numbers and coronal hole boundaries were added

    Microprogram scheme for automatic recovery from computer error

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    Microprogram scheme enables computer to recover from failure in one of its two central processing units during time duration of instruction in which failure occurs. Microprogram advantages include - /1/ built-in interpretive capability, /2/ selection of processing interrupts by priority, and /3/ economical use of bootstrap sequence

    Visual Modelling of Alfalfa Growth and Persistence Under Grazing

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    A ‘virtual’ alfalfa plant model was developed at the University of Manitoba in Canada as part of a comprehensive grazing research project. This model shows an alfalfa plant ‘growing’ on a computer screen and the plant’s response to grazing (similar to time-lapse photography). The original model was constructed by Singh (2005) to show the research potential of visually modelling alfalfa plant growth. The ability to visually ‘grow’ a plant on a computer screen also offers tremendous opportunities for teaching and extension. Detailed morphological measurements were used in the construction of Singh’s model, based on single plants subjected to the following management strategies: 1) no grazing; 2) rotational grazing; and 3) continuous grazing. The modelled growth of these three plants is accurate and can be modified, but has not been rigorously verified in comparison to other alfalfa plants. Singh’s model can be downloaded as a video clip at http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~lars/models/. The objective of this project was to modify the current single plant alfalfa model to simulate an alfalfa sward under various grazing management scenarios

    Apollo experience report: Food systems

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    Development, delivery, and use of food systems in support of the Apollo 7 to 14 missions are discussed. Changes in design criteria for this unique program as mission requirements varied are traced from the baseline system that was established before the completion of the Gemini Program. Problems and progress in subsystem management, material selection, food packaging, development of new food items, menu design, and food-consumption methods under zero-gravity conditions are described. The effectiveness of various approaches in meeting food system objectives of providing flight crews with safe, nutritious, easy to prepare, and highly acceptable foods is considered. Nutritional quality and adequacy in maintaining crew health are discussed in relation to the establishment of nutritional criteria for future missions. Technological advances that have resulted from the design of separate food systems for the command module, the lunar module, The Mobile Quarantine Facility, and the Lunar Receiving Laboratory are presented for application to future manned spacecraft and to unique populations in earthbound situations
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