49 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the intensity and previousness of the caries of teeth in two-year children in the city of Kirov.

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of the indicators of the intensity and prevalence of dental caries according to dental examinations of twoyear-old children in two districts of Kirov: Novovyatsky and Pervomaisky.В статье приведен сравнительный анализ показателей интенсивности и распространенности кариеса зубов по данным стоматологических осмотров двухлетних детей по двум районам г. Кирова: Нововятский и Первомайский

    Results of screening for antibodies to varicella-zoster virus in healthcare workers of a multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow

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    Introduction. Given the unfavorable epidemic situation with chickenpox and shingles in Russia, there is a high risk of virus introduction and spread in healthcare settings, including among medical staff who are not immune to varicella zoster virus (VZV). The objective of this study is to assess the immunity of employees of a multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow to VZV. Materials and methods. A selective screening study was carried out. Venous blood serum samples were taken from 1546 hospital employees as material for detection of IgG antibodies to VZV antigens using a commercial solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) test system "Vecto VZV-IgG". All employees were questioned to obtain information about their infectious and vaccine history in relation to VZV. Results and discussion. Screening for antibodies to VZV in the hospital workers revealed that 6.3% of those workers are not immune to VZV. The proportion of seronegative individuals was the highest (12.6 ± 2.4%) in the age group of 29 years and younger. VZV seronegative healthcare workers were found in various departments, but the presence of non-immune individuals among the staff of the obstetrics and gynecology departments (6.5%) is of epidemiologic concern. The results of the survey showed that documented data on infection and vaccination history cannot be used to assess the protection of healthcare workers against VZV infection. Conclusion. The results of serologic screening for antibodies to VZV made it possible to identify a significant number of susceptible employees of the multidisciplinary hospital. In order to prevent the formation of multiple epidemic foci of varicella in medical organizations, it is advisable to include anti-VZV testing of medical staff in the state prevention programs with subsequent vaccination of non-immune individuals

    Особенности эпидемиологического анамнеза пациентов с иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом в г. Москве

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    In the treatment of Lyme borreliosis (LB), early diagnosis is a key component. The epidemiological history of the patient plays one of the leading roles in suspected borreliosis and at the same time is an important criterion for clinical diagnosis.Purpose. Analysis of epidemiological history data in outpatient cases of LB in Moscow.Material and methods. We conducted a retrospective, non-randomized, single-center cohort study, based on the analysis of data from 660 outpatient records of patients, referred by local physician with tick bite or suspicion of LB, and consulted by an infectious disease specialist on the basis of the Infectious clinical hospital No.1 in Moscow. For further analysis, patients were divided by age and the presence or absence of LB. Confirmation of LB was based on clinical and/or laboratory criteria using methods of enzyme immunoassay and immune blot.Results. We have updated the epidemiological features of the LB for Moscow, such as: the relative number of cases in the administrative districts of Moscow, places and seasonality of tick bites. Among children, compared with adults, cases of a tick bite without the development of LB was predominant, which must be taken into account in order to avoid overdiagnosis of LB. In patients with LB, an indication of the fact of tick bite in the anamnesis was much less common than going to its habitats.Conclusion. Our data clarify the epidemiological features of LB for residents of Moscow. In the absence of a history of indications of tick bite, an informative sign for clinical diagnosis is a visit to its habitats, including not only trips to wooded areas, but also to suburban areas and parks.Ключевым компонентом успешного лечения иксодового клещевого боррелиоза (ИКБ) является его ранняя диагностика, важным критерием которой служат данные эпидемиологического анамнеза.Цель работы — анализ данных эпидемиологического анамнеза у пациентов с ИКБ в амбулаторно-поликлинических условиях в г. Москве.Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное, нерандомизированное, одноцентровое когортное исследование, основанное на анализе данных 660 амбулаторных карт пациентов, консультированных врачом-инфекционистом на базе ГБУЗ «ИКБ №1 ДЗМ» по направлению участкового врача в связи с присасыванием клеща и/или подозрением на ИКБ. Для анализа эпидемиологического анамнеза пациенты были разделены по возрасту и наличию или отсутствию ИКБ. Подтверждение диагноза ИКБ осуществлялось по клиническим и/или лабораторным критериям с использованием методов иммуноферментного анализа и иммунного блота. Результаты. Нами актуализированы эпидемиологические особенности ИКБ для г. Москвы, такие как количество заболевших в административных округах г. Москвы, география и сезонность нападения клещей. Проведено сравнение данных эпиданамнеза в возрастных группах. Среди детей, по сравнению со взрослыми, преобладают обращения по поводу присасывания клеща без развития ИКБ, значимо чаще встречаются присасывания клещей на коже головы. В анамнезе у пациентов с ИКБ значительно чаще было указание на посещение ареалов обитания клеща, чем указание на факт присасывания клеща.Заключение. Полученные нами данные уточняют эпидемиологические особенности иксодового клещевого боррелиоза для жителей г. Москвы. В клинической диагностике при отсутствии в анамнезе указания на присасывание клеща информативным признаком является посещение ареалов его обитания, включая не только выезды в лесистую местность, но и на загородные участки, в парковые зоны. Учитывая особенности локализации присасывания клещей, при поиске мигрирующей эритемы у детей следует обязательно осматривать волосистую часть головы

