8 research outputs found

    Дворцовое землевладение в Казанском уезде во второй половине xvi - начале xvii века

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    The research is devoted to the analysis of the landownership system of palace in Kazan district in the second half of the 16th century. The author dwells upon the features of palace village such as the granary or the Orthodox church. The church was mandatory attribute for villages with the local population professing the Orthodox religion. The next passage covers the information on the legal status of the land of the palace in the legislation and the cadasters. Further we can learn the ways of forming land of the palace in the district. The composition of the lands of palace was not permanent. Firstly, the formation of the fund land of the palace administration occurred as a result of seizures of other forms of ownership with the change of their status. Secondly, the peasant land was transferred to the category of palace. Land of the palace administration was actively transferred into the possession of the temporal and monasteries landowners. The next part contains the data on documentation of land ownership in the cadasters. The author reconstructs the composition of palace settlements in the 1560s and reviews the domains at the end of the 16th - early 17th century. In the end, overview of this type of land tenure shows an important role in the integration of multinational region in Moscow State and the economic development of the region. (author's abstract

    Сопоставление фМРТ-реакций мозга здоровых людей при активных, пассивных и воображаемых движениях рукой

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    Objective: identify the structural features of the brain provision during motor loads of different complexity in healthy subjects. Material and methods. Comparison of fMRI cerebral reactions (individual and group) while active, passive and imagined right or left hand movement were analyzed in 20 right-handed healthy subjects by using paired t-test. Results. During active movements to clenching-unclenching the fingers motor fMRI responses were the more local and reproducible in comparison the bust fingers ones. This fact allows us to recommend this motor task as the most adequate at study of patients with cerebral disorders. The lower intensity of cortical responses and the more activation of subcortical structures was observed during left hand movement in comparison right hand one. During passive movements was observed the low volume of cerebral activation especially in cerebellum and primary motor cortex in comparison active ones. The main cortex fMRI response topography was similar while both active and passive tasks that allowed to use passive paradigm for patients with motor disorders and disturbance of consciousness. During imagined hand movements changes dramatically interplay of activated cerebral structures in comparison real movements: fMRI responses in the sensory-motor area and cerebellum were attenuated while activation of frontal zones and structures of ipsilateral hemisphere was increased. Conclusion. Comparative analysis of fMRI responses during active, passive and imagined hand movements showed that structural specificity of cerebral activity were determined by complexity of motor paradigms and by different including of motor and cognitive programs in their realization.Цель исследования: выявление особенностей структурного обеспечения работы мозга здоровых людей при двигательных нагрузках разной сложности. Материал и методы. У 20 здоровых праворуких людей проведена сравнительная оценка индивидуальных и групповых фМРТ-ответов (3Т) при активном, пассивном и воображаемом движении правой или левой рукой с использованием парного t-теста. Результаты. Выявлена большая локальность и воспроизводимость фМРТ-ответов при сжимании пальцев в кулак по сравнению с перебором пальцев, что позволяет рассматривать эту двигательную нагрузку как наиболее адекватную при исследовании больных с церебральной патологией. При работе левой рукой отмечается меньшая по сравнению с правой рукой интенсивность корковых ответов и большая активация подкорковых структур. При пассивной двигательной нагрузке по сравнению с активно выполняемым движением отмечается снижение объема активации мозга, наиболее резко выраженное в мозжечке и первичной моторной коре. Значительное сходство топографии основного коркового фМРТ-ответа при этих двигательных пробах позволяет рекомендовать использование пассивной двигательной парадигмы у больных с двигательными расстройствами и нарушением сознания. При воображаемых движениях по сравнению с реальными резко меняется соотношение активируемых структур мозга: отмечается ослабление фМРТ-ответов, наиболее резко выраженное в мозжечке и сенсомоторной области, при нарастании активации лобных отделов и структур ипсилатерального полушария. Выводы. Сравнительный анализ фМРТ ответов при выполнении разных двигательных задач позволил установить, что структурные особенности их обеспечения определяются степенью сложности исследуемых двигательных парадигм и разным включением моторных и когнитивных программ в их реализацию


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    This article explores modern methods of reclamation of lands disturbed processes of mining, based on monitoring disturbed lands using unmanned aircraft and dusty surfaces coated biologically active adhesive, biological foam. In the article new highly efficint methods of remote monitoring of environment components are considered on based of unmanned aircrafts. For monitoring, it is suggested to draw complexes based of small unmanned aircraft vehicle, equipped with special equipment (a digital camera, a thermal imaging camera, dust meter). Land reclamation on the biological stage is encouraged by using new bio-adhesives, developed on the basis of polysaccharides and various microorganisms. This composition helps reduce the consumption of fertilizers, pesticides and other components, pioneer in growing crops on dusty surfaces in the disturbed lands. As a result of such an event, dust discharge from the surface technogenic structures is reduced up to 10 times


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    This article explores modern methods of reclamation of lands disturbed processes of mining, based on monitoring disturbed lands using unmanned aircraft and dusty surfaces coated biologically active adhesive, biological foam. In the article new highly efficint methods of remote monitoring of environment components are considered on based of unmanned aircrafts. For monitoring, it is suggested to draw complexes based of small unmanned aircraft vehicle, equipped with special equipment (a digital camera, a thermal imaging camera, dust meter). Land reclamation on the biological stage is encouraged by using new bio-adhesives, developed on the basis of polysaccharides and various microorganisms. This composition helps reduce the consumption of fertilizers, pesticides and other components, pioneer in growing crops on dusty surfaces in the disturbed lands. As a result of such an event, dust discharge from the surface technogenic structures is reduced up to 10 times