8,380 research outputs found

    Jackknife Estimator of Species Richness with S-PLUS

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    An estimate of the number of species, S , usually called species richness by ecologists, in an area is one of the basic statistics used to ascertain biological diversity. Traditionally ecologists have used the number of species observed in a sample, S_0 , to estimate S , realizing that S_0 is a lower bound for S . One alternative to S_0 is to use a nonparametric procedure such as jackknife resampling. For species richness, a closed form of the jackknife estimator is available. Typically statistical software contains only the traditional iterative form of the jackknife estimator. The purpose of this article is to propose an S-PLUS function for calculating the noniterative first order jackknife estimator of species richness and some associated plots and statistics.

    NGC 4314. III. Inflowing Molecular Gas Feeding a Nuclear Ring of Star Formation

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    NGC 4314 is an early-type barred galaxy containing a nuclear ring of recent star formation. We present CO(1-0) interferometer data of the bar and circumnuclear region with 2.3 x 2.2 arcsec spatial resolution and 13 km/s velocity resolution acquired at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory . These data reveal a clumpy circumnuclear ring of molecular gas. We also find a peak of CO inside the ring within 2 arcsec of the optical center that is not associated with massive star formation. We construct a rotation curve from these CO kinematic data and the mass model of Combes et al. (1992). Using this rotation curve, we have identified the location of orbital resonances in the galaxy. Assuming that the bar ends at corotation, the circumnuclear ring of star formation lies between two Inner Lindblad Resonances, while the nuclear stellar bar ends near the IILR. Deviations from circular motion are detected just beyond the CO and H-alpha ring, where the dust lanes along the leading edge of the bar intersect the nuclear ring. These non-circular motions along the minor axis correspond to radially inward streaming motions at speeds of 20 - 90 km/s and clearly show inflowing gas feeding an ILR ring. There are bright HII regions near the ends of this inflow region, perhaps indicating triggering of star formation by the inflow.Comment: 25 pages, uses aasms.sty. 7 Postscript figures, 12 JPEG figures. Figures may be retrieved from ftp://clyde.as.utexas.edu/pub/N4314COfigs.tar.g

    Space Biophysics: Accomplishments, Trends, Challenges

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    Physics and biology are inextricably linked. All the chemical and biological processes of life are dutifully bound to follow the rules and laws of physics. In space, these physical laws seem to turn on their head and biological systems, from microbes to humans, adapt and evolve in myriad ways to cope with the changed physical influences of the space environment. Gravity is the most prominent change in space that influences biology. In microgravity, the physical processes of sedimentation, density-driven convective flow, influence of surface tension and fluid pressure profoundly influence biology at the molecular and cellular level as well as at the whole-body level. Gravity sensing mechanisms are altered, structural and functional components of biology (such as bone and muscle) are reduced and changes in the way fluids and gasses behave also drive the way microbial systems and biofilms grow as well as the way plants and animals adapt. The radiation environment also effects life in space. Solar particle events and high energy cosmic radiation can cause serious damage to DNA and other biomolecules. The results can cause mutation, cellular damage or death, leading to health consequences of acute radiation damage or long-term health consequences such as increased cancer risk. Space Biophysics is the study and utilization of physical changes in space that cause changes in biological systems. The unique physical environment in space has been used successfully to grow high-quality protein crystals and 3D tissue cultures that could not be grown in the presence of unidirectional gravitational acceleration here on Earth. All biological processes that change in space have their root in a biophysical alteration due to microgravity and/or the radiation environment of space. In order to fully-understand the risks to human health in space and to fully-understand how humans, plants, animals and microbes can safely and effectively travel and eventually live for long periods beyond the protective environment of Earth, the biophysical properties underlying these changes must be studied, characterized and understood. This lecture reviews the current state of NASA biophysics research accomplishments and identifies future trends and challenges for biophysics research on the International Space Station and beyond

    They Read What They Need

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    An essay on the importance of allowing young people to read what they need to read aside from their assigned readings is presented. Topics include the four kinds of pleasure young people get out from the books they read outside of the school, findings from a case study conducted by the authors on a young girl who is an avid reader of romances, and a suggestion on allowing books that young people like to read into the curricula to help them become life-long readers

    Jackknife Estimator of Species Richness with S-PLUS

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    An estimate of the number of species, S , usually called species richness by ecologists, in an area is one of the basic statistics used to ascertain biological diversity. Traditionally ecologists have used the number of species observed in a sample, S0 , to estimate S , realizing that S0 is a lower bound for S . One alternative to S0 is to use a nonparametric procedure such as jackknife resampling. For species richness, a closed form of the jackknife estimator is available. Typically statistical software contains only the traditional iterative form of the jackknife estimator. The purpose of this article is to propose an S-PLUS function for calculating the noniterative first order jackknife estimator of species richness and some associated plots and statistics

    Analysis of Economic Depreciation for Multi-Family Property

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    This paper uses a hedonic pricing model and National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries data to estimate economic depreciation for multi-family real estate. The findings indicate that investment grade multi-family housing depreciates approximately 2.7% per year in real terms based on total property value. This implies a depreciation rate for just the building of about 3.25% per year. With 2% inflation, this suggests a nominal depreciation rate of about 5.25% per year. Converted into a straight-line depreciation rate that has the same present value, this suggests a depreciable life of 30.5 years - as compared to 27.5 years allowed under the current tax laws. Thus, these laws are slightly favorable to multi-family properties by providing a tax depreciation rate that exceeds economic depreciation, which is in part due to inflation that has been less than expected during the past decade.

    Ball Packings with Periodic Constraints

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    We call a periodic ball packing in d-dimensional Euclidean space periodically (resp. strictly) jammed with respect to a period lattice Ī› if there are no nontrivial motions of the balls that preserve Ī› (resp. that maintain some period with smaller or equal volume). In particular, we call a packing consistently periodically jammed (resp. consistently strictly jammed) if it is periodically (resp. strictly) jammed on every one of its periods. After extending a well-known bar framework and stress condition to strict jamming, we prove that a packing with period Ī› is consistently strictly jammed if and only if it is strictly jammed with respect to Ī› and consistently periodically jammed. We next extend a result about rigid unit mode spectra in crystallography to characterize periodic jamming on sublattices. After that, we prove that there are finitely many strictly jammed packings of m unit balls and other similar results. An interesting example shows that the size of the first sublattice on which a packing is first periodically unjammed is not bounded. Finally, we find an example of a consistently periodically jammed packing of low density Ī“=4Ļ€/6āˆš3+11+Īµā‰ˆ0.59, where Īµ is an arbitrarily small positive number. Throughout the paper, the statements for the closely related notions of periodic infinitesimal rigidity and affine infinitesimal rigidity for tensegrity frameworks are also given.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Cornell University. Research Experience for Undergraduates. Grant DMS-1156350
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