    Определение антител к B. Burgdorferi методом иммуноферментного анализа у пациентов с иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом

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    The detection of antibodies to borrelia by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) significantly depends on the time from the onset of the disease.Purpose: analysis of the results of antibodies determination to borrelia by ELISA in children and adults with Lyme borreliosis (LB) at various periods from the onset of the disease.Material and methods. We conducted a retrospective, non-randomized, single-center cohort study, based on the analysis of data from 178 outpatient records of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of LB and the presence of antibody detection results by ELISA. Immunological confirmation of the diagnosis of LB was carried out by using ELISA and western blot test systems registered in the territory of the Russian Federation for the separate determination of immunoglobulins to Borrelia burgdorferi antigens of classes M and G. Results. When counting from the date of the onset of the disease, IgM and/or IgG were determined in 76% of patients at 4-6 weeks, and starting from the 7th week – in 95%. When counting from the date of tick bite, IgG with or without IgM was determined in 83% of patients starting from 7th week. At the same time, a significantly large proportion of seronegative patients among children was revealed. We have clarified the duration of antibody persistence after antibacterial therapy. In the interval from 1 to 6 months, antibodies are detected in 73% of patients. For a period of 6 months or more, antibodies can be detected in 42% of patients.Conclusion. The optimal time for detecting antibodies from the disease onset is 4-6 weeks. Antibodies after antibiotic therapy can persist for a long time, in a third of patients up to 6 months or more.Обнаружение антител к боррелиям методом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА) значительно зависит от сроков дебюта заболевания.Цель: изучение результатов определения антител к боррелиям методом ИФА у детей и взрослых с иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом (ИКБ) на различных сроках от дебюта заболевания.Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное, нерандомизированное, одноцентровое когортное исследование, основанное на анализе данных 178 амбулаторных карт пациентов с подтвержденным диагнозом ИКБ и наличием результатов определения антител методом ИФА. Иммунологическое подтверждение диагноза ИКБ проводилось с использованием зарегистрированных на территории РФ тест-систем для раздельного определения иммуноглобулинов к антигенам Borrelia burgdorferi классов M и G методами ИФА, иммунного блота.Результаты. При отсчете от даты начала заболевания, IgM и/или IgG определялись у 76% на 4-6 неделях, а начиная с 7-й недели – у 95% пациентов. При отсчете от даты присасывания клеща IgG с/без IgM определялись у 83% пациентов начиная с 7-й недели. При этом, выявлена значимо большая доля серонегативных пациентов среди детей. Уточнены сроки персистенции антител после проведения антибактериальной терапии. В интервале от 1 до 6 месяцев антитела определялись у 73% пациентов. На сроке 6 и более месяцев от окончания терапии антитела выявлялись у 42% пациентов.Заключение. Оптимальный срок для выявления антител от появления клинических симптомов – 4-6 недель. Антитела после проведенной антибиотикотерапии могут персистировать длительно, у трети пациентов до 6 и более месяцев

    Применение селективной гемосорбции и гемодиафильтрации у пациента с рабдомиолизом токсического генеза, осложненным острым почечным повреждением

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    Rhabdomyolysis (RM) is a clinical and laboratory syndrome accompanied by systemic endotoxicosis, a consequence of myocyte destruction and is manifested by acute kidney injury (AKI). The use of extracorporeal detoxification in the early stages of AKI is currently not recognized due to the lack of proven effectiveness.The objective: to demonstrate the effectiveness of selective hemoperfusion (HP) and hemodiafiltration (HDF) in a patient with toxic RM complicated by AKI.Subjects and methods. The article presents a clinical observation of an 18-year-old patient after the use of 4-methylmethcathinone (mephedrone) with development of AKI. Clinical, laboratory, diagnostic, toxicological and instrumental methods of examination were used. HP and HDF were used together with standard intensive therapy.Results. Combined use of HP and HDF was accompanied by regression of markers of endotoxicosis and AKI. A decrease in myoglobin level was noted by 50.3%, 80.3% and 94.1%, respectively, after the 1st and 2nd procedures and by the 5th day. CPK (creatine phosphokinase) decreased by 47.7%, 81.5% and 97.8%, respectively. Cystatin-C went down by 19.3%, 39.9% and 69.9%, respectively.Conclusions. Earlier and justified use of HP and HDF was accompanied by a rapid improvement of clinical and laboratory parameters, which is reflected in the duration of ICU stay, hospital stay and the outcome of the disease in general.Рабдомиолиз (РМ) – клинико-лабораторный синдром, сопровождающийся системным эндотоксикозом вследствие деструкции миоцитов и проявляющийся острым почечным повреждением (ОПП). Применение экстракорпоральной детоксикации на ранних этапах ОПП в настоящее время не получило признания вследствие отсутствия доказанной эффективности.Цель исследования: демонстрация эффективности применения селективной гемосорбции (СГ) и гемодиафильтрации (ГДФ) у пациента с токсическим РМ, осложненным ОПП.Материалы и методы: клиническое наблюдение пациента 18 лет после употребления 4-метилметкатинона (мефедрон) с развитием ОПП. Использовали клинико-лабораторные, диагностические, токсикологические и инструментальные методы обследования. Совместно со стандартной интенсивной терапией применяли СГ и ГДФ.Результаты. Комбинированное применение СГ и ГДФ сопровождалось регрессией маркеров эндотоксикоза и ОПП. Снижение уровня миоглобина отмечено на 50,3, 80,3 и 94,1% соответственно после 1-й, 2-й процедуры и к 5-м сут; креатинфосфокиназы ‒ на 47,7, 81,5 и 97,8% соответственно; цистатина-С ‒ на 19,3, 39,9 и 69,9% соответственно.Выводы: раннее и обоснованное применение СГ и ГДФ сопровождалось быстрым улучшением клинико-лабораторной картины, что отразилось в сроках пребывания в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии, стационаре и исходе заболевания в целом

    Случай клещевой пятнистой лихорадки у ребенка, прибывшего из Крыма

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    A case of Tick-borne spotted fever in a child after a visit to an endemic region, the Republic of Crimea, is described. The disease caused difficulty in terms of clinical diagnosis, which led to the delayed prescription of specific therapy with doxycycline. The diagnosis of Тick-borne spotted fever was made on the basis of detecting R. conorii DNA in a washout with primary affect. In the course of the disease, IgM class antibodies were detected during serological analysis of paired serum.Приводится описание случая клещевой пятнистой лихорадки у ребенка после посещения эндемичного региона — республики Крым. Заболевание вызвало затруднение в плане клинической диагностики, что привело к отсроченному назначению специфической терапии доксициклином. Диагноз клещевой пятнистой лихорадки был поставлен на основании выявления ДНК R. conorii в смыве с первичного аффекта. В динамике заболевания были выявлены антитела класса IgM при серологическом исследовании парных сывороток крови

    Peculiarities of the influenza viruses circulation and their properties during 2018-2019 epidemic season in Russia and countries of the Northern Hemisphere

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    Objective. To identify the drift variability of influenza viruses during the period of epidemic rise in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections in the period 2018-2019. The biological and molecular-genetic properties of epidemic strains isolated in certain territories of the Russian Federation were studied and compared with data from the countries of the Northern Hemisphere. Materials and methods. A range of laboratory diagnostic methods has been applied, including immune fluorescence, RT-PCR, sequencing, methods for determining sensitivity to influenza drugs and receptor specificity. Results and discussion. The proportion of influenza viruses was as follows: A (H1N1) pdm09 - 53 %, A (H3N2) - 46 %, B - about 1 %. Cases of severe acute respiratory infections have most often been associated with influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 virus. According to antigenic properties, isolated strains corresponded to the properties of vaccine viruses (A/Michigan/45/2015 - by 99.6 % and A/Singapore INFIMH-16-0019/2016 - by 86 %). The heterogeneity of influenza A virus strains population was revealed as regards individual mutations in hemaglutinin. The influenza B virus population was equally represented by both evolutionary lines (B/Victoria and B/Yamagata-like). Receptor specificity was favorable for the course and outcome of the disease. Among 70 studied epidemic strains, no strains resistant to anti-neuraminidase drugs, oseltamivir and zanamivir, were detected. The article presents WHO recommendations on the composition of influenza vaccines for the countries of the Northern Hemisphere for 2019-2020, provides data on cases of human infection with avian influenza viruses A(H5N1), A(H5N6), A(H7N9) and A(H9N2)


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    Clinical guidelines have long been one of the working tools of the modern doctor, helping him quickly navigate the most effective proven methods of treatment and prevention of various diseases, and also to adapt these methods to the specific tasks of their patients and to achieve maximum personalization of treatment. Clinical  practice guidelines are drawn up by professional non-profit associations and are approved by the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, while often one recommendation is prepared by two or even three associations. The peculiarity of the recommendations offered to your attention is that not only endocrinologists, but also therapists, cardiologists, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, and experts of many other specialties are involved in the prevention and treatment of obesity. The Multidisciplinary Working Group presents this a project in a multidisciplinary journal to bring together the efforts of several professional associations that associated with the need to pay attention not only to obesity itself but also to comorbid conditions. We are looking forward to constructive criticism and a comprehensive discussion of the problem on the pages of our journal

    MicroRNA-96 Directly Inhibits γ-Globin Expression in Human Erythropoiesis

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    Fetal hemoglobin, HbF (α2γ2), is the main hemoglobin synthesized up to birth, but it subsequently declines and adult hemoglobin, HbA (α2β2), becomes predominant. Several studies have indicated that expression of the HbF subunit γ-globin might be regulated post-transcriptionally. This could be confered by ∼22-nucleotide long microRNAs that associate with argonaute proteins to specifically target γ-globin mRNAs and inhibit protein expression. Indeed, applying immunopurifications, we found that γ-globin mRNA was associated with argonaute 2 isolated from reticulocytes that contain low levels of HbF (<1%), whereas association was significantly lower in reticulocytes with high levels of HbF (90%). Comparing microRNA expression in reticulocytes from cord blood and adult blood, we identified several miRNAs that were preferentially expressed in adults, among them miRNA-96. The overexpression of microRNA-96 in human ex vivo erythropoiesis decreased γ-globin expression by 50%, whereas the knock-down of endogenous microRNA-96 increased γ-globin expression by 20%. Moreover, luciferase reporter assays showed that microRNA-96 negatively regulates expression of γ-globin in HEK293 cells, which depends on a seedless but highly complementary target site located within the coding sequence of γ-globin. Based on these results we conclude that microRNA-96 directly suppresses γ-globin expression and thus contributes to HbF regulation

    Natural hydroxyanthraquinoid pigments as potent food grade colorants: an overview

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